
作者&投稿:称秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 一.用“及物动词+不定式”结构可以将含有that引导的某些宾语从句的复合句转换成简单句。例如:

1.    He decided that he would buy adigital camera online.

→He decided to buy a digital camera online.

2.    We hoped that we would come backsoon.

→We hoped to come back soon.

3.    I expect that I shall finish mywork by this Sunday.

→I expect to finish my work by this Sunday.


1.  I don

’t knowwhich one I can buy .

→I don’t know which one to buy.

2.  We wonder where we

’ll go thisSunday.

→We wonder where to go this Sunday.

3.  Could you please teach me how I cansearch the Internet?

→Could you please teach me how to search theInternet?


1.    The boy is so young that he can

’t lookafter himself.

→The boy is too young to look after himself.

2.       The question is so difficultthat I can

’t answer it .

→The question is too difficult for me to answer.

四.用“…enough +不定式”结构可以将含有so …that …引导的结果状语从句(肯定)的复合句转变为简单句。例如:

1.    The girl is so tall that she canreach the apples on the tree.

→The girl is tall enough to reach the apples onthe tree.

2.          This hall is so large that itcan hold 2000 people.

→This hall is large enough to hold 2000 people.

3.          The table was so light thatthe little boy can carry it.

→The table was light enough for the little boy tocarry.

五.用“happen + 不定式”或“seem +不定式”结构可以分别将“It happens

that…”和“It seems

that… ”等含有主语从句的复合句转换为简单句。例如:

1.          It happened that the teachersaw him playing in class.

→The teacher happened to see him playing in class.

2.          It seemed that sharks havebeen on the earth for thousands of years .

→Sharks seemed to have been on the earth forthousands of years.

3.          It seemed that this cameraoffered the most at the best price.

→This camera seemed to offer the most at the bestprice.

六.用“in order +不定式”或“so as +不定式”结构可以将含有so that 引导的目的状语从句的复合句转换为简单句。如:

1.          She decided to buy a cameraonline so that she could receive it soon.

→She decided to buy a camera online in order toreceive it soon.

→She decided to buy a camera online so as toreceive it soon.

2.          I went over my compositionagain and again so that I couldn

’t make any mistakes.

→I went over my composition again and again inorder not to make any mistakes.

→I went over my composition again and again so asnot to make any mistakes.

3.          Miyoko bought a camera sothat she could take pictures in Beijing.

→Miyoko bought a camera in order to take picturesin Beijing.

→Miyoko bought a camera so as to take pictures inBeijing.


1.          I was glad when I heard thegood news .

→I was glad to hear the good news.

2.          Tom

’s parentswere very surprised as they knew all about it.

→Tom’s parents were very surprisedto  know all about it.


      1. Be brave, or you'll lose your chance.→If youaren't brave, you'll lose your chance.

  2. Come on, or we'll miss the

early bus. →If we don't hurry, we'll miss the early bus.

九 定语从句的主从句缩略为简单句为了使表达言简意赅,英语中常用一定的语法手段把句子简缩。定语从句简缩成单词或短语就是其中常见的一种现象。


.在主动式定语从句中,如关系代词作从句的主语,谓语是一个行为动词,这时从句常缩略为一个现在分词短语。如:① The man who is walking along the street comes

from our company.→

The man walking along the street comes from our company.

②This lens

produces rays which converge towards a point. →

This lens produces rays converging towards a point.

如果从句的谓语动词后没有作状语的介词短语,由该动词变成的现在分词常置于所修饰的词之前。如:① This lens produces rays which converge . →

This lens produces converging rays.


countries which are developing should get united. →

The developing countries should get united.


We used to live in the house which faced south.

We used to live in the house facing south.


Come tomorrow and show your visa to the man who will be sitting at that desk.

Come tomorrow and show your visa to the man sitting at that desk.


China is a developing socialist country which belongs to the third world.

China is a developing socialist country belonging to the third world.


The man who stole into the room was caught immediately on the spot.

The man stealing the room was caught immediately on the spot.


Can you catch the bus which will leave at 8 this morning?

Can you catch the bus leaving at 8 this morning?


