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~ 【篇一】包法利夫人英文读后感

  After reading this novel, I feel sympathy for Emma. I would rather call her Emma than Madame Bovary because I think whenever a woman should appear as an independent person, not a wife belonging to any man, especially at that time in France, a relatively stable mediocre era.

  Emma had a basic instinct like all the people: unsatisfied with what she had and pursuing what she wanted. There is nothing wrong with her idea like this. Even in today’s society, it will be regarded as a positive attitude. If Emma could balance her dream and family, maybe she could be a successful woman, for example, a romanticist.

  However, she couldn’t. In fact she was wrong in her childhood: at the age of thirteen, she was wrongly sent to receive aristocratic education, which was not suitable for her as a farmer’s daughter. The wrong education left erosion in her heart. From then on, her life drifted?away from?the?actual world. Her dream was too far away from her real life.

  The impractical dream formed her wrong character and the wrong character decided her sad life. So she was bound to be a tragedy.

  It’s hard to say that Emma didn’t understand love. In my opinion, she was a person who held on to love, unluckily, in a wrong way. After Emma married Mr. Bovary, she had two affairs. It was condemned as immoral at that time and many people regard her as a dissolute woman. However,I notice that when Emma was driven into the corner, she asked Guillaumin, the notary, for help. Guillaumin promised her on condition that he could own her. However, Emma refused him confirmedly: I am to be pitied, not to be bought. She cherished the love with her lover and once she was in love, she would never look at any other man. From this aspect, I think she was not of loose moral. She fell in love with another man and each time she regarded it as true love. She devoted herself into it, willing to give up everything for the so-called love. I think there is nothing wrong with love itself. The?irony?is?that she showed her loyalty to her lover, not her husband, moreover, she was unlucky to have fake love. She was cheated. In fact, she also was a victim.

  Although I sympathize with Emma, it doesn’t mean that she didn’t do anything wrong. At least, as a wife, she was disloyal to her husband; as a mother, she was not responsible to her daughter. Even at last, she splurged on all her husband’s money. She destroyed her family with her own hands.

  As a matter of fact, everyone in today’s society is Emma.There is greed, lust and vanity in everyone’s heart. Emma, as a literary character, is famous around the world because she is typical for a group of people and she speaks out what others dare not say. It is hard to say she is good or bad, she just not belongs to the society she lived in.

  I always think that if everything could return to its origin, if at first Emma lived as a country girl, later marrying Mr. Bovary, would she be content to act as a housewife and live through life banally? Maybe. The only regret is that she went wrongly at first.


  Madame Bovary is the greatest novel written by Gustave Flaubert. The 1855

  masterpiece portrays in searing detail the tragic tale of a young girl whose dreams turned into nightmares; whose sandcastles are swept away by unfulfilled passion; whose young life is ended in a tragic death. Years before Tolstoy limned the adultress woman in his Anna Karenina we see the consequences which ensue when a middle class wife and mother breaks the seventh commandment.

  The novel takes place near Rouen in the north of France. There are actually three Madame Bovarys in the story. Madame Bovary Sr. who is the mother of Charles Bovary dominates her weak son. Madame Bovary I is an ugly but wealthy woman who dies allowing Charles to wed the lovely Emma

  Bovary who is the the famed woman of the book's title. Emma has grown up on a farm coddled by her widower father. She has immersed herself in romantic tales and spent time in a French convent. Emma dreams of castles in the air and a charming prince to take her to paradise. Today she would be a reader of Harlequin Romances. She is a virgin plum ripe for picking!

  Charles Bovary (bovine meaning cow-like; also think ovary for his scandolous wife Emma) is a dull, stupid and lethargic public health inspector. He is a good man but is a total dullard! Charles weds Emma after treating her father. At first all goes well as the couple set up house in a French provincial town where little exciting ever occurs. They have a daughter Berthe with whom Emma has little to do. She never grows up to becoming a mature woman.

  Emma carries on two affairs in the novel with the law student Leon and the wealthy but callous womanizing aristocrat Rodolphe. She is sucked into a cesspool of overwhelming debt being addicted to clothing, jewelry and furniture. Emma's lovers forsake her as her disillusionment with men and life itelf takes over life. Madame Bovary ends her life by committing suicide. The account of her horrific, painful and grotesque death from her fatal injection of arsenic rat poison will never be forgotten by the

  reader. Despite her many sins she deserves pity at such a sad end. Her husband dies a few years later and her daughter has to be farmed out to a relative.

  What makes this novel of adultery, satirical views of provincial life, mockery of the relgious hypocrisy in the French countryside and lacerating portraits of such types as the village atheist Homais so great? In my opinion the reasons this is such a landmark work must include:

  a. A picture of a woman seeking to break out of the nineteenth century bourgeoisie view of females as placid wives and mothers with no aspirations of their own. Throughout the novel there are images of birds seeking freedom from cages. Emma is a modern feminist in the nineteenth century society she finds impossible to escape. Emma is an iconoclastic rebel. 上一页 1 2 下一页


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