
作者&投稿:步看 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





In "Girls Returning to the Waterworks", the wonderful poetic conception is conveyed through a somewhat complicated writing style. Instead of ignoring humankind's petty triflings, the author embedded some "original state" of life including brushing teeth, making the congee, washing the vegetables into his lines. We have the lunch at noon, then the afternoon meetings, and go home in the evening. All these, according to the author, have something to do with water. Such plain narration requires our tolerance before we are dominated by an impatient mood. Fortunately, our close peruse is finally rewarded, by seeing through the bustling world that the poet intended to dramatize. We are able to "find" the poetic lines like "Reading beneath the window" or "moonlight-like water", or the "sweetness and transquility" in the tone of the seceratary, who is the lady chairing the meeting. In a nutshell, peruse leads to possession and possession leads to pleasure---However, we still have the right to ask: Is such a painstaking experience really needed?

读诗的人总是这样,总有一种倾心于这种漂浮的诗意的痴迷。我们有自己的寻求。我们总是顽强地寻求那些隐藏在词语背后的幻觉和想象,寻求那些似乎与生活有些“距离”的“幻觉”。从这个角度看,这位诗人笔下的“喘息的桃花”,“累得很翠的柳条”,就有着十分迷人的风景。《下半夜》颇有早期朦胧诗的余韵,令人想起北岛和芒克的那些意象诗。“整个人都在下沉 故乡般的寒冷”,跳荡、凝练而丰盈。
It is always true to poem readers, who are engaged in their self-defined pursuit of metaphysical poetry. We are pursuing stubbornly, for the illusion and imagination behind the lines, and for the so-called "fantasy" beyond our routine life. In this sense, words like "peach flowers gasping for breath" or the "green color sweeping over willow branches out of weariness" present a charming sight to us. Some elements in "After Midnight" may be considered an inheritance from early hazy poetry by reminding us of the image poetry by Bei Dao and Mang Ke. "The whole of me is sinking, in the kind of frigidity in my homeland" may be cited as an example of his subtle, succinct but meaningful lines.

Some noticeable difference in quality can be found in Wang Shunbin's poems. A few of them are deprived of poetic conception for his tendency of using plain sentences such as " I can not lay there any more on hearing that" and "all of a sudden I understand". Meanwhile, the poet's impressive talent has been proven in other ones. We can find his most stunning creation in "The Very Initial Dawn".

"The cock crows, spewing out a highest ball of flame"

马路天使--Street Angel, 老电影的名字了

1, " writing with the female workers who belong to the water works ", this poem conception is very good, compose a piece of writing but some twine . Because he does not avoid daily entering poems triflingly , imbeds some " former states " of life in poems, such as brushing teeth, boiling the gruel, eluriating leaf of the vegetables , having meal , having a meeting , going home , purpose in the evening in the afternoon at noon to explain these and relating to water . In the face of such a narration, there must be one kind and get rid of impatient tolerance. And the one that is happpy is, our patience " following " is reciprocated after all . We were in the prosperity that the poet does not often retire from the world at last, the poesy that " water was like the moonlight " that " found " and " faced the window and read aloud ", " find " in the woman voice of secretary to preside over meeting" water fragrant and quiet " finally. We have because of seeking, live in fully because of having. However, hold us to reply, why let us carry on so difficult " scaling and ford "?
The person who reads poem always always has a kind of infatuated cordial in this kind of poesy of floating one like this. We have one's own seeking . We always seek to hide illusion and imagination behind word in those doggedly, seeking those seems and " illusion " of some " distances " lives. Watch from the angle, " peach blossom that wheeze " in the works of the the poet, " getting tired green wicker very ", there is rice people's scenery very much. Yu Yun with early misty poetry of " the time after midnight ", makes people remember north island and those image poems of gram of awn . " cold that the whole person is sinking like the homeland ", jump and swing , condensed and full and round.
Wang Shun's refined poem, the level is uneven, not very neat . Some poem is because that aforesaid for inclination that " avoid sentence not vulgar" kind,it pour into such as " afford to listen to I " , not suddenly for some / understand " hard description that reveal not shallow, and seem to lack the purpose musical sound . But in other poems , represent author's surprising elegance . The most moving one is " initial dawn " - -The chicken chirps and squirts highest a piece of flame
2, day teacher of the road

