
作者&投稿:但侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  [1] Management Information System , Mcleod , Printice Hall , 1998

  [2] Thomas R. Peltier.Information Security Risk Analysis.Rothstein Associates Inc,2001

  [3] H. M. Hassan & Charles Hutchinson. Natural Resource and Environmental Information for Decision Making. A World Bank Publication, Washington D. C., USA, 1995

  [4] Willian K, Michener, James W. Brunt & Susan G. Stafford. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales, Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1994

  [5] [美] Michael N. DeMers著,武法东、付宗堂、王小牛等译. 地理信息系统基本原理(第二版). 北京:电子工业出版社,2001

  [6] Michael F. Worboys. GIS: A Computing Perspective. Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1995

  [7] Robert Laurini, Derek Thompson. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems. Academic Press, London, 1993


  (1)、《管理信息系统》(第三版) 薛华成主编 清华大学出版社 1999年;

  (2)、《管理信息系统》 陈禹主编 中国人民大学出版社 1998年;

  (3)、《信息系统开发方法――方法、策略、技术、工具与发展》 姜旭平编著;
  清华大学出版社 1997年;

  (4)、《计算机数据处理系统分析与设计》 王勇领编著 清华大学出版社
  (5)、《管理信息系统导论》 黄梯云主编 机械工业出版社 1985年;

  (6)、《系统分析与设计》 季延平、郭鸿志合著 华秦书局 1995年;


Enterprise computer network management information system(MIS) is gradually use, it is the stage sign of our country of production power development, is the comprehensive embodiment of modern business management. That establishing of MIS system will influence our country's business enterprise management and brought deeply slice relate to importantly.This text manages with the applied both side of calculator network from the business enterprise how to establish the business enterprise calculator the network the management the information system to talk the superficial viewpoint.

First,The concept of business enterprise calculator network management information system and the modernization of enterprise management.

Enterprise is a complicate system, each link of whole system inside that activity constituted business enterprise that business enterprise is a complicacy of operate the production. In the operating business of enterprise, the production inside pierce through two activity processes, one is the Logistics, another is the flowing of information .The Logistics is the business enterprise's basic flow , its activity produce the dynamic information,and the enterprise governor aim at these informations to make out the decision, then make policy the information to control the Logistics, and program to regulate the quantity of Logistics , direction, speed, target, make it according to the certain purpose with programming activity. That flowing of information is a foundation of management and is the appearance of management now, that management information is the nerve center of enterprise, is a Life Line.This is more important in the calculator network information ages. The technique of computer network is synthesizing result of many courseses.such as the computer data handling, solid hour control, the object handle and communication, voice, resemble etc. The application of the technique of computer network then produced the the modernization of enterprise management. The technique of computer network not only offer the whole informations which needed by enterprise management, but also can still have the ability to make certain decision, control function, its scope is now continuously extend. According to the above analysis,we can think:The computer network management information system of the enterprise, is a kind of synthesize management system which make use of the technique of modern computer network and enterprise management method to produce the target of enterprise management systematically.

Second,the present condition of enterprise computer network management information system.

Our country's enterprise computer network management information system have already started for more than ten years, usage of it is not at balance,Large part of using MIS in many enterprise was just the few years of matter.Now be placed in the start and the applied of low level stage, there are its performance: 1、the single machine usage share the big part, its usage only be limited by to print the document、 report; 2、Computer it networks to be only form and network savvy poor to manage information already, The majority networks the implementation of single machine under the situation ; 3、Enterprise management decision control function still artificial craft, go on without the computer network; 4、The administrative staff of enterprises has insufficient understanding of MIS, not essential, become a mere formality; 5、So-called MIS that enterprise set up function , have benefit , even must repay and lose ; 6、Administrative staff's computer has scarce knowledge, can't use etc. normally. Enterprise use MIS is good thing, it goes wrong to be normal too primary stage, but how perfect and use MIS whether enterprise need problem that solve urgently really further.


It is ho nor for the a uthor to parti cipa te in the rese arch and const ruction of E-card system of Xia men Univer sity. And from it, the author de eply unde rstood the details of the construction and application of E-Card in the Campus. The E-Card System is an important part and fou ndation of the digital const ruction of campus .Also it pro vides compre hensive data collecti on platform for the digital campus.
Using the construction of E-Ca rd sy stem of Xiamen Univer sity as an example,this essay will illustrate design a nd implem ent of E-Card w hich include but no t limited to the history and development of E-Card,digital campus , design prin ciple of E- Card, function of E-Card ,platform construction of basic dat abase, the t opology of network,syste m se curity and the patulous application of E -Card system.
At the be gi nning of essay, the autho r anal yzes development of E-Card and the connection between E-Card s ystem and digital campus. S imultaneously, t he author an alyzes the present situation for application of campus E-Card. In chapter Ⅱ,the author discusses how to construct a k ind of ma naged E-card system by th e object of co nstruction, mode, prin ciple and module of each function. Chapter Ⅲ mainly introduces the design of key da tabase which is also calle d ba sic database and implement o f data-exchange between basic database and the u nits pro vided by it . Chapter Ⅳ mainly fo cus on the spe cial character of Xiam en Unive rsity’s E-Ca rd called rice-free-s upply syst em whose applicati on is an event of special significance. Also this system demonst rate s Xiamen University’s personali zed manag ement gi ving priority to the students. Now other campuses in China are rushing to imitate this kin d of system. In cha pter Ⅴ, t he author pre sents network of E-card. The network of E-card is very special w hich h is different from local area network. As the data transferred by network of E-card is financial date and it should be conn ected with bank network, high s tandard for safety is r equired in it. In this chapter, the auth or labors the design of private network and VPN. As people always focus on the safety issue for E-card system, chapter Ⅵ set out the comprehensive implement of safety for E-card system by network of system, server, terminal unit , operating system, databa se system, date transmission and excha nge, antiv irus system. E-card system reflects the situation of study and Life Living for the teachers and students in campus. The system can provide a decision-making basis for the manager by graph after the work of data mining and analysis of all data. All the contents will de monstrate in the last c hapter.



It is ho nor for the a uthor to parti cipa te in the rese arch and const ruction of E-card system of Xia men Univer sity. And from it, the author de eply unde rstood the details of the construction and application of E-Card in the Campus. The E-Card System is ...


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您好,对月日均资产低于5万元的“一卡通”金卡账户(深圳)计收10元\/月\/卡的账户管理费。不达标账户满足以下条件可减免账户管理费:金卡 1、代发工资账户。自2011年7月1日起以六个月内通过我行代发系统发生过代发交易作为判断依据 2、企业年金一卡通(即金色人生卡)3、正在还款的个人资产账户(含住房...


您好,如果是代发工资卡不收钱账户管理费。代发工资账户。自2011年7月1日起以六个月内通过我行代发系统发生过代发交易作为判断依据 。


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桓闸头孢: It is ho nor for the a uthor to parti cipa te in the rese arch and const ruction of E-card system of Xia men Univer sity. And from it, the author de eply unde rstood the details of the construction and application of E-Card in the Campus. The E-Card ...

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