
作者&投稿:诸葛斧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,还有另外七种形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were.

在句子中,“be”可以是主动词(The Principal Verb)或助动词(The Auxiliary Verb).

当主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系动词(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名词、形容词、地方副词或短语作补足语(The Complement)。例如:

1. The man is a science teacher.

2. Mary's new dresses are colourful.

3. I have been there before.

4. Mother is in the kitchen now.


5. Is the man a science teacher?

6. Are Mary's new dresses colourful?

7. Have I been there before?

8. Is mother in the kitchen now?


9. Don't be silly!

10. Do be obedient!

11. Don't be a fool!


12. He's not...../He isn't....

13. You're not...../You aren't...

但“am + not”的缩写法只有一个:

14. I'm not.

有人用“ain't”, 但这并不是标准英语。


1.“Be + 现在分词”以组成进行式时态(Continuous Tenses),如:

15. Tony's maid is washing his new car.

16. The children are playing in the field.

17. Samuel was eating when I came in.

18. We have been living here since 1959.

2.“Be + 过去分词”以组成被动语态(The Passive Voice),如:

19. Her money in the drawer was stolen.

20. A number of good jobs are taken up byforeigners.

21. David studied in Taiwan but has been trained as a language lecturer in America.

22. Can all the wonderful birds be found in our Bird Park?

23. The disobedient boy was told to stand out- side the classroom.

24. Steps are being taken to reduce traffic con- gestion during peak hours.

25. Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with.


1 The student is at school.
Is the student at school?
the student is not at school.

2 The students are at school.
are The students at school?
The students are not at school.

3 His father is an English teacher.
is His father an English teacher?
His father is not an English teacher.

4 These cats are crying.
are These cats crying?
These cats are not crying.

5 He is crying under the tree.
is He crying under the tree?
He is not crying under the tree.

 6 His birthday is on the twentieth of November.
is His birthday on the twentieth of November?
His birthday is not on the twentieth of November.

7 Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.
are Mrs. Li and Kitty in a big shop?
Mrs. Li and Kitty are not in a big shop.

8 Everybody is in the classroom.
is Everybody in the classroom?
Everybody is not in the classroom.

 9 The boy under the tree is hungry.
is The boy under the tree hungry?
The boy under the tree is not hungry.

10 Your brother’s aunt is on the chair.
is Your brother’s aunt on the chair?
Your brother’s aunt is not on the chair.

11 There’s an eraser on the desk.
is there an eraser on the desk?
There’s not an eraser on the desk.

12 Those are your keys.
are Those your keys?
Those are not your keys.

 13 John is his first name.
is John his first name?
John is not his first name.

以下一样。把疑问词is am are 提前变为疑问句。is am are后加not 变否定句

这是两个,是一个简单句,而且事实上,这是两个句子,because是一个连词,连接前后两个句子I'm crying 和i'm sad。
其实也可以这么写I'm crying 。Because i'm sad 。只是习惯上那么写
顺便说一下,楼上说的不对,从句和主句之间连接应该用that之类的词,不是连词,想想but,and 之类的词都是连词,用来连接两个句子。

而because i'm sad 。是一个完整的主系表结构的句子,可以独立成句,因此这不是从句


从句有好多种的好吧 什么条件状语从句,时间状语从句



2. 对于复数主语(you, we, they),be动词是are。如:You are a student (你是一个学生),We are going to a party (我们将去参加聚会)。在构造句子时,be动词用于构成简单的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句。陈述句如:This is my handbag (这是我的手提包)。否定句通过在be动词后加not来构成...

这是两个,是一个简单句,而且事实上,这是两个句子,because是一个连词,连接前后两个句子I'm crying 和i'm sad。其实也可以这么写I'm crying 。Because i'm sad 。只是习惯上那么写 顺便说一下,楼上说的不对,从句和主句之间连接应该用that之类的词,不是连词,想想but,and 之类的词都...

英语的“be”是个特别动词;有些语言,如中文和马来文,并没有“be”这样的动词。“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,还有另外七种形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were.在句子中,“be”可以是主动词(The Principal Verb)或助动词(The Auxiliary Verb).当主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系...

be 动词 am 只能跟在i后面 i am is 跟在第三人称单数he she 后面 she is he is it is are 搭配you,单数,复数都用,you are we are they are 含有 be 动词的简单的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句。1.陈述句:this is my handbag.这是我的手提包。2.否定句:含有 be 动词的句子如果变...

当“be”要在祈使句中出现时,陈述句可借助助动词“do”,否定句必须在前加上助动词“don't”,如:1、Don't be silly!2、Do be obedient!3、Be careful!4、Don'tbe a fool!“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,还有另外七种形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were.要看语句的时态:如果...