.在定语从句中,如从句的谓语动词是系动词be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,表语是介词短语、形容词短语或名词短语,该从句可以缩略成介词短语、形容词短语或名词短语,作后置定语。如:① We saw the glasses that were on the table fall

off onto the floor. →

We saw the glasses on the table fall off onto the floor.

② China is

country which is rich in resources. →

China is country rich in resources.

③ They had

to fetch water from a well which was a mile away from the village. →

They had to fetch water from a well a mile away from the village.


All those who are present are from the north.

All those present are from the north.


I want the flower which is red.

 I want the red flower.


.如定语从句中的谓语动词有表示程度、方式等副词作状语,可把从句缩略为“副词+ 现在分词”结构作定语,置于所修饰的词前面。副词和现在分词用连字符连起来。如:① The peasants who work hard deserve such rewards.→

The hard-working peasants deserve such rewards.

② This is a

river which flows fast. →

This is a fast-flowing river.


.如定语从句中的及物动词带有一个普通名词作宾语,可把从句缩略为“名词+ 现在分词”结构作前置定语。名词和现在分词用连字符连结起来。如:

The south of Jiangsu is an area which grows rice.

The south of Jiangsu is a rice-growing area.

 Malaysia is a country which producesrubber.

 Malaysia is a rubber-producing country.


.一系列定语从句形容词在定语从句中作表语时,从句可缩略成并列形容词短语作前置定语。如:① A person who is gentle, lovable and familiar is

always easy to get along with. →

A gentle, lovable and familiar person is always easy to get along with.

② Marxism

is a science which is living and developing. →

Marxism is a living and developing science.



He is a good person with whom you can work.

He is a good person to work with.



a house which stands on a corner

→a corner house ;

 a ruler which measures 50 centimeters

→a 50centimeters ruler ;

 a garden which is full of flowers

→a flowergarden;

 a factory which makes small cars

→asmall-car factory


.如定语从句中的谓语动词have 表示“有”的含义,从句可缩略成with 短语作后置定语,也可以缩略成“清凉油能+ ed”作前置定语。如:

people who have money

→ people with money 或moneyed people ; a girl who has blue eyes → a girl

with blue eyes 或ablue-eyed girl


The man who gave us a lecture has left for Shanghai.


Those who have done the work may go now.


Do you know the woman who can speak four foreign languages?


Not a single book can be found which has something to do with the subject.

(5)从句与所修饰的先行词之间有插入成分。如:“Here is the man,”he said, “who sells


十 含状语从句的复合句转换成简单句


  He can’t come

because he is ill. 他因病不能来。

  →He can’t come

because of his illness. 他因病不能来。

  Turn off the light before you

leave. 离开前请关灯。

  →Turn off the light before

leaving. 离开前请关灯。

  He went home after he finished

his work. 他做完工作后就回家了。

  →He went home after finishing

his work. 他做完工作后就回家了。

  He was so angry that he couldn’t speak. 他气得话都说不出来。

  →He was too angry too speak. 他气得话都说不出来。

  He studied hard in order that

he could pass the exam. 他努力学习以便能考及格。

  →He studied hard in order to

pass the exam. 他努力学习以便能考及格。


→This camera seemed to offer the most at the bestprice. 六.用“in order +不定式”或“so as +不定式”结构可以将含有so that 引导的目的状语从句的复合句转换为简单句。如: 1. She decided to buy a cameraonline so that she could receive it soon. →She decided to buy a camera online in o...


当一个句子只包含一个主谓结构时,我们称之为简单句。The train(主语) has just touched down(谓语).一个句子,如果有一个或多个成分由句子充当,则它就是复合句。其中能够独立存在的句子,称之为主句。主句也是全句的主体。而充当全句的一个句子成分的句子,则称之为从句,从句不能独立存在。...


复合句是由一个主句和一个或多个从句构成的句子。从句可以作为主句的修饰语,或者作为主句的宾语、主语、表语等。例如:他告诉我他喜欢看书的原因。这句话由一个主句“他告诉我”和一个从句“他喜欢看书的原因”构成。6.复杂句示例 复杂句是由一个主句和至少一个从句构成的句子,其中从句可以作为主句...


My brother likes P.E. best的同义句
The manager left two hours ago.The manager has been away for two hours.三、简单句与复合句之间的转换 即将简单句变成同义的复合句或将复合句变成同义的简单句。We didn’t go out for a walk because it was raining.We didn’t go out for a walk because of the rain.

