terracotta warriors怎么读音

作者&投稿:员程 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
terracotta warriors怎么读音~

Terracotta Warriors 
英 [ˌterə'kɔtə 'wɔriəz]  
美 [ˌterə'kɑtə 'wɔriəz]  

Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east.

The Terracotta Army 顺便附兵马俑的英语介绍: The Terracotta Army (Chinese: 兵马俑; Pinyin: Bīng Mǎ Yǒng; literally "military servants") or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (秦始皇陵; Qín Shǐ Huáng Líng). The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, The terracotta figures were buried with the first Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huang) in 210-209 BC. Consequently, they are also sometimes referred to as "Qin's Army." The Terracotta Army of China was discovered in March 1974 by local farmers drilling a well to the east of Mount Li. Mount Li is the name of the man-made necropolis and tomb of the First Emperor of Qin; Qin Shi Huang. Construction of this mausoleum began in 246 B.C. and is believed to have taken 700,000 workers and craftsmen 36 years to complete. Qin Shi Huang was interred inside the tomb complex upon his death in 210 B.C. According to the Grand Historian Sima Qian, The First Emperor was buried alongside great amounts of treasure and objects of craftsmanship, as well as a scale replica of the universe complete with gemmed ceilings representing the cosmos, and flowing mercury. representing the great earthly bodies of water. Recent scientific work at the site has shown high levels of mercury in the soil of Mount Li, tentatively indicating an accurate description of the site’s contents by Sima Qian. The tomb of Qin Shi Huang is near an earthen pyramid 76 meters tall and nearly 350 meters square. The tomb presently remains unopened. There are plans to seal-off the area around the tomb with a special tent-type structure to prevent corrosion from exposure to outside air. However, there is at present only one company in the world that makes these tents, and their largest model will not cover the site as needed. Qin Shi Huang’s necropolis complex was constructed to serve as an imperial compound or palace. It is comprised of several offices, halls and other structures and is surrounded by a wall with gateway entrances. The remains of the craftsmen working in the tomb may also be found within its confines, as it is believed they were sealed inside alive to keep them from divulging any secrets about its riches or entrance. It was only fitting, therefore, to have this compound protected by the massive terra cotta army interred nearby.

terracotta warriors

读音:英[ˌterəˈkɒtə] ['wɒrɪəz]    美 [ˌterəˈkɑ:tə]  ['wɒrɪrz]  



1、This is the Terracotta Warriors located in Lin Tong County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China. 


2、You won't just find terracotta warriors in the middle of China, or the world's biggest museums. 





n.武士,勇士,战士( warrior的名词复数 )


一、the Great Wall



1、Love the Chinese nation, repair the Great Wall.; Love China, Repair the Great Wall. 


2、The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.


二、the Imperial Palace



1、Have you been to the Imperial Palace? 


2、Forbidden City, Ming and Qing dynasties was the Imperial Palace. 


Terracotta Warriors 
英 [ˌterə'kɔtə 'wɔriəz]    
美 [ˌterə'kɑtə 'wɔriəz]    

Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east.

Terracotta Warriors

terracotta warriors



This is the largest terracotta warriors I've found.

porcelain 与 ceramic 还有 pottery 及 terracotta的区别?跟陶与瓷怎么...
porcelain瓷器,广义上的瓷,是总称 ceramic是陶器,也可以指一种制陶艺术 Pottery陶瓷,也可以指制陶工厂 terracotta是指一种特殊制陶的特殊原料---赤土或赤陶 陶一般以一种易熔粘土制造.在某些情况下也可以在粘土中加入熟料或砂与之混合,以减少收缩.这些制品的烧成温度变动很大,要依据粘土的化学组成所含...

terracotta warriors怎么读音
terracotta warriors 读音:英[ˌterəˈkɒtə] ['wɒrɪəz] 美 [ˌterəˈkɑ:tə] ['wɒrɪrz]n.兵马俑 例句:1、This is the Terracotta Warriors located in Lin Tong County, Xi'an City, Shaanx...

陶土板幕墙陶土板(Terracotta panels)物理特性

兵马俑 bīngmǎyǒng [terracotta warriors and horses] 用泥土和木头制作的士兵和战马的全身塑像,作为随葬品列队排在墓穴里;特指在西安附近的秦始皇墓里出土的兵马俑

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思
Terracotta Warriors兵马俑 认真答题,确保正确,放心采纳

Terracotta Army是什么意思
Terracotta Army 兵马俑 双语对照 词典结果:Terracotta Army n.(秦始皇) 兵马俑;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.The museum's pacific week has, of course, been dominated by the first emperorexhibition, featuring china's terracotta army.当然,博物馆的 --- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上...

terracotta army 英 [ˌterəˈkɒtə ˈɑːmi] 美 [ˌterəˈkɑːtə ˈɑːrmi]兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑。British people get the chance to view the Terracotta Army without travelling to China.英国人最近不用...

