
作者&投稿:任界 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

yesteday was Saturday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Songcheng by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

  文化是宋城的灵魂,它在表现自然山水美、园林建筑美、民俗风情美、社会人文美、文化艺术美上作了自己的探索。它模糊了时空概念,缩短了时空距离。穿过高大的城门楼,只见一条小河贯通南北。河中船只往来穿梭,两岸楼阁矗立,杨柳低垂。身穿宋代服装的商贩在此经营着仿古酒茶。城中经常有魔术、民间 舞蹈及杂技表演,还有中国古代婚礼仪式的表演。宋城是我们对中国古代文化的一种追忆与表述,它应该成为一座寓教娱乐的历史之城。

In the winter vacation, I and my parents and many relatives to visit Songcheng, Hangzhou.
All the way, are the fog and haze, we can not harm the high-speed, it seems that the white clouds on the same. After six hours, finally arrived in Songcheng.
I was most impressed by the strange street. The strange street inside the haunted house, house, house, oblique stealth maze there are many strange house. The most strange is the slanting house. There are two ladders in the slanting room. A ladder said: "it seems very difficult to climb, in fact, very simple." I try to climb, it is very simple, just like walking on the ground. Another ladder says: "it seems very simple, in fact, it is difficult to climb." I just got up a few and fell off.
We also went to the ancient city of lost. The Qingming Festival is the most spectacular. The characters in the picture are moving, and the day can become night.
We came to Songcheng's biggest goal is to see Songcheng eternal love performance. It was not easy to wait until six twenty, the show began. Such as a godlike beauty on stage dancing lightly. When the speech to the lotus fairy, also drop a few drops of rain "". The scene is very spectacular. Suddenly, the lights dimmed, I saw many soldiers armed with spears in the face. After a while, Yue Fei also appeared in china. A cannon had burned the imperial palace. Yue Fei in this tense moment of crisis, with all his strength, finally won the victory.
Song Chengzhen fun ah! As the advertisement says, "give me a day, and you are a thousand years.".

[杭州宋城游记--程怡婷寒假日记之二]寒假里,我到杭州去玩,在一个烟雨蒙蒙的星期天,爸爸妈妈带我到杭州最最古老的地方--宋城去寻找历史,杭州宋城游记--程怡婷寒假日记之二。车子在宽阔的市郊公路上飞驰,刚来到城门前,就看到一座城堡,上面飘扬着许许多多彩旗,还有许多人穿着古人的衣服:有的穿着皇上的衣服;有的穿着小公主的衣服;有的穿着皇后的衣服;还有的穿着皇太子的衣服…手中拿着各种各样的武器,突然间就让我有一种自己置身于大宋朝都城的感觉。我们买好门票,走进城内。"哇!好热闹啊!"我高兴地喊起来。古老的街道上熙熙攘攘,游人摩肩接踵,一派繁荣昌盛的景象。走着走着,突然,我看见一位大姐姐穿着凤妆坐在轿子上,四个人抬着她,一边往前走,一边在不停地颠动,旁边还有几个人在奏乐,我的眼中充满了羡慕,真的很想去体验一下,但爸爸妈妈说我太小,没有同意,寒假作文《杭州宋城游记--程怡婷寒假日记之二》。我们继续向前走,来到了一个叫"怪街"的地方,这里真的太好玩了:有"隐身屋",把头套进去,身子就不见了;有"斜屋",人走进去站都站不稳;有"迷宫",进去以后怎么绕都绕不出来;还有"鬼屋",不过没开放,否则我还想进去闯闯…后来我们上山来到观音殿,看到了南海观世音菩萨,我和妈妈立即上前拜了拜,让她保佑我们一家人平平安安,和和美美地过日子。我们走出观音殿,看到了如来佛祖,妈妈拿来一支香,又拜了拜就下山了。我们往下走,来到了游乐园。"哇!好好玩!"我们玩了很多内容,特别是一些需要技术和勇气的项目,我在爸爸和爸爸的通讯员周叔叔的帮助下一项一项的去闯,好刺激哦。宋城是一个古老的地方,在这里我们好像又回到了古代,让我见识到了古代的民族风格。希望大家有空的时候一定要去看一看哦!"七"乐无穷,尽在新浪新版博客,快来体验啊~请点击进入~  〔杭州宋城游记--程怡婷寒假日记之二〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】

