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he、his、him 中文是分别什么?~

he 第三人称单数 主格 他: He is a teacher. 他是一个老师。He 做主语。
his 第三人称单数 所有格 他的: His father is a teacher. 他的父亲是一个老师。His做定语,不能做主语,后边必须加上名字做主语。
him 第三人称单数 宾格 他: Please tell him to come tomorrow. 请转告他明天过来。Him 是宾格,所以只能做宾语,用在谓语动词后面。

He l(ikes) tangshan.

He likes art very much. He wants to be an artist.

He likes art very much. He wants to be an artist.他非常喜欢艺术。他想成为一名艺术家。

peter ikes art and pe.art and pe画线,对画线部分提问怎么问_百度知 ...
What subjects does Peter like?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

芜湖县13723876634: 适当形式 he - ------(like)sports 填什么 ?为什么? -
达奚念维博: 1.翻译:他喜欢运动.这里用 likes 主语为第三人称单数,句子表示行为习惯时用一般现在时态.2.用单三形式 likes He likes sports.他喜欢体育.

芜湖县13723876634: 联系动词+like的用法 -
达奚念维博: 1. “像……”, “是……样子的”, 跟在Be动词和系动词look 后面. 例:What's your father like? 你的爸爸是什么样子的. He looks like a monkey. 他看起来像一只猴子.

芜湖县13723876634: he is a lucky dog是什么彦语 -
达奚念维博: he is a lucky dog 从字面上翻译它是一个幸运的狗,但在外国的意思为它是个幸运儿!

芜湖县13723876634: like是不是及物动词 -
达奚念维博: 两种情况都有: vt.(及物) 1. 喜欢;喜爱;喜好;爱好: He likes travelling very much. 他非常喜欢旅行. 2. 希望;想;要;意欲: The committee would like to hear your opinions on it. 委员会想听听你对这问题的见解. 3. 愿意[常用于否定句]: ...

芜湖县13723876634: 定语从句中关系代词that 和which 要怎么分? -
达奚念维博: 不能用关系代词Which的几种情况1.当先行词为all, little, much, few, everything, none 等不定代词时关系代词用that而不用which. I will tell him all that you told me at the ball.There are few books that you can read in this book store.2.当先行词既有人...

芜湖县13723876634: He的E1s与Kr的E1s相比 -
达奚念维博: Kr有36个质子,He有2个质子,显然Kr对第一层电子的吸引力大得多.所以在Kr中的1s电子离核更近,一般离核越近,所带的能量就越低.

芜湖县13723876634: 肯定句变否定句 -
达奚念维博: 用实际例子给你说明吧 1. I think she is there. 误:I think she isn't there. 正:I don't think she is there. 析:英语中think, believe, expect, suppose等表示信念和揣测的动词,后接that从句时,习惯上将从句中的否定形式转移到主句上,即否定主句...

芜湖县13723876634: 选词填空 () ( He, His ) idea is splendid. - 上学吧继续教育考试
达奚念维博: Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He didn't speak until he was three. He loved mathematics. He had the idea of relativity when he was 16. He studied physics in Zurich, Switzerland. He got a job in an office to earn his living. He published the ...

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