Terracotta Warriors是什么意思
Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑;就是兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑 例句 1.Terracotta Warriors and Horses is one of the eight wonders.兵马俑是八大奇迹之一。2.Is this the place that the terracotta warriors were discovered?这里就是发现兵马俑的地方吧?3.Thousands and thousands of people come to visit ...

兵马俑的英文介绍是:1、英文介绍:The terracotta warriors and horses, namely the terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin, also referred to as the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin, are the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units and the ...

terracotta:红土 construction\/building material :建白材料 陶瓷质地和类型 Qualities & Types of Pottery White Body 白胎 碧玉细炻器 jasper 薄胎瓷 thin china \/ egg-shell porcelain 彩陶器,釉陶 faience 陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china \/ ornamental porcelain 瓷porcelain, china (China ‘中国’来自’Chin’’...

黄龙县15292639169: the Terra - cotta Warriors 怎么读?音标也可以. -
闳荷美珞:[答案] mangguo0125|三级 terracotta 英[ˌterəˈkɔtə] 美[ˌtɛrəˈkɑtə] Warriors ['wɔriəz]

黄龙县15292639169: Terracotta Warriors是什么意思 -
闳荷美珞: Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑;就是兵马俑;秦始皇兵马俑 例句1.Terracotta Warriors and Horses is one of the eight wonders.兵马俑是八大奇迹之一.2.Is this the place that the terracotta warriors were discovered?这里就是发现兵马俑的地方吧?...

黄龙县15292639169: Terra - Cotta Warriors是什么意思 -
闳荷美珞: Terra-Cotta Warriors n.兵马俑;例句: 1. Qin shihuang's terra-cotta warriors and horses are famous. 秦始皇兵马俑是很有名的.2. People come to visit the museum of qin terra-cotta warriors and horses every day. 每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆

黄龙县15292639169: terracotta warrior是什么意思 -
闳荷美珞: terracotta warrior 兵马俑 网络释义 1. 秦俑 例句:1. The terracotta warrior exhibition, featuring artifacts from the qin dynasty and nine life-sizestatues from the extended burial complex built for qin shi huang, is on display throughaug. 26. 兵马俑展览8月26号开展,展览呈现了秦朝的工艺品和真人大小的九座雕塑,这些雕像出自秦始皇的延伸墓葬群.

黄龙县15292639169: Terra - Cotta Warriors 是什么意思 -
闳荷美珞: 对,是秦兵马俑

黄龙县15292639169: terra cotta warrior怎么读 -
闳荷美珞: 英文原文:terra cotta warrior 英式音标:[ˈterə] [ˈkɒtə] [ˈwɒrɪə] 美式音标:[ˈtɛrə] [ˈkɑtə] [ˈwɔrɪɚ]

黄龙县15292639169: terra cotta warriors怎样读 -
闳荷美珞: terra cotta adj.赤土陶器的,赤土色的; warriors [美]n.武士,勇士,战士( warrior的名词复数 ); terra cotta warriors 兵马俑

黄龙县15292639169: Terra Citta Warriors 怎么翻译 -
闳荷美珞: 正确的拼法是Terra Cotta Warriors.Terra就是拉丁词,对应英文的earth(泥土).Cotta原意是baked(焙烤).Terra Cotta Warriors=烧制的土士兵=兵俑.

黄龙县15292639169: the Terra - cotta Warriors 怎么读 -
闳荷美珞: the英 [ðə] 美 [ðə]terra cotta英 [ˈterə ˈkɔtə] 美 [ˈtɛrə ˈkɑtə]adj.赤土陶器的,赤土色的warriors英 ['wɒrɪəz] 美 ['wɒrɪrz]n.武士,勇士,战士( warrior的名词复数 )【Terra Cotta Warriors】 【兵马俑】China's terra cotta warriors coming to Houston.中国兵马俑将在美国休斯顿展出.We're going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors.我们打算去看兵马俑.

黄龙县15292639169: Terracotta Warriors是什么意思 -
闳荷美珞: terracotta warriorsn.兵马俑; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 兵马俑例句:双语英语1.This is the largest terracotta warriors I've found. 这是我找到的,最大批的兵马俑.

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