复合句是运用从句(也有叫子句)充当句子成分的一个单句。 >>>注意:一个单句 两者如果真要简单区别,就是看连词。1 有连词连接2个句子的,一般就是复杂句了。2 如果没有连词(and,or,but什么的)来连接2个句子,就是简单句。这里要特别注意,when, that, what, which, whatever这些被称为关系...



裕安区17661736401: 英语复合句与简单句如何转换? -
阿佩止血: 简单句与复合句的转换1. 连接代、副词+to do sth.→ 连接代、副词+从句I don't know what to do.→ I don't know what I should do. 2、decide/hope to do sth. → decide/hope that+从句Joy decided to go alone. →Joy decided that he would go ...

裕安区17661736401: 英语中复合句与简单句怎么转换 -
阿佩止血:[答案] 简单句与复合句的转换 1.连接代、副词+to do sth.→ 连接代、副词+从句 I don't know what to do.→ I don't know what I should do. 2、decide/hope to do sth.→ decide/hope that+从句 Joy decided to go alone.→Joy decided that he would go alone. 3、...

裕安区17661736401: 简单句与复合句的转换 -
阿佩止血: 1. He didn't go to the zoo to see the feeding of birds because of the heavy rain outside.2. We all know the famous singer because of her nice singing/songs.以上两题楼主打错字了,原题应该是because,而不是because of.3. Lots of people know about the film because there are many advertisements for it.

裕安区17661736401: 怎样把简单句变成复合句?有什么规律吗? -
阿佩止血:[答案] 一般加入关联词. 复合句分为并列复合句和从属复合句,并列复合句是有并列连词:and、or、but连接;从属复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成.用疑问词作引导词,主句是全句的主体,通常可以独立存在;从句则是一个句子成分,不能...

裕安区17661736401: 怎么把简单句,并列句变为复合句? 或者复合句反着变回去. -
阿佩止血: 在英语中,两个或两个以上的简单句,可以用并列连词(组)连接为并列句.常见的并列连词(组)有and,but,or,so,yet,for,while,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...,not...but...等.有些副词,如:besides,otherwise,therefore,however等有...

裕安区17661736401: 把复合句改为简单句,把简单句改为复合句 -
阿佩止血: 一.用“及物动词+不定式”结构可以将含有that引导的某些宾语从句的复合句转换成简单句.例如:1. He decided that he would buy a digital camera online.→He decided to buy a digital camera online.2. We hoped that we would come back soon....

裕安区17661736401: 简单句与复合句的转换1.He didn't go to the zoo to see the feeding of birds because of it was raining heavily outside.(改为简单句)2.We all know the famous ... -
阿佩止血:[答案] 1. He didn't go to the zoo to see the feeding of birds because of the heavy rain outside. 2. We all know the famous singer because of her nice singing/songs. 以上两题楼主打错字了,原题应该是because,而不是because of. 3. Lots of people know about...

裕安区17661736401: 什么是简单句?复合句变简单句怎样变?是不是就是把那个复合句拆成两个句子? -
阿佩止血:[答案] http://baike.baidu.com/view/238672.htm?fr=ala0复合句变简单句是英语句型转换的一种重要形式,也是我们运用英语所应掌握的技能.现对转换形式作一解题指导.规则一:将宾语从句变为简单句1.用不定式改写.将宾语从句中谓语动词变为不定式.主句...

裕安区17661736401: 简单句变复合句 -
阿佩止血: 这个不难1.首先是 复合句(complex sentence)的定义 A complex sentence contains an independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses. // 一复合句包含:一个独立子句和一个或多个次要子句. *如不知何为独立子句或次要子句,请看...

裕安区17661736401: 英语复合句变简单句的几种方法 -
阿佩止血: 一、用too...to或enough to将含有so...that结构的复合句变为简单句.如:1.He is so young that he can't go to school.→He is too young to go to school.或He is not old enough to go to school.2.He has so much money that he can buy a car.→He has enough money to buy a car.二、把及物动词引导的由陈述句变成的宾语从句变为“及物动词+动词不定式(短语)”结构,由此将复合句变为简单句.(剩余1410字)

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