
作者&投稿:巨春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Tom is very speedy of get up, finish eating a breakfast post - to stand to by the roadside wait for traveling the connecting of car to send.Led a short while, the tour car came, Tom and the classmates together happy that the earth traveled.
Mary is reading in the library, side have two kids in the clamoring of horselaugh, hence Mary makes them don't want noise and lets them pipes down to read.
Other classmates at write operative of time, Tom after running to last leg-pull in the platform, being as a result seen by the teacher, scolding Tom, Tom doesn't dare pull a prank, but quiet writing industry.
The Tom school holds a volleyball game today.After game begins, the Tom very aggressive earth bounces ball and carelessly hits a prinipal as a result, hence the game stopped.

1. We are more then willing to help people who have
2. As long as you work hard will be successful
3. The first time I met my good friend, that day I had a bad
4. My parents think that, reporter is a dangerous job.
5. Mr. King always encouraged me to make me feel like I can
do anything

我们更愿意帮助有困难的人(We are more willing to help the people in trouble)
只要你努力 就一定会成功(As long as you work hard will be successful)

第一次碰到我好朋友的那天 我心情很糟(The first time you meet my good friend of that day of, I be in a bad mood)
我父母认为当记者是一项危险的工作(My parents think that when the reporter is a dangerous job)
金先生总鼓励我 让我觉得我能做任何事(Mr Kim always encouraged me to make me feel like I can do anything)

——你喜欢那个宾馆吗? あのホテルは——あなたが好きですか?——谢谢,那非常舒适。ありがとう、とても快适。——你们是初次到中国来吗?君たちへは初めて中国に来ますか?——是的――——苏州是一座古老的城市,有很多名胜古迹。在你们逗留期间我们将安排游览,蘇州は1基の古い都市で、...


英文儿歌翻译,语法通顺不要翻译器,很着急在线等。 - 百度宝宝知道
Animal is Neck 动物的脖子 A giraffe has a very long neck,长颈鹿有很长的脖子 With spits all up and down.上面全是斑点 My doggy has a furry neck,我的小狗有很有趣的脖子 With a collar that goes all around.上面有个颈圈 A fish has a very smooth neck,与有很光滑的脖子 With sca...

跪求成语翻译急急急急!只要后面简单的意思 但是要和字典上的一样,在线...
七手八脚 形容人多手杂,动作纷乱。无稽之谈 没有根据的说法。卓尔不群 指才德超出寻常,与众不同。洋洋大观 形容美好的事物众多丰盛。应有尽有 该有的全都有。形容很齐全。流光溢彩 光像在流动,色彩像要溢出来,一般用在形容车灯、霓虹等,有时也用来形容时装表演和珠宝。分庭抗礼 ...

An astronaut can float on the surface of the moon without being affected by the gravity.3,吃了一些药,他的头痛开始减轻。(lessen)After taking some medicine, his headache began to lessen.4,他正在很费力地拽一大团电线。(pull,mass)He is pulling a mass of electric wire with ...


韩语翻译,在线等 急
第一个回答 望采纳!앉으세요. 请坐。감사합니다.谢谢。누구세요? 你是谁?저예요. 是我。어서 오세요. 快请进。欢迎光临。...



文言文翻译书侯振东 在线等 急!

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 英语翻译,在线急等 -
苏梁芪归: Then you won't be able to enjoy the fun of work.

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 英文翻译!!!!!在线等!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
苏梁芪归: 1.我的开心一天 今天是周五.我早上六点半就起了床.然后我收拾了床铺,洗脸,刷牙.在六点四十时,我的爸爸准备了早餐.我六点四十五吃了早饭.早饭有粥和面条.七点整,我坐着爸爸的摩托车去上学.上午有四节课,下午两节课.中午十二点时,我已经很饿了.我在学校吃了午饭.我再下午六点回家.放学后,我写了作业.我和父母在七点一起吃了晚饭.父母在八点看电视/之后我洗脸刷牙.我在十点二十上床睡觉.我认为明天也会是高兴的一天!2.今天是国庆节.这也是高兴的一天.因为我们有长长的假期,作业也很少.我的爸爸妈妈今天带我去了动物园.我们看到了很多动物.我们还拍了许多照片.我们都度过了快乐的一天.

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 急求英语翻译~~~在线等!!! -
苏梁芪归: 1. We completed the task in spite of all the difficulties.2. The soldiers are struggling through the snow.3. We expect him to carry out his promise.4. At that time, proverty re...

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 英语翻译 在线等 急!! -
苏梁芪归: From an early age a keen sense of figures, there is great curiosity, very good memory, because it is science students, so the logical thinking ability, to do things organized, careful, very cautious relative to other peers, and secondly, in the During ...

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苏梁芪归: 1.This river is 5000 kilometers long. How long is the river? 2.The...

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 在线急求英语翻译!!不要复制的,谢谢合作!! -
苏梁芪归: 1)I am really lack of taking exercises,cause I felt so tired after 1600 jogging.2)The green grass come to my eyesight,exercise,health,life,energy are beckon...

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 在线等英语翻译.急. -
苏梁芪归: Looks bad, the figure is not ideal. Never mind, solutions should pay attention to the inner beauty. Don't be others understand, friends less, solution strengthens the communication. Learning lags behind, the pressure dozen, pocket money not much

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 急!!!英语翻译 在线等!!! -
苏梁芪归: I can get along well with different types of people.I fully appreciate the importance of this opportunity of taking part in the Trade and Economic Fair as a volunteer.I really hope I can be one of the volunteers.I will try my best to do this job.I hope you can give me this chance.Thank you

自治区直辖县级行政单位18784273222: 求英语翻译 急 在线等 -
苏梁芪归: 1.XiaoMing said that he would take the camera,but what if he didn't come? 2 You'd better make an appointment in time 3He thinks to himself if he make enough money he will buy a car 4The carelessness of driver led to a serious accident 5Herry is a...

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