请翻译,并帮我 指出句子中的知识点 。谢谢。

作者&投稿:席婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请翻译,并帮我 指出句子中的知识点 。谢谢。~

1,那年我们都很喜欢自己的礼物,几乎和Mark喜欢把他们赠送给我们的程度一样。almost as much as 几乎和...一样的
2,我想答应她,Mark将绝不会忘记继续传递下去的。promise sb that宾语从句,词组pass on。
3,on是关于什么方面的内容,比如a peech on,a talk on,译为:这是一些关于做出精彩演讲的建议。
4,时间状语从句,when后省略you are
5,as 引导时间状语从句
6,what was wores更糟糕的是
7,find something/somebody doing 感官动词都有这个用法,表示发下正在做,watch,see,notice等

(1)My summer holidays were a complete waste of time .
请这样改写:My summer vacation was a complete waste of time
知识点提炼:固定短语搭配:wast of time (浪费时间)
备注:以后说暑假和寒假最好用:summer vacation ; winter vacation
国家规定法定假日 用holiday .这是他们区别

(2)Everyone should just relax just在者怎么使用

(3). bet your bottom dollar
句子意思:毫无疑问的,相当于out of question ;beyond all doubts

4. people get better at writing by writing


5. the almost lost art of


6.what was worse,there even wasn't a person around ,and still it rained and rained.

What was worse, there wasn't even a person around, and it was still raining harder and harder
What was worse, there wasn't even a person around, 安顿it was still raining heavily

7.you will find the whole world smiling to you 为什么smlie 用v-ing形式
You will find the whole world smiling at you
smile at sb :对某人 朝某人微笑

8.If you can't ,don't fell too bad :neither could the middle school teacher in England who received this as homework
If you can't do it yourself, Don't do it badly , None of the middle school teachers can receive this as your finished homework

Neither of the +名词复数(两者)

None of the +名词复数(三者或者三者以上)


南谯区19460279112: 帮忙翻译一个句子,尽可能的分析一下句中涉及到的各个知识点吧. -
盛嘉先泰: 优秀的负责人能结合工作,实际解决问题,而不是参加无休止的会议.第一个单词应该是managers.

南谯区19460279112: 帮我翻译一下框起来的句子,并附上相关知识点,谢啦! -
盛嘉先泰: I will drop by you sometime tomorrow.(sometime某时)This kind of fish is in danger of extinction.The reason is that you have not worked hard enough.I t is likely to rain.(固定搭配it is likely to do sth) 另外,原题括号里面的也是相应的知识点啊

南谯区19460279112: 翻译、分析句子 -
盛嘉先泰: 自尊和金钱的代价是失去高效的工作,以及给他人带来真正快乐的机会.快乐的秘籍在于给他人带来快乐.我直接用之前她们回答的翻译了.前一句是个复合句,是主语从句,名词性从句中的一种来的,从what到第二个is前是从句充当整个大句子的主语.在第二句里的语法点应该是有2点,the secret to happiness中动词不定式翻译为“···的···”,第二个语法点是lie in,意思为:在于;睡懒觉;待产.

南谯区19460279112: 翻译下列句子,并指出所用介词短语在句子中的语法功能. -
盛嘉先泰: 1.A gentleman in white walked into the hall.介词短语in white作后置定语,修饰a gentleman. 2.Jenny is younger than that of her real age.介词短语of her real age.作后置定语,修饰that(指代Jenny的容貌) 3.Because of the heavy rain, we can't go out.介词短语Because of the heavy rain做原因状语 4.You will find that he is at work.介词短语at work在从句中做表语

南谯区19460279112: 请翻译以下句子并点出其中的语法、词组用法,谢谢! -
盛嘉先泰: We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world.我们在几乎对世界毫无了解的情形下进行日常生活.We give little thought of the machinery that generates the sunlight and makes life possible.我们对于使生命得以实现的阳光的...

南谯区19460279112: 请翻译以下短语和句子,并帮帮我解释这个问题
盛嘉先泰: in the moorning ni the noon in the evening 在早上 在中午 在下午 在晚上 1.我“在”KFC吃午饭; 2.我“在”电影院看电影; 3.我在体育馆运动 I have meal at KFC 2 I see the film in the cinema 3 I play sport at gymnasium

南谯区19460279112: 请帮忙翻译下面的句子并加上语法解析
盛嘉先泰: 相互作用与 电脑近似地与这语言结合,因此每一个电脑用户,无论他们想要什么,都愿意尝试一下它. 第一句话是一个主语,由一个名词和一个从句组成,第二句是谓语+宾语,第三四句是宾语从句 我觉得是这个样子的,问问你的英语老师确认一下

南谯区19460279112: 求英语大神帮我翻译一下这句话并分析一下句子结构
盛嘉先泰: but 后的that 不是定语从句的先行词,只是单纯的译作“那些”.翻译出来:但是甚至他也很少有那些作为工人应有的娴熟的个人知识.(which修饰的是knowledge. )什么样的知识呢?那种雇主曾经有的那种在家长(老一辈的人)体系中旧社会家庭的知识,现在,这些知识都没了.你所说的 had often had应该和后面的句子分开看.which the employer had often had.这是一个修饰前面knowledge的定语从句. had often had 后面省略了 knowledge.应该翻译成,那些雇主曾经有的知识. had often 是过去完成时.明白了?

南谯区19460279112: 请翻译句子,并指出stint的具体含义. For years, he had driven and criticized and condemned -
盛嘉先泰: 解释: v. 节省,限制,停止n. 舍不得化,节约,限制n. 连续不断的一段时间从事某件事 例子: 1. She stinted herself of...

南谯区19460279112: 韩语句子语法分析 翻译 求帮助 -
盛嘉先泰: 楼主一点都没有诚意啊 怎么着也得拿个5分出来赏赏我们吧 哈哈~嗯 开个玩笑.没猜错的话 这歌词应该是이수영的IBelieve吧 好老的歌啊....第一半句슬픈...

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