给美国寄宿家庭写信.帮忙翻译.高分 紧急!!

作者&投稿:郎虾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求:1年交换生 给美国寄宿家庭的信件 英文版~

It would be very hard to write without any context and condition.


Dear MR. and MRS Dovner,

I am very glad to receive your letter(email). I am sorry that I could not reply your letter(email) earlier, because I was busy packing up. I am going to take the UA 862 flight from Hongkong to San Francisco, and then transfer from San Francisco to Boise on August 16th. The detail information of the flights is in the word document attached to the email. Please check.

I believe it is a kind of good luck that I am assigned to live with your family. I believe we will be good friends, and get along well. I hope I could learn American Culture from you, and show you Chinese culture at the same time.

You can call me Steve, if you like. Would you mind if I call you Mark and Wendy or you prefer Mr. and Mrs Dovner?

Wish everything goes well.

Best regards,


1. 不用说你是谁,因为信的落款会写你是谁。
2. 不要用 annex. 附件的英文是 attachment, 附加在邮件里是 attached to.
3. 把转机的信息写清楚,不知道你们的学生会有没有安排给你接机,如果希望对方接机,要在邮件中写明。Could you pick me up at airport? 如果有机场代码要把机场代码写上,因为美国很多城市有好几个机场。
4. 博伊西 我不清楚是不是 Boise 机票上应该有英文。或者在网上查一查,打上州的缩写应该比较容易查到。
5. 有些语气,所说的话不太符合美国人的习惯,但是我已经尽量基于原意改了一下。估计美国人也可以理解,因为对他们来说你毕竟是外国人。而且大部分美国人 很 nice. 不用担心。
6. 如果不是在美国南方的州,是可以叫对方名字的,这样比较亲切,但是如果是南方州,有些美国白人是有种族歧视的,如果他们介意你直呼他们的名字,隐含着刻意和你疏远的意思,所以你可以问 Would you mind if I call you Mark and Wendy? 一般人家都回答 No, I do not mind (我不介意)就是可以的意思。如果说 Yes, Please call me ... 则一种可能是开玩笑,后面他回说 I am kidding. 如果郑重的说,那就是真的介意。那就用尊称好了。也不用刻意向他们亲近,出了国你就不仅代表你自己,也代表你的国家了,要有礼有节,既要有礼貌,也不能失了尊严。

Boise 可是个好地方啊. 我在那里生活过几年, 还做过华人协会的会长. 你去了可以先到当地的大学里找华人学生会, 有不少香港学生. 会有不少朋友的.

见了美国人之后, 如果没有特别说明, 不用询问,一律用尊称 MR./MRS. DOVNER, 除非他们专门说可以叫他们什么。 我原来也接待过不少学生,所以特别提醒你一点, 一定要记得你是客人, 暂住在别人家里, 生活上要参照主人的生活方式。


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Dovner,

This is Steven, I am very happy to have received your letter. I appologize I did not reply right away because I have been so busy to prepare for the departure.

My flight is on August 16, from HK to San Fransico by United Airlines, then make a transfer to Boise. I have attched detailed flight info with email.

Going to a foreign place is so exciting. Would you have any recommendations on anything that I should know or be prepared for?

I am very thankful for your generosity and help, I am looking forward to meet with you.




by the way, BSU (如果你是到那里去读书或是进修的话)根本没有中国学生会,你还是找你的host family 来接你吧。

I am steven. Received a letter from you I am very happy. Busy these two days to pack up in time there is no reply. I am sorry. I will take part in the August 16 flight from Hongkong to San Francisco's United Airlines flight 862. And then transfer to Boise. specific flight information I used the word sent to you. In the annex there.

Assigned to you, and I think this is fate. I think I will get along well with everyone. I will show you a lot about Chinese culture.

You can call me steven. I would also like to know how to call you. Is called Mark and Wendy directly or call them MR. / MRS Dovner.

I wish.

All goes well



给美国寄宿家庭写信.帮忙翻译.高分 紧急!!
2. 不要用 annex. 附件的英文是 attachment, 附加在邮件里是 attached to.3. 把转机的信息写清楚,不知道你们的学生会有没有安排给你接机,如果希望对方接机,要在邮件中写明。Could you pick me up at airport? 如果有机场代码要把机场代码写上,因为美国很多城市有好几个机场。4. 博伊西 我不...

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