1 she is my mother \/.Is she your mother? yes,she is.\/no she isn`t 2 I`m a student,\/ Am I a student? yes,I am\/no,Im`not 3 we are here \/Are you here? yes,we are\/no,we aren`t 4 It can be you, \/Can it be you?yes,It can.\/no,It`can`t 5 It would ...

be动词的用法如下:1、当做主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系动词(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名词、形容词、地方副词或短语作补足语(The Complement)。2、陈述句,可以变成疑问句,方法简单,把主语和“be”或助动词对换位置即可。3、当“be”要在祈使句中出现时,陈述句可借助助动词“do”,否定...

knows how to drive a car, doesn't he?他知道如何开车,对吧?其实不光是陈述句,问句中同样有需要区别他们的用法:例 when do you intend to buy a new car?when are you going to buy a new car?后者就不能用do 因为Do后面+实意动词 Be动词,即:am\/is\/are后面是实意动词+ing形式 ...

情态动词 be动词 谓语动词在陈述句中的用法(英语的语法)
Be动词和谓语动词是根据主语的变化而变化的。至于情态动词不是主语人称的限制,不管是第一第二还是第三人称,还是保持不变。例如(1)He\/she is a student. I am a student . We are students.这是Be动词在陈述句中的用法。(2)He\/she plays the computer games. I play the computer games. ...

柳河县13689062802: 一个句子中可以有几个be动词? -
生变佩尔: 每个简单句有且只能有一个动词. 一个句子中有几个be动词,完全取决于be在句子中所担当的成分 如果是做句子的动词,构成系表结构,进行时态,被动式,这样的be只能有一个. 如果是做助动词,则可以有好多. 如果一个简单句不足以表达要表达的意思,可以通过以下三种方式解决 1 用连词连接 2 用动词的非谓语动词形式 3 加从句 周末愉快望采纳.

柳河县13689062802: 一个陈述句中be动词能有几个?I'm crying because i'm sad 这句话有两个be动词是吗 -
生变佩尔:[答案] 这是两个,是一个简单句,而且事实上,这是两个句子,because是一个连词,连接前后两个句子I'm crying 和i'm sad. 其实也可以这么写I'm crying .Because i'm sad .只是习惯上那么写 顺便说一下,楼上说的不对,从句和主句之间连接应该用that之类...

柳河县13689062802: BE动词和其他动词有什么不同 -
生变佩尔: 五种基本句型中有两种,S+V+P[主语+系动词+表语],举个例子就是:She feels good. 和S+V[主语+动词],如:He runs.主语后面不能直接加形容词,一定要先加系动词后再加形容词.老实说我建议楼主去百科看一下什么叫“系动词”[Linking ...

柳河县13689062802: 一共有几个be动词 -
生变佩尔: be动词有八种形式,分别是:is,am,are,was,were,being,been,to be. 1、在英语语法中,be动词意思和用法很多,一般的意思是:是,此种用法,有多种变化形式,is,am,are,was,were,being,been,to be.另外,be动词还有成为的意思.根据句子...

柳河县13689062802: 一个句子里可以有两个be动词吗? -
生变佩尔: 楼上的实际上是两个句子 在一个句子里,BE动词是只能先一次的 但"sth is being .."这样的句型里BE出现两次,但后面的BEING只是表示被动,不再是BE动词

柳河县13689062802: be动词(am,is,are)和助动词do有什么区别吗? -
生变佩尔: be动词也叫联系动词,在汉语中可以翻译为“是”. 而do是助动词,一般用于疑问句. 例:My name is... Do you like apple? 注:一个陈述句中只能有一个动词,也就是说在陈述句中,do不能和be动词连用 而在疑问句中或特殊疑问句中,助动词是修饰动词的,也就是说助动词可以和其他动词连用. 我只是补充一些,至于他们的用法,上面几位已经说得很明白了

柳河县13689062802: be动词的用法 -
生变佩尔: be动词的用法如下: 1、当做主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系动词(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名词、形容词、地方副词或短语作补足语(The Complement). 2、陈述句,可以变成疑问句,方法简单,把主语和“be”或助动词对换...

柳河县13689062802: 什么是be动词? -
生变佩尔: be动词的一般现在时有三种形式,即:am, is, are.1. 如果主语是第一人称I(我)时,be动词用am.如:I am a student. 我是一名学生. I am 还可缩写成I'm.如: I'm David. 我是大卫....

柳河县13689062802: 一个句子中是否不可能同时出现两个be动词? -
生变佩尔: 能同时出现两个be动词 如:主动语态:Mary is going to wash the dishes. 被动语态--> The dishes are going to be washed by Mary. Tom has cleaned his room.(含两个be) 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你

柳河县13689062802: 英语陈述句改疑问句方法 -
生变佩尔:[答案] 要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤: 1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可. 例:It was ...

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