
作者&投稿:磨胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The invention of the radio to TV was born, people of the world from a single hearing on stimulus to color Visual enjoyment. The birth of the Internet enables people to enter into a virtual, unknown world. Nowadays the Internet is more widely used, we don't have to go out can be and grow together in the world. Not only are people's technology is advancing, is also a people's entertainment gradually changed. The twenty-first century is the era of information technology, the Internet as a new generation of vector-borne, to people's life has brought about great changes. Whether you re far apart, as long as a network cable, you can ' meet ' rain or shine. According to Internet Information Center, a 2001 survey, China's online population has reached 2650 million and doubling every year, annually, of which young people account for more than 80% '. There is no perfect things that the Internet is no exception. It is like a double-edged sword, bring us a convenient but also make some willpower weak person into a swamp General UOT. In this environment, our contemporary college students how to overcome the shortcomings of using its strengths.

In the long history of mathematics, mathematicians first established the Riemann integral, but because of Riemann integral in the integral exchange issues with limit condition is too harsh, so the mathematicians lebesgue based on additive column can lebesgue integral, introduced the measure of success, it enrich the scope of integrable function, make it an indispensable to mathematical analysis tool, which is beneficial to people for the integration of research and exploration, in order to make people better understand the content, this article analysis from various aspects, and explains the difference and contact of Riemann integral and lebesgue integral, and from the origin of the lebesgue integral we is not hard to find a lot of math concepts and thinking is derived from the seemingly the same concepts and ideas This inspired when we do research from different angles to consider some existing concepts and theories, sometimes may lead to new concepts and theories

Our business is down a LOT this year. Why??


There are several reasons for this, some of which are out of our control, such as the worldwide recession, but


I see 2 factors which are internal at SzuMao:
我看到Szhu Mao的2个内部因素:
1.) Unable to offer many lower-end, 'cheaper' products.
(During any economic slowdown, consumers will move towards using less-expensive promotional products, such as: plastic, aluminum,...)

2.) SzuMao being in a 'Transition-Phase'.
2.) SzuMao 处于“转变时期(过度时期?)”

What do I mean by 'Transition Phase.'

1.) We're not focused on promotional pens & not focused on high-end pens.

We're trying to do both at the same time. Trying to do both makes it VERY difficult to either one very well.

3.) Current Main Problems:

a.) Being in this Transition phase & not having a clear focus.

b.) Most of our customers do NOT yet see us as a producer of high-end pens,

We are making progress on this, but still have a long way to go.

c.) Most of our promotional products customers say:

1.) We are too expensive for standard promotional pens.

2.) We are trying to move away from making promotional pens, ie: NOT focused on these pens.

3.) We are focusing on high-end pens & customers of high-end pens.

4.) What should our Focus Be??

a.) Making the move to high-end pens.

b.) We MUST work at achieving HIGH customer satisfaction for our current customers: for TOP 30 customers.

Including several of our promotional customers, such as: A005, NZ001, AU009, D001, D002, D125, ... & A001

High Customer Satisfaction would include these main components:

1.) Good Quality

2.) On-time Delivery

3.) Providing New Designs / New products


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阳春市19633641453: 跪求一段翻译: -
余岚卡托: 《黄帝内经》“其文简,其意博,其理奥,其趣深,天地之象分,阴阳之候列,变化之由表,死生之兆彰,不谋而遐迩自同,勿约而幽明斯契,稽其言有微,验之事不忒,诚可谓至道之宗,奉生之始矣.”这段话的意思是:《黄帝内经》文字简练,意义广博,道理深奥,趣味深远,分析天地自然的规律,列述四季阴阳的更迭,论述疾病由表及里的变化,阐明人体从生到死的特征,不论过去、现在和将来都同样适用,人们已经知道的和还不知道的都讲得清清楚楚,考察黄帝内经的内容都有依据,应用于实践没有差错,的确是最好道理的源泉,养生之道的始祖.

阳春市19633641453: 翻译下面一段话 -
余岚卡托: 参考译文: 十七年,太宗问褚遂良说:“舜帝制造了漆器,禹帝雕饰俎器,当时谏诤舜、禹的有十多人.食器之类的事情,为什么要如此苦谏呢?”褚遂良回答说:“雕琢妨害了农事,过分的彩绣耽误了女工.带头奢侈浪费,是危险灭亡的开始.喜好漆器不断,发展下去一定会用金子来做器具;喜好金器不断,发展下去一定会用玉来做器具.因此诤臣必须在刚开始露出奢侈的苗头时进谏,一旦奢侈成风,再进谏就难了.”太宗认为这话说得对.

阳春市19633641453: 跪求英语高手翻译,把下面一段话用英语翻译一下,不要太多错误,给分!
余岚卡托: I fail, fail, I can't, I have done my best! But, still can keep you, I meet your request, I don't deserve you, I choose to let go, I quit! I'm sorry, I love you!!!!! Wish you happiness! 百度上帮你翻译的, 谢谢采纳.

阳春市19633641453: 跪求...那位好心人帮我翻译下列一段话,十成分感谢! -
余岚卡托: Why all colleagues receive the bonus of 2007, but only do not I have? Is it I that work? There are other reasons besides, hope to answer. Thanks!

阳春市19633641453: 帮我翻译下面的一段话. -
余岚卡托: It is also I would like to say a word to you, all along I have not changed. However, the love of a person, we should let him happy, so I choose to let go. Although I really could not bear, but I also hope that you can easily some, a little less pressure and more happy! I will do my best waiting for you.

阳春市19633641453: 跪求高人帮忙翻译下段句子 不胜感激 -
余岚卡托: 每appli- cation必须包括行动计划未来废物处理的. 行动计划提出了 include 2.2Mton增量在与能源再生的废焚化,是一近的当前层(瑞典环境保护代办处(瑞典的doublingEPA), 2002).

阳春市19633641453: 跪求高手帮我翻译以下以下一段话!!!(3) -
余岚卡托: "The severe punishment legal state" on the one hand has effectivelycontained the Ming Dynasty initial period embezzlement phenomenonoccurrence, on the other hand also governed to the the Ming Dynastyofficial produces has been certainly ...

阳春市19633641453: 跪求高手帮我翻译以下一段话!!!(2) -
余岚卡托: " severe punishment ran a country " has on one hand contained the emergence that corrupted the phenomenon in initial stage of Ming Dynasty effectively, e...

阳春市19633641453: 在线求英语翻译,跪谢请大家帮助我翻译下面的一段话,谢谢了!--今夜是圣诞夜,家家户户张灯结彩.除了我,整个国家都沉浸在欢乐之中.此时此刻,希望我... -
余岚卡托:[答案] Tonight is Christmas Eve,every family is celebrating now except me. the whole country is falling into happiness, at this point of time,I want give you my wishes: merry Christmas

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