
作者&投稿:底贝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

each country has its unique culture and their own way of celebrating the new year. then, how do other countries spend their new year? first of all, let's have a look at Japan.

How to increase the efficiency of teaching English:
1.Organize class teaching by English.
Organize class teaching by English.Use gestures,eye contact,movement,tongue to biuld English learning atmosphere,in order to give students more chances to use it and bring the students to the habbit of thinking and expressing directly by English.During the process of English organization teaching,the students have experienced a way which will make him more familiar from green to English.Finally,he can use it efficiently.
2.Attract the students' attention by what could be directly percieved through the senses.
Primary English class teaching always use these scenes :human(teachers and students),objects(the study articles),pictures(cards or simplified teaching stroke pictures),these will all attract the students' interest ,in order to faster thier understanding of English.
3.Attract their interest by computer.
Filmstrip ,overhead projector ,video recording ,computer and voice classroom are always used in Primary school English teaching.Otherwise,we could show the students some English cartoons, i.e. 《Disney magic English》,《learning english happily》,《The lion king》 etc.
These cartoons‘s content is plentiful,and there are some slang in it.These cartoons combine interest and story to build a dynamic effect,and they creat circumstances of learning English directly.
4.Play roles.Speak English in the action.
Creating real conversations comparatively will not only attract the children's interest,but also will make their understanding more easily.Lots of them want to itch for a try.They will learn English very easily through this very relaxed way.

I'm an outgoing person and good at learning, dare to take up challenges。 I also like team work life and have a good sense of teamspirit. But sometimes I am a little bit immature in dealing with something.

I'm open and lively, bold enough to try and good at learning. I like team life and have team spirit.

easy going, dare to do something haven't been done before, know how to study well, like to work as a member of a team and really focus on team-work. however, sometime i could not finish the work perfectlly.

这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~,like用于第一人称和第二人称,还有第三人称复数,如I,you,they等。likes用于第三人称单数he,she等。给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下: 【含义】 1、like 英[laɪk],美[laɪk] v. 喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西);喜欢...


friend:英[frend] 美[frend] 朋友; 友人; 赞助者; 支持者; 自己人; 同志; 同伙; 同盟者; 用法不同 一、buddy多用于口语,表示关系亲昵的表达,也解释为同伴,伙伴。 Her driving buddy was in trouble.翻译:她的开车伙伴出事了。 This is where you get off, buddy.翻译:老兄,你在这里下车。 Buddy ,you...

这个口语我懂,我经常说呢,让我来告诉你吧~ 中文:我经常在6:30起床。 英文:I often get up at 6:30. 先简单的分析一下这个句子的【翻译思路】,便于大家理解: 主语是【我】:I 谓语是【起床】:get up 【经常】的单词是:often 是一个副词 【在6:30】在几点一般用介词at,后面直接用阿拉伯数字的时间即可...

这部分要求大家在规定的三分钟内就所给的一个英文题目进行口语表达。要求做到无重大语法错误,表达流畅,能围绕题目进行论点阐述,论证,无偏题,跑题问题。第二部分 4 passages of interpretation 这部分共有四段口译,两段英翻中,两段中翻英。每一段分四小段翻完,即共有十六小段。每小段通常在两...


trust believe区别
这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下: 【含义】 1、trust:英[trʌst],美[trʌst] n. 相信;信任;信赖;委托;信托;信托财产;受托基金机构;受托团体;托拉斯; v. 信任;信赖;相信(某人的善良、真诚等);认为可靠;想;希望;期望; ...

...和 practise的区别是只在词性吗?如果不是那还有什么区别?希望...
这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的,Practice和practise的区别在词性和用法都有差异的,给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下: 【含义解释】 1、practice 英[ˈpræktɪs] 美[ˈpræktɪs] n. 实践; 实际行动; 通常的做法; 惯例; 常规; 惯常做的事; 习惯...


