
作者&投稿:昌须 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is almost impossible to talk of human civilization without mentioning the significant roles played by some places, such as museums, art gallery and so on. From London to Paris, from Beijing to New York, museums attract millions of visitors from all over the world annually.
Museum is where people go to get their education and entertainment. Nowadays, more and more parents are energetic for taking their children to visit history museums or art museums in weekend, because they find

很多第一次是让人难忘的。我今天来说说我第一次动手术的经过。 那是前年暑假的一个早晨,我躺在医院的病床上,心里紧张极了。如果旁边没有人的话,我一定会大哭一场。 “17号病人XXX,准备好了,请跟我来!”一位护士一下子说出了我心中的害怕。我强忍着泪花,无论有多少委屈也只能一口气吞下去了。因为我要去一个可怕的地方——手术室。由于我扁桃体发炎,高烧不退,所以要住院治疗,烧退了,医生要我动手术。 “17号病人,请跟我来!”护士又一次催促我。我无可奈何,但还是鼓足勇气,跟护士走了。 我来到了可怕的“地狱”,一切准备就绪,医生就要开始动手术了。我的心一下子跳到了喉咙口,我害怕到了极点,真希望奇迹能出现。“妈妈!”我差点叫出来了,大概是吓傻了,我竟好想妈妈,好想家。我觉得我已不听使唤了,嘴巴怎么也张不大,抖着抖着又闭拢了。“小妹妹,把嘴张大一点。”医生亲切地说。“啊!好疼啊!虽然我眼睛蒙住了,但我知道医生一定在打麻药。 一开始,还不是很痛,但过了一会儿,我真的尝到了那种滋味。医生不知用什么东西把我的喉咙往外勾。我能感觉到是一种带有尖尖的勾的东西。一下,二下,三下……我觉得我的内脏好像已经被挖出来了。好难受,我想吐,但又不敢。“怎么还没好?”我觉得时间停留了。那东西就像尖尖的银针在拼命扎我。“啊——”医生,你终于住手了。直到现在,我只要一想起,就想吐。


but my friend tried it and said it did not work.it made my friend very angry,last week i bought a box of toothpaste,because it says it

七年级下册12单元 3B英语翻译
POLLUTION FIGHTERS Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution. She is interviewing Doctor Ray, a scientist, about trees.JUDY Why are you so interested in trees, Doctor Ray?DR RAY They’re the biggest and oldest living things on Earth, Judy.JUDY But what are ...

答案是:横向的句子 what did you do last weekend ?上个周末你做了什么?I did my homework 我做了我的家庭作业 \/we went boating 我们去划船了 who visited her grandma ? 睡去看望了她的奶奶 ?Becky did 贝姬 看望了她的奶奶 where did she go last weekend ?上个周末她去了那里了? She...

主要介绍以下句型:3a too much+n单(不可数)too many+n复 do sth in bed (做某事)do sth on the bed (表示地点)help sb do sth help sb to do sth 3b no doing sth (不准做某事)=don't do sth = sb can't do sth 如:NO talking =don't talk =you can't talk 以上是句型 重...

初三英语12单元3b作文my lucky的作文
I visited my grandparents.On the way home, I wanted to buy some books in the bookstore. I chose\\r\\nsome books. Then I was ready to pay for them, but I couldn't find my wallet. I was embarrassed at that time.I didn't what to do. When I was very...


3b 翻译: 你想找一份繁忙但又刺激的工作吗?你想和演员们,警察以及其他有趣的人一起工作吗?我们需要一个记者。打电话555-3256给晚间新闻。 24页:快乐儿童学校 我们是一所专为5-12岁儿童开设的国际学校。我们的孩子来自日本、加拿大和新加坡。我们需要一名体育老师教足球、排球和网球;我们也需要一名音乐老师教吉他...

3b A:在哥伦比亚有些什么习俗?B:嗯,他们的习俗非常随意。A:比如什么?B:嗯,即使你不准时也没事。4 A:你能告诉我你能做些什么吗?B:第一件事就是向老师问好。A:好的,那我该说些什么?B。。。SECTION B 1a 1、在美国,你不应该用手吃东西。2、在秘鲁,你在餐桌上不能交谈。

3b 我拥有一个很繁忙的周末。周六早上我清理了我的房间,下午我……(空),这有些难度。周六晚上我……(空,建议填did my homework)。我的姑姑(姨)为我做了晚餐。周日早上我……(空,建议填went to the library),我读了一本关于历史的书。在下午我与朋友……(空,建议填playing或chaitin...

