
作者&投稿:资毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译 急叩谢!!!~



I think the friends in middle school are more important. At that time we were young , while annoyances never came to us and we enjoyed a lot of happy days together. So I think friends in middle school are more important than friends in colleage.

The housework that I most unlike to do is washing dishes. The first is the dishes are easily broken so when do it I should be very careful. Second , it’ll take a lot of time to wash away the plenty cooking oil in dinnerware. At last in my opinion the washing-up liquid is harmful for people’s skin. So the housework I don't like to do is washing dishes.

The housework I like most is cooking. When I was young my dream was to become a famous shief. I also think every girls should be capable of cooking. At last I’m my own boss when I am cooking; I can cook whatever I like. So my favorate housework is cooking.

I think that school friends are more important. Because then we are all young, there is no trouble to spend many happy days together. Another thing I think that time, the friendship is true. So I think school friend's friend is more important than the university

2. I do not like doing the most housework is washing dishes, because it is easy to broken dishes, washing dishes to be very careful before they can. And then there are a lot of grease on tableware, washing dishes is very time-consuming. Eventually, I think the skin detergent is very hurt. So I do not like doing the most housework is the dishwasher.

I like doing the housework is cooking. Because a child's own dream is to be a very famous chef. Another thing I think that every girl should learn to cook. Finally, I chef I call the shots, I can do what they like to eat. So, my favorite is the cooking chores.

I think school friends are much more important,as we were young and innocent at that time and had spent lots of happy time together.Besides,I believe that middle-school friends are more important than college friends, for the reason that friendship in middle school is much purer.

The last housework I'd like to do is washing dishes.Because we have to be very cautious when washing the fragile dishes.Then it also costs lots of time to remove the grease spots on them.What's more,liquid detergent is harmful for our skin.So those give a reasonable explain why I don't like to wash dishes.
Otherwise,the housework I like most is cooking.When I was young,I dreamt to be a good chef.Besides,cooking is what each girl should learn.What's more,it's really an exciting thing that I can cook what I like by myself.

1, I think that school friends are more important. Because then we are all young, there is no trouble to spend many happy days together. Another thing I think that time, the friendship is true. So I think school friend's friend is more important than the university

I like doing the housework is cooking. Because a child's own dream is to be a very famous chef. Another thing I think that every girl should learn to cook. Finally, I chef I call the shots, I can do what they like to eat. So, my favorite is the cooking chores

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