帮忙翻译一下 英译汉

作者&投稿:褚民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

世界将发生变化 变化的意义与方向尚不为人知 这个变化是跨时代的
主+谓语+状语,主语从句,which即change, 最后那个修饰主语中的change

A firm offer should be clear,complete and final in its wording."To be clear"means that the intention and terms in the offer should clearly be described without ambiguity."To be complete"means that the offer should list the main trading terms completely,including the name of the goods,quality and specifications,quantity,packing,price,delivery,and payment."To be final"signifies that the offeror intends,without reservation,to enter into a contract with the offeree if all the terms offered are accepted by the offeree.


People in different countries have different ways of doing things. 来自不同国家的人行为方式也不尽相同.Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another. 在一些国家看似礼貌的行为在另一些国家也许被视为极大的冒犯.In Britain, you mustn’t lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid food. 在英国,喝汤时端起汤碗是绝对不可以的.But it’s different in China. 但在中国情况就不太一样.And in Japan you even needn’t worry about making noises when you have it. 而在日本你甚至不用担心喝汤时弄出声音.It shows that you are enjoying it. 这恰恰表示了你对事物的喜爱.But it is regarded as bad manners in Britain.但这种行为在英国则被视为不体面. If you are a visitor in Mongolia, what manners do they wish you to have?如果你去蒙古旅游,当地人会喜欢你怎样的行为方式呢? They wish you to give a loud“burp”after you finish eating, Burping shows that you like the food. 他们会希望看到你在享用事物之后打一个大大的饱嗝,这显示了你对食物的喜爱.

In Britain, you should try not to put your hands on the table when you’re having a meal.在英国,你得记得吃饭时手不要放在桌子上. In Mexico, however, guests are expected to keep their hands on the table during a meal. 而在墨西哥,客人的手则应该在用餐期间停留在桌面上.But in Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands.在阿拉伯国家,你则要对手部动作十分小心. You mustn’t eat with your left hand. 不可以用左手吃饭.Arabs consider it very bad manners eating with left hands.阿拉伯人将用左手吃饭的行为视为没有教养. So, what should you do if you are on a visit in another country? 那么,在出国旅游时你要注意什么呢?Well, just do in Rome as the Romans do. 嗯,依样画葫芦就好啦.You can ask the native people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them.你可以向当地人请教,或者直接模仿当地人的行为即可.

承包者应提交一份声明式六份的工程师在此期限结束时的付款方式中所指出的合同(如果没有说明,在每个月底) ,在批准的格式,工程师,显示详细的数额该承包者认为自己有资格,
连同证明文件应包括有关的进展报告根据小组第4.2.1 [进度报告] 。

河源市18692611066: 帮忙英汉翻译一下 -
伍胀易路: 1.我起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩 2.等下,这个看起来像MAXY的人对你不错,看起来也不是很怪,我还...

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下,英译汉
伍胀易路: Peculiar ability chivalrous organization .由特异能力者所组成的骑士组织,中文译为“异侠”.

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下 (英译汉) -
伍胀易路: 很明显,节日快乐的时候,有趣的和兴奋,不伤心的人.有节日来庆祝几乎每一个什么样的快乐的事件.有些人对农业的原因,诸如:种植季节的开始或在收获的季节.别人以纪念一次性事件,像是一个国家或独立一个名人的到来,就像哥伦布日在美国.无论是什么原因,然而,节日总是次节期为大与许多吃的、特殊的、

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译) -
伍胀易路: 1 if I were you, I'd take them away.2 if I met li hua, I told him.If I have time, I will help you.4 he suggested we should be divided into five groups.5 he tells us, as if he had been there.I hope he can stand on my side.

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译) -
伍胀易路: 饮食在泰国当你被邀请参加一个餐在泰国,邀请的话的意思是“来吃大米”.事实上,几乎所有的Thaidishes是配米饭.水稻生长有非常容易,因为它是温暖而有多雨.提供的食物总是切成一块一块的,因此不需要使用刀和叉,而是使用特殊的勺子和叉子.泰国过去吃用他们的双手,现在仍有一些人吃这种方式.首先他们洗他们的权利h

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下!英语高手
伍胀易路: 我希望尽快收到你的相片 I would like to receive your photos as soon as possible 他是我一年没见面的朋友 He is my friend not seen for one year 阅读英语小说可以扩大词汇量 Read the English novel can expand vocabulary 如果你努力学习,你将会顺利通过考试 If you study hard, you will successfully pass the exam以上参考 灵格斯 谢谢采纳

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下(中文翻英文) -
伍胀易路: Lucy had a bad cold, she was very cold. Sir Richard is very anxious, he ha...

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下(英译汉)
伍胀易路: They will take a plane to Beijing after three days There will be a meeting at 4 o'clock I want to read some books tonight I think it is going to rain Be careful,you are falling down

河源市18692611066: 帮忙翻译一下;;汉译英; -
伍胀易路: 1 we decide to have a party next weekend2 He is the athlete who had 8 gold medals3 we all agree that this girl should win awards4 the stories he worte are very intesting

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