
作者&投稿:爱轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






英文求助信的一些规律性语言(见模板)。自我介绍、写信目的、说明困难、提出要求、进一步展望。此外,描绘身处困境的无奈心情可用 I don’t know what to do. / I wonder how to deal with the problem. 描绘渴望得到对方帮助可用I’m eager to get your help. / I’m eager for your timely help等。


列举自己所遇困难、请求对方帮助(见模板)。此外,需要表达困难所导致的不良后果时可用as a result, as a result of, as a consequence, as a consequences of等过渡性词语。


可用分词作状语,也可用so that或in order that引导目的状语


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I’m writing to ask for help.

I came here last month and I find my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-making and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I’m anxious to get help from you. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is ok with you. You may email or phone me. Here are my email address and phone number:lihua@1236.com; 12345678. Thanks for your kindness in advance.

Look forward to your reply.

yours, Lihua


1. How have you been recently? You inquired about my well-being in your last letter. Now, allow me to offer you some advice.2. In your recent letter, you asked me about [topic]. Now, I would like to provide you with some guidance on this matter.3. I am reaching out ...

开头:How are you going你最近好吗 You asked me about...now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我...现在,让我给你一些建议.I am writing to you about something improtant我写信给你说一些重要的事 结尾:Looking forward to your reply期待你的回复 I would be very grateful i...

1、常用句型 英文求助信的一些规律性语言(见模板)。自我介绍、写信目的、说明困难、提出要求、进一步展望。此外,描绘身处困境的无奈心情可用 I don’t know what to do. \/ I wonder how to deal with the problem. 描绘渴望得到对方帮助可用I’m eager to get your help. \/ I’m eager for ...

1、感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。范文如下:DearProfessor Liang,I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now astudent of Chemistry Department of Sydney University.Last...

5. 应聘信 - 展示你的编辑潜力积极申请校报编辑职位,展示你的英语技能和团队精神:尊敬的编辑,我对冬季体育版块充满热情,凭借流利的英语和团队合作精神,我坚信自己能贡献力量。期待加入你们的行列。其他信件类型概览推荐信 - 强调Anne的艺术才华和代表文化的重要性求助信 - 诚恳请求职业指导投诉信 - ...

假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了你自己的困扰;近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。 请用英文给该同学写一封回信。内容要点如下:1. 表示理解并给予安慰;2. 提出建议并说明理由。 注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;3. 信的开...

如何提高自己的英语作文写作 教辅书推荐

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柘爬乌司:[答案] Dear Mr./Ms.Director,I'm .,recently admitted by .department of your collgeg/university.I will come for registration on ...时间.What is worrying me is that...原因..Since there will be nobody I could se...

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柘爬乌司: Dear Mr./Ms. Director,I'm ...., recently admitted by ........ department of your collgeg/university. I will come for registration on ...时间. What is worrying me is that...原因. ......... Since there will be nobody I could seek to, I'm writing this letter to ask for help....

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柘爬乌司:[答案] Dear teacher, My name is Zhou Ming. I'm writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met much difficulty in learning English. First, I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides, the texts are too long for me to ...

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柘爬乌司: Dear Ms. Wang, Could you please do me a favor at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, August 29? I am on a business trip, and it will be delayed until next month, so I really need you to run the monthly seminar in our department for me. I know it might take some...

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柘爬乌司: 假如你叫周明,在光明中学读书,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,想得到老师的帮助.现在你给英语老师写一封求助信,内容如下:字数: 120左右. Dear teacher, My name is Zhou Ming. I'm writing a letter to you to ask for some ...

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柘爬乌司: dear xxx Can you help me!I'm in a big trouble!My computer has been corrupted by a computer virus,and what make things worse is that my father had already warned me not to play games on the net which i did not follow.And now i just have no ...

陇西县18787487644: 求一英语求救信 -
柘爬乌司: HELP!I am trapped in an island and have nothing to eat.I am in a very dangerous situation.I will go dead if I'm trapped here for too long.If anyone sees this rescue letter,please call the police to XX island.I will reward you greatly after being rescued.

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柘爬乌司: Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds. Writing uses written symbols. Speech developed about 500 000 en211ago. Written language is arecent development. It was invented only about six thousand years ago...

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柘爬乌司: Dear Sir, May I trouble you for a few minutes? I have some difficulty in learning English. I don't know how to pronounce English words correctly, and even with the help of the English-Chinese dictionary, I cannot decide how to pronounce most of the ...

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柘爬乌司: 英文书信的格式: 1. 信头:指发信人的地址和日期,写在信纸的右上角. 2. 称呼:指对收信人的地址和称呼.写在信头之下,从信纸的左边开始.写信给熟悉的人,如王明一般用Dear Wang Ming 或Dear Mr. Wang. 3. 信的正文:指信的主体...

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