
作者&投稿:姚梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

foreclose (on sb. / sth. ) (因抵押人未如期还贷)取消赎回权
Retirements have been postponed and homes (have been) foreclosed upon.

Who can translate this sentence?



i really appreciate what you have done for me.3.他因诚实而深受大家的尊敬(respect)He is highly respected by everyone for his honesty.4.那老人淋了雨,结果衣服全湿透了(so that)the old man was caught in the rain so that he got all wet.5.这本杂志深受年轻人喜爱,他们喜欢它...

帮忙翻译一下这句话I regret to say that I shouldn't have shouted at...
你好。I regret to say ==I am sorry but I MUST SAY == I MUST say even if it will make you unhappy \/ disappointed (that) -- -- - 解释为: 尽管可能会使你不愉快或者失望,但我还是必须说。这样一来,你的句子I regret to say 这个开头就错了。所以你应该说:I am sorry ...

古文直译的具体方法主要有对译、移位、增补、删除、保留等。1.对译 对译是按原文词序,逐字逐句地进行翻译。这是直译最基本的方法,也是直译的第一个步骤。古今汉语词序一致,句法结构相同的句子,今译时不用改变原句词序,只要从现代汉语中选择恰当的词语来翻译原句中的字词就可以了。2.移位是指古代...

Citibank picked the chief executive of Etang.com as its first Chinese customer Thursday to open an account at its new branch in the historic Peace Hotel along Shanghai‘s fabled waterfront.花旗银行在星期四选择了「易唐」的执行总裁作为该行新分行的第一位中国开户客户,该分行设址于上海...

1.我今天收到了中国学生送给我的礼物,我很开心 I was very happy to recieve presents from Chinese students today.2.礼物很可爱,有卡片、玩具等 The presents are very lovely, including cards, toys and so on.3.收到这么多礼物,我很高兴,因为这代表祝愿 I was very happy to recieve so...

2012-02-17 谁来帮我翻译一下这句英文! 2015-12-07 谁来帮我翻译一下这句话,急急急!!! 2014-09-02 谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这句话?谢谢 2013-11-18 谁来帮我翻译一下这段英文 2011-10-12 谁来帮我句子翻译一下英文,,, 2012-01-20 谁来帮我翻译一下这段英文? 2011-06-09 谁来帮我翻译...

直到今天,克利夫·杨仍然是一个辉煌的提醒和辉煌的例子,说明普通人如何能够固有地取得显著成果。俗话说:“有志者事竟成!”“只要有决心和准备,我们就能立于不败之地,成为别人的榜样。”这个句子To this day是状语,magnificent reminder and brilliant example 是并列结构。而a magnificent reminder ...

1,Help yourselves to some tea.,请随便用茶 2,Have you got a table for two ,please?你预定了一个两人桌了么 Yes,this way please. 是得,这边请 三。What about some eggs and beef?A。That sounds great .B.They sound great.一些鸡蛋和牛肉怎么样 听起来不错 这里听起来不错是指...

这是句倒装句。正常语序是: The beginning of overall dominance by the language(first in Europe and then globally)came (first in Europe and then globally) with this technical and scientific dominance .由于主句较长且有附属成分(括号内容),为避免歧义,故采用倒装语序。翻译:随着科学和...

1.她经常被看到戴着一顶新帽子 2.他此刻正在被医生看病 3.警察说他之前在当地看到过这个男人 4.这个新的迷你电视必须看了以后才会被人相信(是否可看、是否令人满意)5.政府官员必须经常接受公众的监督 6.你今天不能去看医生了,你只能明天去看 7.我今天本应该被关注的!被公众关注是成名的一部分...

安仁县13623118793: 翻译一下这个句子 -
莘涛威迩: at the moment miss you, baby"

安仁县13623118793: 翻译一下这个句子~~. -
莘涛威迩: 您说您善良坚持道义,不杀少数人却杀多数的,不能说是明白事理. 楚国有云楚泽,这里满是犀、兕、麋鹿,长江、汉水里的鱼、鳖、鼋、鼍多的天下无比.

安仁县13623118793: 来翻译一下这个句子
莘涛威迩: I shall always treasure the one who accompany me pass through the life... 我会永远珍惜陪我走过的人 although you not stay with me,即使是已经不在我的身边 yet I shall always appreciate the assistance you gave.我将永远感谢你们的帮助. In the meantime, my thanks to you for your many kindness to-- and my love to you both, always!谢谢你为我所做的一切.我永远爱你们!

安仁县13623118793: 帮忙翻译一下这个句子,谢谢~ -
莘涛威迩: I am fond of the feeling with you.

安仁县13623118793: 翻译一下这个句子(中英)不要拿词典翻! -
莘涛威迩: 我想要成为你心里的,冬天过去之后的第一缕阳光,温暖你的心.I want to be the first ray of sunshine in your heart, to warm your hear after the bleak winter,希望帮到你!~

安仁县13623118793: 谁能给我翻译一下这个句子啊?Accountoriporappis
莘涛威迩: 没写完吧,应该是continue. 翻译如下“ 账户或者IP或者APP出现异常,无法连接”

安仁县13623118793: 请大家帮忙翻译一下这个句子 -
莘涛威迩: By training the paralysis of their own, let the time sink into themselves, happy to say goodbye

安仁县13623118793: 翻译一下这个句子
莘涛威迩: You must learning English with listening and reading every day, like that, you can master English well.

安仁县13623118793: 翻译一下这个句子
莘涛威迩: if you want to learn English well, the first thing is that you should have a good attitude and the next it you should have a good way.

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