
作者&投稿:仲孙皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

vlf-65cmf 高能模型是设计用于测试长电缆额定电压35KV以上的,它提供完整的一个控制包包括闲时模式,用于减少错误弧度过高电压以使得传统月形结构的得以使用,电缆盘提供100’(30m)的高压以及地下电缆。

是冰岛语哦,欧米茄3 号鱼油。 这罐是冰岛产的。说明上说的是包含什么营养物质。 维他命A, 维他命D 什么的, 用法一日一次 什么的。 其实去国内药店找一罐欧米茄3号鱼油, 用法含量什么的都差不多。 估计纯度会有不同

Place the "floating tank section" on the floor and lay out the bolts and tool provided to you in the Handle bar and Bag.

Fit the "Rear Cross Tube" into the provided clams on the link arms ehind the tank, Place the correct bolts into the caps (check the lengths are right) then tighten up the
clamps to ensure the cross bar is secure


ehind 这个词我不会,我认为应该是BEHIND. provided 是“所提供的” clams 当贝壳讲,我认为就是贝壳状的夹子一类的东西,说明书上有图吧。

第一步把"节浮箱"floating tank section"放在了地上,用包里提供给你的螺栓工具来处理


将"floating tank section"(浮筒部分)放置最下方,拿出把手和袋子里提供的固紧器?和工具。

正确连接浮筒后面的"Rear Cross Tube"(背后交叉管,不知道是甚么样子)于所提供的连接臂。放置正确的固紧器?在cap(不知道是个甚么盖子,看你的产品了)里(确保正确的尺寸),然后用夹子拧紧,确保交叉管的稳定。


一起跳下 这个Fit the "Rear Cross Tube" into the provided clams on the link arms ehind the tank, 中的provided clams是怎么翻译的啊



2那架飞机的速度比声速还要快两倍。3在含有5%的二氧化碳的情况下,一氧化碳的毒性比纯一氧化碳气体的毒性高出一倍。4 线段AB和线段CD一样长 5 铜被开采后,剩余的数量只有全部铜的一半那么多。6 速度增长了八倍 7 该圆柱体缩短了6.2倍(该圆柱体缩短到了以前的6.2倍)希望我的回答能帮到你,...

1.我昨天和同学一起去爬山。1. Yesterday I go mountain climbing with my classmates.2.去年暑假我和父母一起去了美国。2. Last summer I together with their parents to the United States.3.你们一家人上周去了哪里呢?3. Where are you all last week?4.他昨天晚上不在家。4. He isn't...

1.我认为外国的教育环境比中国要好。I think that the foreign educational environment is better than it in China.2.因为爱尔兰环境好,教育也好,很多人都推荐我去。Because of the good environment and good education of Ireland,many people recommended me to go to Ireland to study.3.我打算...

英译汉翻译句子,在线等 拜托了!!

1. Reading a good book, we get the fun, friendship, experience and teachings.2.信用卡可能成为你的敌人,因为它引诱你购买并不需要的东西.2. Credit card may be your enemy, because it does not need to lure you to buy things.3.开放式学习既包括在家学习,也要求有时去开放式学习中心...

Don't afflict yourself.He dose not deserve your love.He is not allowed to destory your goodliness. You got me,please.没用机器翻

Is it taken at your home? Where do you live? I'm also sending you two photos, one taken at home and the other taken in front of my home. I hope you'll like it. I'm happy to chat with you. I think you are an honest man and I look forward to knowing more about ...

1、 这里有“bibrery 盒子”,淋浴器……他们在这些事情上是有用的,难道不是吗?2、 小公鸡穿上它美丽的衣服沿着河散步。(上面的pit应该是pit,是不是打错了?)

1. We are more then willing to help people who have difficulty.2. As long as you work hard will be successful 3. The first time I met my good friend, that day I had a bad mood.4. My parents think that, reporter is a dangerous job.5. Mr. King always encouraged me ...

开化县19582218091: 翻译5个比较简单的句子,在线等!谢谢1.每个人都要从错误中学以以避免犯相同的错误(learn from)2.这所大学在这领域属于世界上领先大学之一(... -
示雄烧伤:[答案] 1.Everyone learned from your mistakes in order to avoid the same mistakes 2.The university in this field is one of the world's leading universities 3. His success left many of us can think of things 4. Your current high school used to it? 5.I am not a ...

开化县19582218091: 帮我翻译几句英文句子.在线等,谢谢1.We now live in____________the information Age.我们现在生活在所谓的信息时代2.Wherever he is,he_____________... -
示雄烧伤:[答案] the time what is called(so -called) always takes it as regulation five times high than three times more than

开化县19582218091: 请帮忙翻译一句话为英文,在线等,谢谢! -
示雄烧伤: 因为部分产品在运输途中损坏,但是我已经安排工厂重新多制作两套了,预计我在25日能收到,将及时寄给您. Because some products were damaged while transfering, I already arranged to have the factory make 2 more packs/sets. I should get them on the 25th. Then I will send to you soon as I can.*外教指点 已审核*有些词义是一样的 比如pack或set 用于货物都可以 那个损坏是我看错了 以为全坏了呢 部分破损用damaged

开化县19582218091: 谢谢!在线等,帮忙翻译英语句子 -
示雄烧伤: 1 I'm very happy to host the students 2 i have a spacious house and a private car 3 i'm good at English and communicating,which do help to promote my english 4 i received some students last year

开化县19582218091: 句子翻译,(中~英)在线等, -
示雄烧伤: 1.我昨天和同学一起去爬山.1. Yesterday I go mountain climbing with my classmates.2.去年暑假我和父母一起去了美国.2. Last summer I together with their parents to the United States.3.你们一家人上周去了哪里呢?3. Where are you all last ...

开化县19582218091: 汉译英翻译一个句子在线等答案
示雄烧伤: I was having a will lose gamble, the loss of my life sentiment still

开化县19582218091: 英语句子翻译 赶快啊~在线等.请赶快,谢谢 -
示雄烧伤: 1 I think it's a happy movie,while Zhangling consider it a sad one2 Luyuan feels comfortable with the scene3 The music in the movie makes Linbai emotional4 But Wangfei considers it bad

开化县19582218091: 翻译一句话,在线等,谢谢 -
示雄烧伤: Is it the best state of the life now ? How about rich your spirit life in normal times ? 翻译的有点差,你自己再修改修改吧!!

开化县19582218091: 英语句子翻译~ 在线等~~ 谢谢~~~ -
示雄烧伤: The study period character and scholarship is prominent, enters the student association to study department the work.Has become friends with more friends, expanded the human relations domain, increased me to the life understanding.Even more ...

开化县19582218091: 用英语翻译句子,谢谢1.经常熬夜对眼睛有害2.说实在的(To be honest),这个苹果尝起来比那个更甜3.这个工作对他们来说很合适4.无论你做什么,都要把... -
示雄烧伤:[答案] 1.Stay up late quite often is bad for eyes. 2.To be honest,this apple tastes better than that one. 3.This job fits them very well. 4.No matter what kind of job you do,you need to do it very well. 5.These pictures were taken ten years ago.

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