
作者&投稿:仉钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

56 A ( There’s a sports meeting in the forest on the big hill.)

57 B (a horse, a deer and a cat,a dog and two tigers are jumping ,1+1+1+1+2=6)
58 A (Two monkeys are climbing the trees))
59 B
60 B

question 1:
This problem of a rising world population is largely the result of improved medical skills, which have lowered the death rate and, at the same time, raised the birth rate by increasing live births and the number of babies who survive early childhood. There is a growing realization that food production cannot keep pace with these increases, the result of which is that in some countries people are already starving to death while many millions more suffer from malnutrition. This problem is further complicated by the fact that in places like America and Europe we obtain by trade and consume far more food and resources like oil than, say, the average Indian, thus leaving even less for the people in the underdeveloped areas to survive on.

question 2:
it' s my honor to be here to tell you something about the school life in America. Almost all the students go to school on foot or by bus. Hardly do they go to school by bike. Most of the students have luch at school, and they don't have afternoon naps after lunch. The school is over at 3 p.m. After class, students would like to play basketball, play football,swim or choose other kinds of activities to relax themselves.You can see the school life in America is very relaxing.

(A) 中心意思是说IQ测试一般是在受测儿童及其家长不知情的情况下进行的。

These IQ tests are given in a classroom atmosphere, AND (表并列的递进) they are administered by the regular teachers, THEREFORE (因为在教室,由平时任课教师进行测试,所以受测儿童一般不知情), the children don’t know they are taking IQ tests. BESIDES (表除此之外的递进,如果你愿意,此处也可用ON THE OTHER HAND,表示用家长不知情的事实与受测儿童不知情的事实进行对比), often the parents are not aware their children are taking the tests. LIKEWISE (或者SIMILARLY, 都表示跟受测儿童不知情的情况相比较,家长们也同样不知情;你也可以用AS A RESULT,或者CONSEQUENTLY, 表示逻辑关系上的结果,由于家长们也不知情,所以他们不会收到测试结果), they are not informed of the scores, either.

(B) 中心意思是我功课这么好,想当有知识有文化的好青年,妈妈大人却不以为然。相反,她认为出名更重要。

In high school I was a good student, THEREFORE (因果关系很明显,如果不愿意用THEREFORE,也可去掉它,在I was a good student之前加AS 或者SINCE), I studied hard. ALTHOUGH/EVEN THOUGH (尽管科目很难,我还是都拿了A) I took lots of difficult subjects like chemistry, physics, and English, I got As. HOWEVER (我功课这么好,妈妈却不买账,让我干别的,表与前文提到的功课好的情况对比), my mother just wanted me to be popular. BECAUSE/AS/SINCE (因果关系) she thought popularity was the key to success, she wanted me to be a cheerleader. FURTHERMORE/MOREOEVER (递进描述), She wanted me to go out with football players. IN SHORT/IN CONCLUSION/ TO SUM UP (总结性发言)She didn’t want me to be an intellectual.

所有的sentences都用transitional devices连接了起来。希望对你的英语学习有所帮助。

题外一句,在更深入的英语学习中,你也许会发现,有时,少用transitional devices会使句子更加多样化。更有高手将transitional devices藏于句中,为读者带来阅读惊喜。

These IQ tests are given in a classroom atmosphere. They are administered by the regular teachers. However, the children don’t know they are taking IQ tests. Often the parents are not aware their children are taking the tests. For this reason, they are not informed of the scores, either.

In high school I was a good student. I studied hard. Even though I took lots of difficult subjects like chemistry, physics, and English, I still got As. However, my mother just wanted me to be popular because she thought popularity was the key to success. She also wanted me to be a cheerleader and go out with football players because she didn’t want me to be an intellectual.


早上好~아침 (a-qim);谢谢~고맙다(kuo-map-da或者是~고마워(kuo-ma-wo)以上非敬语按汉语拼音的读法读,[map]中的[p]不发出声音。


拉丁语,用GOOGLE翻译的,你还可以用其它软件翻译下,不太擅长 欢迎不得出版,在许多社会中,什么是这里开发此页面上的列。添加一个简单的例子,选择这从下面选择页面上的文本和列。我们是你那里,或在网上新闻的好材料,产品,或一篇文章,将填补这一页,但是,他只是仇恨和管理文章zzril这里feugait许...


Hello Debbie. Thank you so much for the ticket to the dance! I am wondering about some specific information on the clothing and other materials needed for the dance. Also, would you mind telling me about the directions to get there? Thank you!


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长司可立:[答案] question 1:This problem of a rising world population is largely the result of improved medical skills,which have lowered the death rate and,at the same time,raised the birth rate by increasing live b...

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长司可立: 这个不一样,我觉得这个句子里的so是修饰hot的,是副词,正常句序是the weather was so hot that we couldn't go to sleep.这里提前是为了强调天气热,和情态动词不一样,不懂再问我

新都区18483459106: 英语大神快来帮帮忙.. -
长司可立: 1.so high as

新都区18483459106: 英语大神快来帮我速度bdbddb -
长司可立: 1,right now2,on the phone3,every day4,not bad5,at home

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长司可立: If we would not have any imagination, we would have to face many troubles.Mankind would not invent so many interesting things, such as plane, rocket.In another word, the these invented things are all masterpiece out of imagination.Therefore, we ...

新都区18483459106: 英语大神快快来 -
长司可立: today去掉 third-the third other floor- other floors lived-living immediate-immediately building- built was used up-had been used owned - had owned them-it from-to causes-caused

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