
作者&投稿:虫哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


(1)3/5 *15 -8 =1
3/5 *(-5) -8 = -11 ≠ 1
所以:x=15是解,x= -5不是解

(2)(2* 1/4 -1)/3 - (10* 1/4 +1)/6 = -3/4
(2* 1/4 +1)/4 -1 = -5/5≠ -3/4

(2* 1/6 -1)/3 - (10* 1/6 +1)/6 = -2/3
(2* 1/6 +1)/4 -1 = -2/3
所以:x=1/6是解,x= 1/4不是解.

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)


回答:1.No,it 2.don'tknow 3.they are 4.those…cousins 5.My parents

56 A ( There’s a sports meeting in the forest on the big hill.)57 B (a horse, a deer and a cat,a dog and two tigers are jumping ,1+1+1+1+2=6)58 A (Two monkeys are climbing the trees))59 B 60 B ...


英语 快来个大神现场翻译 8句
你好:【翻译】:1 What do you want to be when you grow up ?你长大后想做什么?2 I want to be an engineer .我想成为一名工程师。、3 How are you going to do that ?你打算怎样做到那样呢?4 I'm going to study math really hard .我会非常努力的学习数学。5 Where are ...

1 well 2 keep 3 make 4 get up 5 have 6 news 7 library 8 bookcase 9 remain 10 hot

She didn’t want me to be an intellectual.所有的sentences都用transitional devices连接了起来。希望对你的英语学习有所帮助。题外一句,在更深入的英语学习中,你也许会发现,有时,少用transitional devices会使句子更加多样化。更有高手将transitional devices藏于句中,为读者带来阅读惊喜。

求大神来一篇:the importance of the internet in emergenc
Internet can be very important in emergencies.This is because internet can save time.One can get the needed information through the internet right away.Or you can also send a piece of news or Information through the internet to your friend or just spread it around immediately.For ...

急求英语作文!!大神快来啊!!my dream(当 宇航员)
Everybody have a dream, because we’re dreamers. In our heart, there is a colorful dream. Sometimes the dream is perfect, sometimes it’s special, sometimes it’s sweet, sometimes it’s yummy.In my dream, there are some children. I always play games with them and enjoy ...

1.Can begin 2.Shall give 3.选C 这是非谓语从句,所以不可以用be动词和情态动词,排除ABD 4.are visiting visit是及物动词,其宾语前不需要介词to 楼上同学你要负责任一点

蜀山区18160067447: 初一紧急英语题!速度!高手来1 His eyes aren't very good but he -- _ - __ - ___(不经常戴眼镜).2 他留了胡子. He has - __ - beard.3 He has no hair.He is - ... -
永制迪凡:[答案] 1 His eyes aren't very good but he doesn't wear glasses often不经常戴眼镜).2 他留了胡子.He has a beard.3 He has no hair.He is bald,and he also has beard on the upper lip.

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语题,求大神解答,题目如下根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词I'm l - ___ - 投pass the driving test.After that, they wangt to visit the H___ - of ... -
永制迪凡:[答案] lucky Hutong standing street looking

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语题目大神快来解答,速度回复,好评,无意义灌水的,踢到太平洋去! -
永制迪凡: 看这两张照片.这张是我们的全家福,你可以看到我爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我.我爸爸是个医生,我妈妈是个老师.我的名字叫简,我姐姐名字是海伦...

蜀山区18160067447: 快回答,谁先给谁分(初一英语)题目:1.Finally,they arrived at their home.(改同意句) - _- ,they - their home.2.They are gong to have an English lesson ... -
永制迪凡:[答案] 1.Finally,they arrived at their home.(改同意句) In the end,they reached their home.2.They are gong to have an English lesson next sunday.(改否定句) They aren't going to have an English lesson next ...

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语选择题求大神解1.What do you think of your English teacher?I think he is____ - ,because he always makes - _______the studentsA.interested;laugh B.... -
永制迪凡:[答案] D,ing表使我或别人怎么样;make do B

蜀山区18160067447: 一些初一水平的英语题目,求火速回答!!
永制迪凡: . that(复数)those 2. is not(缩写形式)_______ isn't 3. he(物主代词)_______his 4. you(主格)_______ you 5. here(反义词)_______ there 6. Mr Green(名词所有格)_______ Mr Green's 7. where's(完全形式)_______ where is 8. ...

蜀山区18160067447: 1道初一英语题,急!回答了再悬赏20分!~~~~~在下有一道英语题, 请各位高手回答一下, 在下将无限感激! 回答了再悬赏20分!~~ 1.RIGHT(同音词) - ... -
永制迪凡:[答案] WRITE(写)

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语!!!!!快快快快快!!!!!!!速度速度!!!!!!!全部都要回答!!!!! -
永制迪凡: dictionary 2.pencil 3.teacher 4.schoolbag 5.erasers 6.in 7.yours 8.about 9.my 10.for 11.excuse me 12.Are...

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语题大神快来助我,好评率达到%100 -
永制迪凡: 选择题5:B二:in under in on on of 三:what's where It's spell see四:in on are on chair next on on in is

蜀山区18160067447: 初一英语题,请尽快帮忙回答下! -
永制迪凡: 2.We get out of danger om the ground after a while3.It doesn't allowed by rules

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