一楼回答了,补充:口语不是听力,是自己张嘴白话,不需要对方的。听力不是说话,不会说话都可以,需要对方,但是对方也可以是电视节目什么的。这两者一定要分清楚,才有可能学会。学会英语只有四条:读英想英记英 听英思英记英 上面是输入 写英先想英 说英先思英 上面是输出 根本没有汉语中文什么事...

太子河区18428888894: 口语~中翻英~! -
宏依双虎: how can it be me?how can I know?I can't recite my cellphone number

太子河区18428888894: 找朋友帮忙翻译 几句英文.希望口语化,不要机器翻译 -
宏依双虎: 你好!参考如下: 1 I want to learn more about computers so that I can use them more conveniently. 2 I also like biology to protect the wild animals in China. 3 After the basic education, I will choose a major to further my study and then make some inventions.地道的翻译就不能直译. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

太子河区18428888894: 几句对话,求中翻英!请帮我翻译以下的句子,不要翻译器的!口语化就行~ 行李可以先放这里吗?我们现在要出门,晚上回来再把行里拿到房间,顺便办... -
宏依双虎:[答案] Can we put out Luggage here? We need to go out now and get back in the 8~9 PM to check in and put the luggage in the room.Is there a fresh supermarket around here? how to get there fast?Would you like...

太子河区18428888894: 急!中翻英、翻译句子,尽量口语化点
宏依双虎: none of the seats of the flight from PVG--CHICAGO--CINCINATI on 9th Jan. is available,while the one on 10th has.Also, the flight from DENVER--SAN FRANCISCO--PVG in 18th Jan.still has seats. Please check the date right away. i'll send the E-tichet to your E-mail. :)

太子河区18428888894: 中翻英、翻译句子,尽量口语化点
宏依双虎:1月9日从PVG--CHICAGO--CINCINATI的航班没有座位了,原定1月10日的航班,还有座位. January 9 from PVG - CHICAGO - CINCINATI no more seats on the flight, originally scheduled for January 10 flight, as well as seats.还有,1月18日...

太子河区18428888894: 求口语化中翻英,不要机器翻,感谢! 非常感谢您的耐心等,昨天经过与bob通话,并对此份合约的觧释 -
宏依双虎: Thanks for your patient waiting.I talked to Bob on the line yesterday,I had a clue from his explanation about the contract,my boss will come to the company next monday,and I will send back to you as soon as he sign it. Thanks again for your understanding and waiting.

太子河区18428888894: 急求口语化中翻英,不要机器翻,感谢! 我并非指工程不要继续完成,而是老板尚未回台北,一切款项无法 -
宏依双虎: I didn't mean that we would stop the project. I just mean that my boss hasn' yet been back. For the time being nobody can sign the payment. Please underdtand my boss can't be staying in his office all the time, waiting for my report. Any meeting ...

太子河区18428888894: 求翻译,中译英,口语化一些,不要直接工具拉的 -
宏依双虎: our topic is XXX. the story goes like this: a boss of a company praised a group leader and gave him a task, the group leader said he would do his best, and then gave the work to one of his clerks. the clerk paid attention to nothing but lick the leader's ...

太子河区18428888894: 急求口语化中翻英,不要机器翻,感谢! 经过一连串的飞行,我终於到上海了,昨天真的累到极限了,很早 -
宏依双虎: 经过一连串的飞行,我终於到上海了,昨天真的累到极限了,很早就上床睡了12个小时到刚刚,还是感觉非常疲惫不堪!after many hours in a flight, i was finally in shanghai. I was exhausted yesterday and slept for 12 hours. I just wake up and still ...

太子河区18428888894: 急求口语化中翻英,不要机器翻,感谢! 真的很不好意思这么晚回信,我一直没有在邮箱里发现你们的这封 -
宏依双虎: I'm really sorry that I answer your letter so late.Not until today do I find your letter in the mail box. I have discussed with my boss yesterday and what have been decided is as follows. They intend to go on a vacation there by air at the end of ...

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