
作者&投稿:窦菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Life is hard. We should not give up hope. By the time we have given up, we are finished. Chances are always there. We have to grab every single opportunity...to help, to love and to serve. To live our life happier, full of joy, we have to set our goal and even dream big. If we choose the shortest path in life, we will never learn. To be or not to be, we have to be SOMEBODY. The fastest way to gain love is to love others first!Do not hide your talent, your knowledge and your beautiful heart. Go for your dream and live for it.

Dear Wei hua,
I’m so worried when I see that you’re a little tired and nervous although there are still about three months left for the College Entrance Examination. Here is some advice to help you to be better prepared for the exam.
You’d better have enough sleep, no matter how much work you have to do. Of course, a balanced diet will certainly help a lot. It’s good if you can have more fresh fruit and vegetables every day. As you know, a proper method in study will enable you to learn more and faster. To get better results, it’s wise to be very careful in class and try your best all the time in the classroom. And always remember to stay happy and optimistic so that you can be energetic while preparing for the coming exam.
I hope you’ll no longer feel tired and nervous soon after.
Best wishes.
Li Hua

I know you are the difficulties, as the friend i'd like to see you through. do you understand to be wealthy. the best way, so you must study hard, and the best way is to improve the key to success. don't stick to their difficulties, don't waste time and study. to understand the importance of health. i hope you will get well soon.



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which I forgot on the bus.Anyway,I hope you can travel to China, if you want,I can show you around just like you did.I look forward to hearing from you.Regards,HUA LI你好,百度专家组很高兴为你解答,答题不易,你的采纳是我答题的动力!如果你觉得有帮助,请采纳哦,谢谢!

Dear Editor,I'm Li Hua ,a student from the countryside. I have something to say about the frogs in the rice fields. In the Summer when I was young, I have realized the sounds of frogs in paddy fields. I loved it beacuse the songs forgs sang were so natural and nice....

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Hi, this is li hua, in holiday I participated in the sino-us student summer camp, for American students have a further understanding, most American students go to school at eight o 'clock in the morning, they usually before school this time some sports, such as running, playing...

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kitten. Mimi is a very smart and interesting cat. She loves to play with a small ball and sometimes she plays with me. She always stays in my room. We are good friends. I like Mimi a lot.若果是初一的,我看这应该足够长了,希望会对你有帮助,如满意请及时采纳,谢谢你。

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蓬昂安卜: I know you are the difficulties, as the friend i'd like to see you through. do you understand to be wealthy. the best way, so you must study hard, and the best way is to improve the key to success. don't stick to their difficulties, don't waste time and study. ...

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