
作者&投稿:房壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  1.Happy Hunger Games.

  2.here’s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don’t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping.

  3.And may the odds be ever in your favor.

  4.There's 24 of us.Only one comes out.

  5.You’re just dreaming.

  6.Brother turned on brother until nothing remained.

  7.A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born.

  8.I won’t be here anymore. You’re all she has.

  9.When you're in the Middle of the games and you're starving or freezing,some water,a knife or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death.

  10.You can't tune out again.

  11.Which would come in handy if, in fact, you were still alive.

  12.Promise me, you’ll not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you.

  13.Everybody wants to grab a sword but most of you will die from natural causes.10% from infection,20% from dehydration.Exposure can kill as easily as a knife.

  14.This mentoring is very taxing stuff.

  15.It just gives you goose bumps.

  16.Well, that was quite an entrance you made the other day.

  17.It is the only thing stronger than fear.A little hope is effective.A lot of hope is dangerous.

  18.We are not star-crossed lovers.

  19.I was just hoping that I wouldn't burn to death.

  20.Because you showed them up.

  21.Promise me, you’ll not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you.





【经典台词】:1. And may the odds be ever in your favor.愿好运永远眷顾你。2. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained.亲兄弟互相厮杀,直到一切全都毁灭。3. A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born.人们涅盘重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。4. You can't t...

饥饿游戏 经典台词 1、There’s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don’t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一个女孩我一直迷恋着。但我觉得她是直到招募时才知道我这个人。2、You’re just dreaming. 你只是在做梦。3、Happy Hunger Games. 饥饿游戏...

饥饿游戏 从影片字幕里一句句整理出来的,不容易呀!我认为这是我们的传统 I think it's our tradition.它来自于我们历史中一段极其苦痛的经历 It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history.是的 Yes, yes.但它现在已经成为了我们治愈痛苦的方式 But it's been the way we've ...

电影饥饿游戏经典台词:1、There’s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don’t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一个女孩我一直迷恋着。但我觉得她是直到招募时才知道我这个人。2、You’re just dreaming. 你只是在做梦。3、Happy Hunger Games. 饥饿...

饥饿游戏 经典台词
if i bet,i bet you win.《饥饿游戏》我拉住他的手,紧紧地拉着,为摄像做好准备;可心里隐隐地,为最终不得不撒开皮塔的手儿痛苦。——苏珊·柯林斯《饥饿游戏》“那,这样吧,你赢得比赛,回到家 我想找到合适的词,我不像皮塔善于言辞。我说话时候,再次感到失去皮塔的...

饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games (2012) 中英文台词含字幕档 请看附件 我想这是我们的传统 I think it's our tradition.它来自一段令我们痛心疾首的历史过往 It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history.是的 yes.但这已成为我们获得痊愈的方式 But it's been the way we'v...

thing I can remember.1414 那就像个游戏一样 It's like a game.1415 我一遍又一遍的玩 I do it over and over.1416 这么多年过去了 它也有点乏味了 但是 Get's a little tedious after all these years, but...1417 其他的游戏远不如这个好玩 There are much worse games to play.

...你会与我们一同灭亡!” 这句话原句的英文台词是怎
If you think,for one second that the capital whatever treat us fairly?You are lying to yourself,Because we know who they are,and what they do.This is what they do!And we must fight back!I have a massage for president Snow:You can tortura us,and bomb us,and burn our ...

...如果大火将我们毁灭,你会与我们一同灭亡! ” 这句台词原句英文...
If you think,for one second that the capital whatever treat us fairly?You are lying to yourself,Because we know who they are,and what they do.This is what they do!And we must fight back!I have a massage for president Snow:You can tortura us,and bomb us,and burn our ...

电影饥饿游戏2经典台词 1、愿机会对你永远有利。2、有什么指教么?活下来。3、记住谁是真正的敌人。4、有些游戏,跟真正的战争一样残酷。想象你们的人成千上万的死去,你所爱的人死去..5、请忘掉你已知的,关于这场游戏的一切,去年只是小儿科,今年你们面对的是久经战场的杀手。6、你死了,我...

土默特右旗17521402542: 饥饿游戏英语经典台词…急用!!!谢谢!!!十句以上
戈武若能: 1、There's this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don't think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一个女孩我一直迷恋着.但我觉得她是直到招募时才知道我这个人. 2、You're just dreaming. 你只是在做梦. 3、Happy ...

土默特右旗17521402542: 急求!!!!饥饿游戏中的经典台词!!!! -
戈武若能: May the odds ever be in your favor.

土默特右旗17521402542: 求饥饿游戏1的中英台词 -
戈武若能: 饥饿游戏 the hunger games (2012) 中英文台词含字幕档 请看附件 我想这是我们的传统 i think it's our tradition. 它来自一段令我们痛心疾首的历史过往 it comes out of a particularly painful part of our history. 是的 yes. 但这已成为我们获得痊愈的方式 ...

土默特右旗17521402542: 饥饿游戏英文版词汇量有多少 -
戈武若能: 4000-5000左右,可能会有极个别词不懂,不过不会太影响的.可以先尝试看看中文版,再看英文版的,有助于理解.电影可看中英字幕的. 饥饿游戏还是相当不错的,推荐好好看看,还可以提高英语水平哦.

土默特右旗17521402542: 饥饿游戏2约翰娜·梅森台词 -
戈武若能: They can`t hurt me.there`s no one left that i love.(他们伤害不了我,我爱的人都死了.)

土默特右旗17521402542: 饥饿游戏快乐,愿好运与你们相伴..求英文原句
戈武若能: 英文是这个,我看过一款英文版的海报上有 Welcome,welcome,welcome!Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

土默特右旗17521402542: May the odds be ever in your favor是什么意思
戈武若能: May the odds be ever in your favor. 愿好运永远眷顾你 电影饥饿游戏里的台词 Only one victor may be crowned.Good luck.And may be the odds be ever in yourfavor.只能有一名胜利者,祝你们好运,希望好运永远站在你这边.

土默特右旗17521402542: 求饥饿游戏1的英文台词!!还有只有英文字幕的电影哪里有的找……不要中文字幕谢谢
戈武若能: 下载过后 把扩展名 pdf改成 mkv 播放的时候 只选择英文字幕 这是多音轨(发音国,英可选)多字幕(字幕就多了,英文 , 中文, 中英, 英中可选)文件,不懂的话再追问啦http://kuai.xunlei.com/dan/LSNXARVICYPY?reffer=www.ed530.com 附件是提取出来的台词 因为是字幕提取而来 带有时间 ,你就将就看吧

土默特右旗17521402542: 【急!!!】请问这句话怎么翻译?出自《饥饿游戏》英语原版书第五页 -
戈武若能: flatten out on my belly 意思是: 肚子贴地伸张开来 slide under a two-foot stretch 意思是:从一个两尺宽的开口底下滑过(爬过) that's been loose for years 定语从句,修饰stretch(张开处)意思:已经松垮有好些年了整句意思: 我肚子贴地匍匐着从一个两尺宽的开口底下爬过,这个开口已经松松垮垮好几年了.

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