
作者&投稿:和钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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Reflections, after reading 《红酋长的赎金》

This passage narrates about how two poor particulars, sam and bill, who kidnapped the son of the town's wealthiest man, however they met an extremely naughty children, thus leading to their endless nightmares.

The entire story's plot was vivid and expressive, Johnny, who was kidnapped, had ran away from the clutches of the two kidnappers through his intelligence and ability. Benezer Dorset, who stayed calm even after the child was kidnapped, was also worthy of our admiration.

We definitely do not know how to react to the closing paragraph, whether to laugh or cry? The two kidnappers in the passage, apart from not earning any ransom, need to pay 250 US dollars instead, this could possibly because that the evil will eventually gets their retribution. At the same time also reflects how incompetent they were, as compared to BENEZER DORSET's intelligence, which make a clear contrast between them.



我们已经在隐蔽地点男孩你远离峰会. 或者你是没用的最娴熟侦探试图找到他. 绝,唯一的条件是,你可以恢复到你是他的这些: 我们1500美元的庞大需求,他返回; 钱留到午夜时分,在同一地点、同一信箱为你的答复--以下描述. 如果你同意这些条件,把您的答案写在单独送信到晚上8时30分. 翻过猫头鹰溪,杨树的道路湖 有三个大型树木约一百码之遥, 靠近围墙的麦田在右侧. 在内心的两头邮政对面三树pasteboard将会发现一个小盒子. 信差将答案回到这个盒子立刻峰会. 如果你试图或不遵守任何阴正如我们要求, 男孩再次见到你,你永远. 如果你的钱足以支付,他将回到你的安全和3小时. 这些条款最终,如果你不答应他们的任何企图将会进一步沟通.

Absolutely, the only terms on which you can have him restored to you are these: We demand fifteen hundred dollars in large bills for his return; the money to be left at midnight to-night at the same spot and in the same box as your reply--as hereinafter described. If you agree to these terms, send your answer in writing by a solitary messenger to-night at half-past eight o'clock. After crossing Owl Creek, on the road to Poplar Cove, there are three large trees about a hundred yards apart, close to the fence of the wheat field on the right-hand side. At the bottom of the fence-post, opposite the third tree, will be found a small pasteboard box. The messenger will place the answer in this box and return immediately to Summit. If you attempt any treachery or fail to comply with our demand as stated, you will never see your boy again. If you pay the money as demanded, he will be returned to you safe and well within three hours.

中英双语对照阅读,提高阅读量,扩增单词量。建议初学者能熟练的掌握3-5本,通读100本左右。对英语的提高很有好处。 入门级 入门级:适合小学高年级、初一,共10本 1、《生存游戏》 2、《侠盗罗宾汉》 3、《白色巨石》 4、《红酋长的赎金》 5、《吸血鬼猎手》 6、《逆戟鲸》 7、《雾都疑案》 8...

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蒯询双鹤:[答案] Review of "Ransom of Red Chief" This story is about two broke man Sam and Bill who kidnap a son of the richest man in the town.unexpectedly,they meet a most naughty boy.Since then,they had fallen into a abyss of nightmare. It is a vivid story....

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蒯询双鹤: Written by O. Henry Now, the VOA Special English program, AMERICAN STORIES.(MUSIC) We present the short story "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O. Henry. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story. (MUSIC) STORYTELLER:It looked like a good ...

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蒯询双鹤: We have your boy concealed in a place far from Summit. It is useless for you or the most skilful detectives to attempt to find him. Absolutely, the only terms on which you can have him restored to you are these: We demand fifteen hundred dollars in ...

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蒯询双鹤: 是美国作家欧.亨利的作品.红酋长的赎金 再看看别人怎么说的.

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蒯询双鹤:[答案] ——读《红酋长的赎金》有感 我第一次读《红酋长的赎金》就被它精彩的情节和生动的图画吸引了.故事讲的是两个穷困潦倒的人密谋绑架小镇首富的儿子,不料却遇到一个“天才儿童”,然后这两个罪犯无尽的噩梦逐渐拉开序幕...

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蒯询双鹤: Just reading "The Ransom of Red Chief" , The story is very funny with black humor,like the Chinese saying “go for wool and come home shorn”. It makes me a movie named " Home Alone ". 刚读了红酋长的赎金这篇小说,故事非常有趣,...

五台县18496777365: 帮忙翻译以下一段 200字的中文~ 谢谢 !
蒯询双鹤: Review of "Ransom of Red Chief" This story is about two broke man Sam and Bill who kidnap a son of the richest man in the town.unexpectedly,they meet a most naughty boy.Since then,they had fallen into a abyss of nightmare. It is a vivid story....

五台县18496777365: 高一高二英语所用(书虫)哪种最好 -
蒯询双鹤: 根据自己的词汇量而言吧.推荐在第四和第五级选择,这两种是适合高一高二学生的.

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