
作者&投稿:豫狮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








二、“-gation”这个后缀的发音为 /geɪʃən/,其中,“g”发音为软音 /dʒ/,读作“j”,后面的“ation”读作 /eɪʃən/,强调在第一个音节上。


  1. navigation 导航

  2. segregation 隔离

  3. congregation 会众,教堂的集会

  4. litigation 诉讼

  5. delegation 代表团




  • The investigation of the crime scene revealed important clues. (犯罪现场的调查揭示了重要线索。)

  • The segregation of students based on their abilities is not an effective education strategy. (根据学生能力进行分班并不是有效的教育策略。)

  • The delegation of tasks to team members is an important aspect of project management. (将任务委托给团队成员是项目管理的重要方面。)

  • The negotiation between the two countries resulted in a successful trade agreement. (两国之间的谈判导致了成功的贸易协议。)

  • 需要注意的是,不同的后缀可以改变词性,如将动词变成名词或形容词等。因此,在使用后缀时,需要根据上下文和意图正确选择并使用它。

please remember to get the receipt and doctor remendation for claims. Thank you for your attention.Dear All Re : Group Medical System Please note that the Group Medical System has started to implement from August 1 onwards however the Medical Card can only be obtained next week. ...

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英文翻译 急~~~!求救
埃里克森表明我们得到的戒指模拟器的生产商的司机前练习去德国 我相信,在法拉利的一天,我们有2个单位去玩。史蒂文请回到你的答案,我们这次旅行我们就会在一个PPT和正确的资料给你presentsation。价格将会同时这些任务已经完成了。希望能帮到你! 望采纳!

With the one-child policy, we can control the population.计划生育政策,一般用“one-child policy”,这是习惯用法。

the numerical controller and initial values compare, output to control the signal to send to the numeral to collect the card to control the solid through the few mold conversion exportation electric voltage signal up after the electric appliances of break, carry out to control an ...

4.Because his father want to let him know some realities about life in social ,so that not everyting will be great in the end though you want it be good at first .People are always pretend to be a good one even though they are may not .【耗时23分钟,纯手打翻译。没有逐...

中文翻译成英文 急
我们非常愿意推荐某女士到贵组织进行培训。某市作为中国沿海经济开发城市,拥有众多的从事对外贸易的企业,外贸进出口增长迅速。2005年进出口总额达到55.95亿美元。We are willing to nominate Mrs XXX to accept this training sponsored by your organization. As a coastal economic development city in ...

My name is XX, I am from Beijing. I graduated from the University of XXin June 2008 , the specialty is XX, then graduated to the XX company began its first job, it is a newly established state-owned enterprises, where there are many I should be learning, including a ...

感觉可以,请留言。Apartment-style hotel rooms management system Abstract 随着如今社会的不断发展,酒店的运营模式也在不断变化,而公寓式酒店就正其中的一种。With the continuous development of society nowadays,The business model of hotel is of ever-changing also,the apartment-style hotel is ...


桂林市15544649625: “执着”的英文翻译是什么? -
璩骨富露: “执着”的英文翻译是: 1. attachment 2. stubborn 3. be attached to 4. ideologism 5. stubbornness 6. over-absorption of mind (qigong dirigation)【执着】 双语例句: 1.卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着. Karouzos's poetry shows a ...

桂林市15544649625: 忠诚责任尊重宽恕的英语怎么说
璩骨富露: 忠诚(layal)、责任(obigation)、尊重(valued)、宽恕(excuse)这四个答案的首字母叫起来就是----L、O、V、E----爱!

桂林市15544649625: 分歧的英文单词 -
璩骨富露: 分歧difference divergence virgation {数} bifurcation ramification

桂林市15544649625: 英语单词关于烦扰 -
璩骨富露: badger v. 一再烦扰,一再要求;n. 獾beleaguer v. 骚扰;围攻beset v. 困扰;镶嵌besiege...

桂林市15544649625: 英语翻译nayigation这个词是什么意思哈? -
璩骨富露:[答案] 你应该是打错了. navigation (1)航行;航海;航空 (2)航海术;航行学 (3)导航;领航 (4)海上交通

桂林市15544649625: 高尚的品格,坚贞的节操,形容行为品格高尚的四字词语 -
璩骨富露: 【成语】:大公无私 【拼音】:dà gōng wú sī【解释】:指办事公正,没有私心.现多指从集体利益出发,毫无个人打算. 【出处】:汉·马融《忠经·天地神明》:“忠者中也,至公无私.” 【示例】:要把你的志向拿定,而且要抱着一个...

桂林市15544649625: 航天和航空有什么区别用英语怎么说 -
璩骨富露: 航天和航空有什么区别的英文翻译航天和航空有什么区别 What's the difference between space and aviation 重点词汇航天aerospace; spaceflight; space flight 航空aviation; voyage; avigation; navigate 区别difference; distinction; distinguish; differentiate;

桂林市15544649625: 帮忙翻译一下,请尽量翻译成通顺的语言 -
璩骨富露: 重要的是玉米生根未见低于0.6米齐默尔曼细砂,而已观察到玉米有一个0.90米深的根(道迪等,1993).在这项研究中观察到浅层根系的一个现象,就是发生于1993年至1995年3种不同的天气条件下(没有提交数据).浅生根的原因是压缩层...

桂林市15544649625: 英语词组“调查”怎么说? -
璩骨富露: 调查 [diào chá] investigationinquiry survey to investigate to survey (opinion) poll 关联词条:look-seeinvestigateindagationInquisitionseeing into i ndagatorsearch indagateresearchsearch into see into ynquiry look over inspection inquisite

桂林市15544649625: investigation 和 suvey 区别 -
璩骨富露: 首先你有个单词写错了,是【survey】,其实 当作为调查,研究等是同义词,只不过平时常用的就是survey,如:According to the survey 是根据目前调查显示等investigation:调查,调查研...

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