
作者&投稿:右房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

had done表示过去的过去,是过去完成时,表示你在她遇到烦心事前就不理解了,这不符合逻辑。而应该是她烦心之后你不理解,所以直接用过去式。

第一句 如果你是新来的,你可以用课本上的单词和词组向你的新同学介绍自己。
第二句 如果一个新的同学来到你的班级。试着和他对话。你可以用课本上的词组。


1 如果你是新来的,试着向新同学介绍一下你自己。你可以用盒子里的单词和词组。

1.我们应该做什么来改善环境? What shall we do to improve the enviroment 2.在公共场所 in public 3.保护环境 to protect the enviroment 4.砍树 to cut down trees 5.保持我们环境干净和整洁是我们的职责 it is our duty to keep the enviroment clean 6.踏草坪 to step on the lawn 7....

这句话的翻译是 圣克鲁斯岛坐落于南加州海岸,岛上居住着一种叫做岛狐狸的神奇动物。这是个含有定语从句的主从复合句,主句是倒装句,是因为介词短语放句首用了完全倒装,从句是 where 引导的定语从句,修饰主句主语Santa Cruz Island,从句中的 主语是 a magical creature,called the island fox 是过去...

结婚だってできやしない ,中文意思是“连婚都结不成”。2、ばかり,是强调的用法,这里是一门心思以为是门的感觉。最初はドアだっとばかり思っていた引き戸に悪戦苦闘し ,中午字面意思是“刚开始我以为是门的问题,所以与拉门做殊死搏斗”。(没有上下文,不知道文脉是什么样的,我想这句话...

情侣留言暖心英语句子语录带翻译  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 历史上日本哪些首相被刺杀身亡?名成教育17 2022-07-04 · TA获得超过155个赞 知道答主 回答量:116 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:122万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 对于情侣来说,最浪漫是与你相牵,最暖心是有你相伴,只因有...

1.一张她卧室的照片 a photo of her bedroom 2.其中一个男孩 one of the boys 3.回电话 call sb. back 4.电话号码 telephone number 5.乘飞机的旅行 a trip\/journey by plane 6.抵达北京 arrive in\/reach Beijing 7.两千零三 two thousand and three 8.泰国是一个漂亮而又多雨的国家 ...

列出你喜欢放在三明治里的东西List the materials you would like to put into the sandwich 两碗稀饭two bowls of porridge 放入四杯酸奶Put four cups of yogurt into it 超级鸡肉三明治super chicken sanwich 倒两茶匙酸奶进搅拌机pour two teaspoons of yogurt into blender 六片火鸡肉six slices of ...

1. 谁知道高一语文必修一二的文言文重点翻译句子 急 必修一《烛之武退秦师》1.若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困,君亦无所害。 【翻译】如果你放弃围攻郑国而把他作为东方道路上的主人,秦国使者往来,可以供给他们缺少(的东西),对您秦国也没有害处。若:如果;行李:即行吏,出使的人。 即行吏;共:通“供...

你好,我翻译如下,希望可以帮助你!1)我们带孩子们出去散步。(take sb.out)We take the kids out for walk.2)他将带太太出去吃饭。(take sb.out)He take his wife out to dining.3)昨天老师带学生们去春游。(take sb.out)The teacher took the students out to enjoy spring outing.4)我...

英语一些 口语句子 翻译
久不见!你好!1,2 Is it\/this free?Is it\/this free of charge?Is this no-charge parking?Is it\/this on the house? (on the house = 免费 ,这个表达不适用于停车场)Is parking complimentary here? (complimentary = 免费)Is there a charge for this? (询问物主)Do they ...

The tent was full of water .帐篷里都是水 the tent 作主语 was 系动词做谓语 合起来做宾语 句子时态为过去式

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: 1、她比她姐姐更外向一点 She is more outgoing than her sister. 2、一定不要让你父母失望 Don't let your parents down. Don't disappointed your parents. 3、我妈妈已经习惯了步行上班 My mother gets used to work by foot. 4、他是多么诚实的男孩...

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝:1.当我是个小男孩的时候,我总是太害羞而不敢和别人说话 2.我母亲让我加入它!(应该是take part in)

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译 -
邵轻捷凝: . Today's weather is as good as yesterday's weather. 2 John every Wednesday are back to help the teacher clean the classroom health. 3 Tengen raining, the streets almost no one. 4 When he knocked on the door, I was calling my mother. 5 If the ...

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: 1.老师叫我们避免上课迟到. The teachers ask us to avoid being late for school. 2.我们应当拒绝随地吐痰 We shouldn't spit anywhere. 3.我们有责任节约用水 It is our duty to save the water. 4.你介意为她捎口信吗 Do you mind taking a message for ...

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译 -
邵轻捷凝: 1 she is grateful to George for all that he has done for her2 please be sure to see Pro. Wang off tomorrow morning3 according to my experience, the girl's word might be true4 the price...

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: 1.我买了一台电脑,这台电脑很好用 I bought a computer,and it's very easy to use. 2.他喜欢吃牛肉,但是昨天买的牛肉被猫吃了 He likes to eat beef,but the beef he bought yesterday was eaten by the cat. 3.他是我们这里的唯一的留学生 He is the only internatonal student here. 4.月亮是离地球最近的天体 The moon is the nearest celestial bodies to earth.

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: and Tony decides to give her her one one as his birthday gift for her .

碑林区19117808498: 翻译英语句子 -
邵轻捷凝: 1. 那位英国人花了一年多的时间学习汉语.2. 我兄弟泰德花了200元买这些书.

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: 您好! 1.My favourite subject is math, so I learn it very well. (这里因此应该用so) 2.What's the date today? September the 9th. 3.Let me show you around the morden building. (show sb around sth带领某人参观...) 4.I walk to go to school for about ...

碑林区19117808498: 英语句子翻译
邵轻捷凝: Forget的现在分词Forgotten 1.Have you ever been to America? 2.He isn't a doctor,neither am I (Nor am I 也可以). 3..Both the boys and the girls are wrong. 4.He won't come today ,even tomorrow. 5.Many parents complain that toys affect children's ...

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