
作者&投稿:禾古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you have a bad cold ,you should stop to have a good rest .drink a lot of water every day ,and sometimes drink some hot tea with honey.Don~t think the medicine is always useful,maybe it will make your body become much worse(.如果你得了重感冒,你应该停下来好好休息一下。喝大量的水每天,有时喝一些加蜂蜜的热茶。唐~ t认为医学总是有用的,也许它会使你的身体变得更糟。)

If I have a flu, I will feel very cold. I will cough all the time and have a headache. And then I will have a running nose. It is very bad. We should drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetables and do more exercise. Wash our hands before having meals and have a good rest.

一,Actually,If i have got the flu, i may have a bad headache or have a fever. Sometimes i have a sore throat and bad cough. So,i‘had better go to the doctor ,have to take some medicine, and stay in bed for a few days. Then I will be better and recover soon. 二,If I have one day was infected with influenza, I'll try and external isolation, in their isolation, keep yourself healthy, want to drink water more, if the condition permits to exercise more. I eat in such activities of notice.I feel about the symptoms, the body will have pain headache, muscle aches, soft weakness. Nausea, runny nose, etc.


中文 事实上,如果我得了感冒,我头痛得厉害,或发烧。有时我的喉咙痛和咳嗽。所以,i'had更好的去看医生,要吃些药,然后在床上躺了几天。然后我会更好,早日康复。二,如果我有一天被感染流感,我会尝试与外部隔离,其隔离,保持自己的健康,要多喝水,如果条件允许,多锻炼。我吃在注意到这样的活动。我觉得身体有疼痛症状,头痛,肌肉疼痛,软的弱点。恶心,流鼻涕,等。

1.Mary cant sleep well nights,so she cant get up early and always be late fot school.2.Helen have to get bed before 9 o'clock for her health.3.Tim need finish his homework after school.4.You cant practice playing piano at night for making neibourhood truble.5.Lily often ...

为你解答:She is telling him what shoes he should wear.她在告诉他该穿什么鞋子。Do you know what's wrong with her?你知道她出了什么问题吗?She wants to know how to get to the station.她想知道怎么去车站。It's necessary that people should obey the traffic rules.人们有必要遵守...

根据图片提示写一个句子,用Mary,must,arrive at,school,before,图上...
答案是 【Mary must arrive at school before 9 o'clock.】翻译:玛丽必须在9点前到达学校。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

After a week , I can see the sprout .Some days later , I find the plant grows two leaves .I insist on watering the plant everyday .Sometimes I put the pot under the sun .


1. 根据图示写一篇600字左右的作文 每当我背着书包来到剡山小学,操场旁边的几棵冬青树穿着绿色的军装,好像在迎接我的到来,又像在站岗,保护我们美丽的校园。两边的教学楼黄中带白,可好看了呢!被用正方形砖块铺成绿色的操场,就像一块平坦的草地。我们可以在这块草地上尽情的玩耍。最美的要数...

1.Tom is reading book this moment.2.Linda often play with dog after school

故填Too many cars cause much \/ a lot of pollution.小题2:根据图片及提示词可知是美国的旗帜,美国的人口是309,000,000。故填The population of the U.S.A. is 309 million. 或:America has a population of 309 million.小题3:根据图片及提示词可知孩子在河里游泳是危险的,故填It’s ...

一、根据图片提示,以“a nice sunday”为题,写一篇短文
一、 A nice Sunday It was Sunday yesterday. I got up at 7 o'clock. Then I went running in the neighourhood. After breakfast, I did my homework. At 9:30, I went shopping with my mother. We bought some food and other things. Then we went home and I helped my ...

2.Jack visited the Great Wall last summer 3.There are many people on Tian'an'men's square 4.Joan went boating last week 5.mom is busy now

永新县19418198120: 根据图片提示,写一写假如你得了流感会有什么症状?写一篇英语作文 -
宰哈东宝:[答案] 一,Actually,If i have got the flu, i may have a bad headache or have a fever. Sometimes i have a sore throat and bad cough. So,i'had better go to the doctor ,have to take some medicine, and stay in b...

永新县19418198120: 用英语写一写假如你得了流感会有什么症状?应该怎么做? -
宰哈东宝: 以下是我的回答,希望楼主给我一个机会.If I have one day was infected with influenza, I'll try and external isolation, in their isolation, keep yourself healthy, want to drink water more, if the condition permits to exercise more. I eat in such activities of ...

永新县19418198120: 假如你是小红,请按下列要求给张老师写一张请假条:(1)你患了流感;(2)你发烧了;(3)不能去上学(4)明天(5)希望(6)get well wery soon -
宰哈东宝: Dear Mr. Zhang,I had the flu and a fever.I'm sorry i can't go to school today.I want to ask for a day leave.I hope i'll be better tomorrow and get well very soon.Waiting for your consideration.(日期)Xiao Hong

永新县19418198120: 假如在春天你得了流感,写一写其症状吧.你该怎么做的英语作文
宰哈东宝: 学贯古今国家恢复脚后跟uhjg和vbjhgjhg一个化工合剂八角货币

永新县19418198120: 假如你患上了H1N1流感,随时都有死的可能,你会怎么办?
宰哈东宝: C:告诉你所有的亲人和朋友 如感不适,出现高烧、咳嗽或喉咙痛,应待在家中,不要去人员密集的地方;多休息,喝大量的水;咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用一次性纸巾遮掩住嘴和鼻子,用完后的纸巾应处理妥当;勤洗手,每次洗手都应用肥皂彻底...

永新县19418198120: 英语造句根据所给的单词来写一段话介绍你得了流感(flu),会有哪些症状,不少于5句话have a sore throathave a headache have a feverhave a cold -
宰哈东宝:[答案] When you have a flu, first you will have a sore throat, then you may have a headache, after that you will have a fever you may have a cold at the same time.

永新县19418198120: 得了流感之后,会有哪些症状,请以次写一篇英语作文.(附上中文意思) -
宰哈东宝:[答案] If you have a bad cold ,you should stop to have a good rest .drink a lot of water every day ,and sometimes drink some hot tea with honey.Don~t think the medicine is always useful,maybe it will make your body become much worse(.如果你得了重感冒,...

永新县19418198120: 流感有那写症状
宰哈东宝: 甲型H1N1流感症状: 人感染猪流感后的早期症状与普通人流感相似,包括发热、咳嗽、喉痛、身体疼痛、头痛、发冷和疲劳等,有些还会出现腹泻或呕吐、肌肉痛或疲倦、眼睛发红等. 部分患者病情可迅速进展,来势凶猛、突然高热、体温超过39℃,甚至继发严重肺炎、急性呼吸窘迫综合征、肺出血、胸腔积液、全血细胞减少、肾功能衰竭、败血症、休克及Reye综合征、呼吸衰竭及多器官损伤,导致死亡.伏期一般1至7天左右,较流感、禽流感潜伏期长.

永新县19418198120: 假如你是汤姆,因患感冒今天不能上学.请根据提示,用4 - 6句话给你的老师写一张请假条,说明你不能上学的原因.提示: 1. have a cold 2. stay in bed 3. can... -
宰哈东宝:[答案] Dear Mr. Green I'm sorry to tell you that I have a cold today. This morning I went to see the doctor. He gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for two days. So I can't go to school ...

永新县19418198120: 请根据图片和提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,可适当扩展. 假如你昨晚做了一个梦,你和Jim都是 -
宰哈东宝: Flying to Mars in My Dream (about 150 words)I made a dream last night. In my dream I together with my friend Jim took the space shuttle to fly to Mars. We passed many stars and finally landed on the planet. There we were met by the Martians who ...

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