1, "wrote the women were under water," sohloquy original intentions are good, and there were some misunderstandings lines. Because he is not avoiding the trivial daily into poetry, some life "intact" embedded poem, such as brushing teeth, conjee, harvesting yield. noon lunch, afternoon meetings, at home, they were intended to clear the water. Faced with this description, and must have a tolerance exclude agitation. And fortunately, our patience "with" After all, with returns. We finally poet is not very notion of prosperity, "discovered" the "Linchuang recite" "Moonlight water as" poetic. finally "discovered" the secretary female voice Lane, who chaired the meeting, "The Water fragrance and quiet." We have to find and have, and because they have lived full. However, we will ask why we make it so difficult "journey"? Poetry always the same person, there is always a touch of poetry in this floating addicts. We have our own search. We are always behind the tenacity to find words hidden in the illusion and imagination. Some of those who seem to live for "distance" and "hallucinations." From this perspective, the poet described the "breathing Peach" and was "so very Chui the wicker." There are very meters on the landscape. Obscure quite early "midnight" the Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025, reminiscent of the North Island and Munk those imagist poetry. "Whole people sank in the cold as home," Sparkle, condensed and Harvest. Wangshunbin poem level varies, not neat. Some poems, such as the aforementioned "avoid vulgar phrase" the tendency influx such as "I could not hear the lying." Suddenly / understand the "tired shallow portrayals disclosed, but appears to be lacking connotation. But in some poems. The author has displayed astonishing cadenza. the most touching is "the dawn of the first" go all out -- the highest A Flame 2 road users

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慈花普拉: 《写归水厂的女工们》,无法理解这个标题的含义,容我先望文生义一回.另外第一段的“繁荣”或许是“繁冗”之误,但译文仍从原文.1,《写归水厂的女工们》,此诗立意...

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曲阜市19651712040: 求高手翻译这段散文,不要翻译器的啊
慈花普拉: 我们打开的窗口承认一个安静的下午的阳光 车窗,感受温暖的阳光的味道 如果你关闭你的眼睛 你已经有了你的耳朵听 这个夏天,持久的 回到那里,你又一天 第一次冉冉升起的新星 查找在我们美丽的夜空议案 世界尽头的天空在这个孤独的女孩 ...

曲阜市19651712040: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译这篇很美的散文?
慈花普拉: Your valley have flowers? Have you seen the beautiful valley it? Sky over the days, blue skies, in a quiet valley, with hills, rivers, also have grass, trees. Unknown wild flowers in full bloom on the hillside, colorful, woven into a colorful carpet. An unknown ...

曲阜市19651712040: 求高手帮忙翻译一下,拜托!是英语散文femininity中的一段~ -
慈花普拉: 在我经历了狂躁青春期到狂躁成熟期的过程中,女性的柔弱逐步变成一种愠怒,这是一种鲜明的,一种同时在长时间内难以捉摸的微妙美感,这种美感是客观存在的,它瞬息万变,让人劳心劳肺,而客观存在则是不能变通的外表和行为的代号,它是由违背我逆反天性的清规戒律规定的.柔弱是一种抛向女性的没有自豪感和自尊心的挑战,年轻女人承受得了视而不见的挑战,特别是一个具有在私下里精心培养出雄心大志的女人,她在极度困惑中不时地给予雄心的早期生命以滋补或者断其养分控制它的发展.

曲阜市19651712040: 求高手帮忙翻译一下,拜托!是英语散文femininity中的一段~ -
慈花普拉: 当我穿过暴风雨青春期到一个暴风雨的成熟度,女性日渐变成了愤怒——一个才华横溢,一种微妙.那是以一致的同时,它是家常,混凝土、僵化的代码定义的外观和行为都做的,违背了我的叛逆的粮食.女性气质是一种挑战摔在女性性,一个挑战没有骄傲,自尊的年轻女人能够承受忽视,尤其是一个宏大的梦想,她养在秘密,交替喂养或者饥饿的早期伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所在巨大的混乱.

曲阜市19651712040: 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下这段短文,急用,谢谢!(汉译英) -
慈花普拉: In the hydraulic system hydraulic components is its main parts, hydraulic components manufacturing cost and efficiency in the hydraulic system has and important role. And the wide application of CAD machinery industry has an important influence ...

曲阜市19651712040: 哪位高人帮我翻译一下这篇文章啊 谢谢 -
慈花普拉: 亲爱的史密斯先生: 谢谢你如此迅速地回应我的就业请求.我在人力资源管理工作有很强的兴趣,觉得我可以满足这一职位的要去.在给你的回信中,我附上我的简历给你审阅.其中有关于我的教育背景和过去五年工作经验的背景资料. 我很感谢你对我以及我拥有的资质感兴趣.我相信我将成为你满意的员工.当你有机会阅读我的简历时,如果你有任何问题或需要任何额外的信息请随时联系我. 我期待着能和你单独会面来谈谈这个职位和我的资历.另外要说一下.我大多数是在早晨和下午接受访问.你可以在我附上的简历上找到我的联系方式.再次谢谢你花时间回复我的申请. 你如果能早日回复,将不胜感激.

曲阜市19651712040: 拜托大家帮我翻译一篇小文章, -
慈花普拉: How do you like on the court when the freedom of flying, how do you like in the studio at the time of focus, how to enjoy your time in the quiet of Anja, how you appreciate...

曲阜市19651712040: 哪位高手能帮我翻译下面的一段文章(用英语) -
慈花普拉: Cultural art prospers also is a Toronto's major characteristic, itsimperial museum is world-famous; The 0ntario skill porch (Art Galleryof ontrain, is called AGO) to be known as one of North America bestskill porches. Toronto mays be called the ...

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