Itismyfavoritefestivalbecausewekidscanwearnewclothesandgetgiftmoney.What‘smore(而且),wecanwatchthedragondance(舞狮).Itmakesmefeelveryhappyandexcited.3b参考范文:DearSirorMadam,MynameisLinTaoandI’mfromChina.I’llbecomingtoyourschoolsoonforashortstudyvacation.I’dliketoknowmoreinformationabo ...

七年级书上 3a 3b 的翻译 1--12单元 thank you very much
这是第十二单元的3a 亲爱的万事通博士:我不是快乐的。在我家有太多的规则。每天早上我不得不6点起床。放学后我不能和我的同学相遇因为我不得不做我的家庭作业。在学校的晚上我不能看电视。并且到10点我不得不上床睡觉。在周末,我不得不打扫我的房间和洗我的衣服。接着我不得不帮我的妈妈做晚饭...

方山县19260564605: 初三英语12单元3b作文my lucky的作文 -
范放盐酸:[答案] The day before yesterday was Sunday.It was a lucky day for me.I will never forget it.\r\nIn he morning ,I visited my grandparents.On the way home,I wanted to buy some books in the bookstore.I chose\r\...

方山县19260564605: 人教版七年级英语下级第12页3b作文 -
范放盐酸: Hi! My name is xxx. I usually get up at 6;00, I usually go to school at 6:30. I do not have sometimes for breakfast ,so I usually eat very quickly. For lunnch ,Iusually eat vegetables and rice . After school, I aiways do my homework first. In the evening, ...

方山县19260564605: 七下人教版英语B部分3b的作文 -
范放盐酸: 6am, i get up, eat breakfast, i happily go to school carrying a bag. at this time, the morning fog still floating, mengmenglonglong, walking on the road, like walking in the same territory earlier. there is one kilometer from my home to the school , i found ...

方山县19260564605: 谁知道初一下册12页3b的作文怎么写 -
范放盐酸: I have a very healthy life. I usually eat some fruit and some vegetables . I like eat fish ,becausethere are good for me. I always have milk and bread for breakfast.

方山县19260564605: 新版初一英语下册48页的英语3b作文!1,Where do you live?2.What is your favorite piace in your neighborhood?Why?3.How do you get there from your home? -
范放盐酸:[答案] I live in a noisy neighborhood.There is a post office near my house.But my favorite place is the library.It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.When I read books,time goes quickly!You can get to t...

方山县19260564605: 初三英语人教版1~12单元的3b作文 -
范放盐酸:[答案] was from an ordinary worker's family.His parents are only junior middle school graduates.They seldom watch TV and often encourage him to join in the playing of the violin and practising Chinese calligraphy,which benefits him a great deal.Besides,he ...

方山县19260564605: 初三英语人教版1~12单元的3b作文 -
范放盐酸: was from an ordinary worker's family. His parents are only junior middle school graduates. They seldom watch TV and often encourage him to join in the playing of the violin and practising Chinese calligraphy, which benefits him a great deal. ...

方山县19260564605: 七年级下册英语书的12单元题目的作文 -
范放盐酸: DO NOT EAT IN CLASS there are many rules in our class . we can not break the rules . can we eat in class? no,we can not ..because the class room is clean and we should study in class not eat in class,if we do that, the teacher will be angry....

方山县19260564605: 谁知道初一下册12页3b的作文怎么写 -
范放盐酸: have a very healthy life. I like eat fish . I usually eat some fruit and some vegetables ,because there are good for me. I always have milk and bread for breakfast

方山县19260564605: 人教版英语书七年级级下册54页三b作文儿怎么写? -
范放盐酸: Lamphun note, against the rocks, flexion 3 fold to the East; the British appointed five potential Jun 6, swing hammer 7 storm 8, meshing 9 the career 10, so next to the wide and deep, Bi Zhishi Naizhi. Flow into foam wheel 11, and 12 for the Qing Xu,

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