“The days that make us happy make us wise.”----John Masefield

For most foreigners, their first impression about China is the food,

In the winter vacation, I and my parents and many relatives to visit Songcheng, Hangzhou.All the way, are the fog and haze, we can not harm the high-speed, it seems that the white clouds on the same. After six hours, finally arrived in Songcheng.I was most impressed by ...

i was very happy

I most like to travel! Travel makes me have fun, and can learn a lot, then I to introduce you to the place where I feel funny, everybody follow me go travel together!Every time I go to the most place is hangzhou, go to all feel a lot of fun. Summer can go to west...

My hometown Speaking of ganzhou, many domestic friends are very familiar with, the world of ganzhou also not unfamiliar. Ganzhou has four ZhangGuoJi card, first of all, ganzhou tungsten is world, tungsten industry sales income has accounted for national 1\/3, so tungsten this industry...

West Lake in Hangzhou, is punishable by a beautiful and elegant Huguangshanse the bright Yun-Feng heritage and culture and art blend into a state-level scenic spots. She's beautiful West Lake as the center on three sides Yunshan, covered in clear water, covering an area of 60 ...



对杭州的情况略有所知,文章是我的亲身经历,分三部分游,住,吃,处处都是杭州旅游的经典,希望可以让朋友们少走一些弯路】,呵呵    以上就是小编对于赴杭州旅游攻略(赴杭州旅游攻略英语作文)问题和相关问题的解答了,赴杭州旅游攻略(赴杭州旅游攻略英语作文)的问题希望对你有用!

桓温叫人作文笑他,他也不示弱,作文答辩,一时传为佳话。 南朝时,梁人吴均在《续齐谐记》中记载一个神异的故事:汝南人桓景,随费长房游学,费长房要他在重阳这天让家人各作绛囊,盛茱萸系臂,并登高,饮菊花酒,才可免祸。桓景照办了,才逃脱灾祸。这个故事,生动地反映出重阳时人们的避邪除灾心理。 当然人们登高...

乌镇旅游作文 乌镇游记作文800字
还有就是,你这个时间很充裕呢,只玩这两个地方很闲,尤其是宋城,不是太大,里面玩的东西并不多,主要是要看宋城千古情的演出,个人觉得半天就够了,或者是夜间去玩。其他时间建议在杭州市区玩一玩吧,西湖周边转转也可以~ 祝你们旅途愉快了 中考英语作文关于来乌镇旅游计划 自己改动一下就行了 ·小学英语作文 ·初中...

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允林二叶: “The days that make us happy make us wise.”----John Masefield

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允林二叶: Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues. The City, the southern terminus of the Grand ...

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允林二叶: I had read and heard about Hangzhou is a nice tourist spot. I went there during this summer holiday. I went to the famous West lake with my parents on one saturday. We climbed the LeiFeng tower and walked around the parks.. We also visited the ...

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允林二叶: A Plan for Visiting Hangzhou As we know,Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities of China with many interesting places such as the West Lake.My friend and I are going to visit it.And we have a plan.We are planning to go by bus at 8:00 next ...

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允林二叶: I went to HangZhou in the summer holiday with my parents,which gave me lots of funs.When arriving there we were attracted with the beauties of Hangzhou.It is believed that Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.So it is.We went to vist ...

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允林二叶: I visited to Hangzhou with my parents last summer vacation. We had a great time there. Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in our country. And it is famous for the West Lake and went boating. We also were climbing the mountains. How ...

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