
作者&投稿:龚岚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

然后,她叫Nina和 Anna来帮忙,但是她们都以相同的原因拒绝了,最后还是格林夫人自己放的盐。

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

突然,一只猫出现在拐角处,在它们面前猫叫 。这婴儿小鼠非常害怕,他们不能动弹。但他的母亲鼠标很平静,并说:“我的孩子,不要害怕。在像狗一样狂吠后。猫迅速逃走。然后,母亲自豪地说,“看!现在你看到学习一门语言是多么重要!如果你能讲一门外语,你可以躲避哦们的天敌,想要吃掉我们的猫啦!至此以后,小老鼠学了很多的语言,躲避了各种敌害,成了鼠族活的最久的老鼠了,在它的“临走”前,它告知它的后代,要多学几门语言才能活的长久。 后来,鼠族里,其它的老鼠都活不长久,就只有那只学会多种语言的俄小老鼠的后代,每只都活的很长久。

Suddenly, a cat appears in the corner, a cat called before them. The baby mice are very scared, and they could not move. But his mother, the mouse was very calm and said: "My child, do not be afraid. Like a dog barking in the post. A cat to escape quickly. Then, his mother said proudly," Look! Now you can see how to learn a language is important! If you can speak a foreign language, you can hide Oh, their natural enemies, you want to eat our cat啦! Thereafter, mice learned a lot of language, to avoid a variety of predators, has become the longest-living rodent communities mice, and in its "left," before, which tell of its descendants, it is necessary to learn a few doors language in order to live a long time. Later, the mouse family, the other mice were not live long, the only languages of the Russian Institute of Nazhi mice offspring, each are all living very long.

不好意思 瞎编成这样


You can keep yourselves stay away from the danger and get more advantages in such a serious situation . You can also won more respectation before the animals who come from different races .
In a word, it is important for you to learn a foreign language .It must be very practiceful for your future and you can learn a lot of different cultures during your study.


you could open your mind, and borden you eyes!

Suddenly, a cat appeared around the corner, meowing at them. The baby mice were so frightened that they couldn’t move. But the mother mouse was very calm and said, “My dears, don’t be frightened. Watch this.”Then the mother barked at the cat like a dog. The cat ran away quickly. Then the mother said proudly, “Look! Now you see how important it is to learn a foreign languare! If you can speak a foreign language, you can…”


突然,一只猫出现在拐角处,冲他们喵喵叫。小老鼠惊慌失措,不能动弹。但是老鼠妈妈很镇静,说:"亲爱的孩子们,不要怕,看我的。" 于是鼠妈妈开始学狗叫。那只猫飞速逃跑了。老鼠妈妈骄傲的说:"看,你们现在明白学习一门外语的重要性了吧,如果你们能说一口流利的外语,你们就能吓跑猫咪,保护自己拉"

续写:you can scare away the cats and protect yourselves.

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襄垣县17874679301: 帮忙翻译下英文
元受斯美: 西曼 巴贝 弗德南 思格斯 坎贝尔 格瑞德 阿什.科尔 贝克汉姆 G.内维尔 欧文 海斯基 科恩 撒恩 p.内维尔 凯瑞 兰帕德 墨菲 舍林加 麦克马纳 安.科尔 福勒尔 马丁 嘿嘿,你要的好像是足球队员名单吧!我自己翻译的,希望帮到你啊!

襄垣县17874679301: 请帮忙翻译一下,. -
元受斯美: XXX: 截止目前为止,我司财务还没有收到贵司的付款,请帮忙安排一下.希望得到你的帮助,谢谢!不能直译,参考如下:Dear XXX I'm writing to ask for your help to arrange your company to pay us as soon as possible, because up to now our Finance Department hasn't received your payment yet. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,XX 全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了你,记得采纳哦-,0

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