
作者&投稿:稻爬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I’m a student in a middle school. I want to tell you that our school has changed a lot . Our school is more bigger than before. There also have a big garden now.And many trees and flowers are there. we can sit and relax ourselves there. The playground is more bigger and more beautiful than before. Many boys play football there after school.And many girls play games there.They are very happy. Now we are in Grade 3, we have to study harder than before. Students do their homework in their free time.I think it is good, but take some exercise is important, too. Now our school is more beautiful, we are more polite to our teachers and we like to study very much. I think our school has changed in many ways

i come from a middle school in west of china. most of chinese maybe guess how backward it is, shabby hut, no playground, let alone a library. BUT i should say your imagination is wrong. RECENTLY my school has change a lot .we have a new teaching building ,and a big library ,a new computer lab. they installed network too.now we can surf web in classroom. it is convenient for teaching work. we can acquire more information from it and it promote our communication with outside , we can talk with a man from a remote place , we can watch vedio we are interesting. it expands our view and enriches our life. oh, the world is so wanderful.we are not fraid we are in a corner and location cause an estrangement between we and our parents outside. so we are lucky and happy . we decide to study hard and wish more progress

  For decades in the course of history is only a short moment, may at this short moment, our school has undergone enormous changes.

  Speaking of my school, that's gone through vicissitudes, my father a child is in school here.

  Dad usually always say that the child caught up with a good year. I said: "What a good year, I feel a little is not good." "You see, now more than okay newly built school classrooms shock, each class has a TV, multimedia classes, winter heating, summer! air conditioning. The teacher education level is rising. In order to fully develop, and opened art classes, martial arts classes, basketball class ...... our school is a national green schools, the environment is so beautiful, flowering trees grass there, you Learn more favorable conditions for it! But some students do not study hard! "Dad said I seemed to have meaning.

  "Hey, this is normal Yeah, I will soon come to see what is good."

  "Not see? You content with it! Do not are in the fortunate! We go to school in this condition can be difficult when the school was only a few cottages, winter walls are ventilated, the class has no heat, we I had to turn to the school health stove, turn to who would have up early, hands red with cold. school playground is actually not small, can run on a raised piece of dust, when the teacher was afraid irregular troop exercise, on The cap according to a certain order given in the earth, even with the exercise point when. "

  "At that time two people are sharing a broken table, sitting on stool also broke poor teacher and sometimes beat, anyone who does not toe the line, the teacher hit him on the hand with a pointer. Disobedient students hands were played paleness , the home did not dare tell their parents. There were only two courses in language and mathematics, learning is very boring, is in such a condition, we also tried to learn, often late into the night to learn, but now the school changed for the better, but you do not cherish. "

  Dad's remarks caused me ponder: Yeah, our school conditions getting better, but our passion for learning is getting low, and I was living in fortunate ah I'm so sorry school changes! , and even more sorry for my old school - Daddy, I like to learn he did, so I let the school proud, because I let my parents proud.

, and even more sorry for my old school - Daddy, I like to learn he did, so I let the school proud, because I let my parents proud.几十年在历史的长河中只不过是短短的一瞬,可就在这短短的一瞬间,我们的学校却发生了翻天覆地的变化。说起我的学校,那可是经历了风雨沧桑,我爸...

写作思路:可以运用对比的手法来写出学校以前和现在的区别,比如以前的篮球场很小,而现在的篮球场非常的宽敞等等。正文:When you walk around our school, you can see various flowers and trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe fresh air. It's a nice place ...






3. 送孩子到新学校后,我亲自观察了新学校的情况,发现了一些不同之处。新学校的管理显得更为规范和细致。例如,新学校提供了详细的报到指南,而老学校则没有这样的资料。新学校在学生报到时提供了清晰的指示牌,教室里的书本都已整齐地摆放在桌子上,宿舍床铺也事先分配好,相比之下,老学校的学生...

1. 新校园,作为近期建设的项目,自然是配备了最新的设施。在建设新校园时,学校通常会投入大量资金,致力于打造高科技、现代化的学习环境。因此,新校园往往给人以高端、崭新的印象。另外,新校园的师生人数相对较少,这是因为新校园通常是将部分学院从老校园迁移过来。这就导致了宿舍空间的宽敞,例如,...

There is \/are是现在都学校,句子用一般现在时is ,are是一般现在时形式 There was\/were 是过去学校,句子描述过去用一般过去式,was,were是过去式形式

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