
作者&投稿:严师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一至第五十的英语单词:第1 first 、第2 second 、第3 third 、第4 fourth、 第5 fifth 、第6 sixth 、 第7 seventh 、第8 eighth 、第9 ninth、 第10 tenth 、 第11 eleventh 、 第12 twelfth 、 第13 thirteenth 、第14 fourteenth 、第15 fifteenth、 第16 sixteenth 、第17 seventeenth 、第18 eighteenth 、第19 nineteenth 、第20 twentieth、 第21 twenty-first 、第22 twenty-second 、
第23 twenty-third、 第24 twenty-fourth、 第25 twenty-fifth 、第26 twenty-sixth 、第27 twenty-seventh、 第28 twenty-eighth、 第29 twenty-ninth 、第30 thirtieth、 第31 thirty-first、 第32 thirty-second 、第33 thirty-third 、第34 thirty-fourth、 第35 thirty-fifth 、
第36 thirty-sixth 、第37 thirty-seventh 、第38 thirty-eighth、 第39 thirty-ninth 、第40 fortieth 、第41 forty-first 、第42 forty-second 、第43 forty-third 、第44 forty-fourth、 第45 forty-fifth 、第46 forty-sixth 、第47 forty-seventh 、第48 forty-eighth 、第49 forty-ninth 、第50 fiftieth。


要说两位的数目,先说十位的数字再说个位的数字; 例如 21 是 twenty-one, 35 是 thirty-five, 99 是 ninety-nine, 如此类推。熟习了以上的数字命名,我们可以说出所有的英语数目。以下是有关的规则和例子:
要说三位或以上的数目,我们需引入 and 就是和这个字。 例如 101 是 one hundred and one, 550 是 five hundred and fifty, 999 是 nine hundred and ninety-nine, 如此类推。
由于在英语没有 万这个单位,中文说的一万在英语会说做 十千 ten thousand, 250,000 说为 二百五十千 two hundred and fifty thousand, 954,300 说为 九百五十四千三百 nine hundred and fifty-four thousand and three hundred, 如此类推。
在英语 一百万 说为 one million, 九百五十万 说为 nine million and five hundred thousand, 如此类推。小数点 在英语说为 decimal point。 所以: 1.5 说为 one point five, 9.25 说为 nine point twenty-five, 如此类推。百分之 在英语说为 percent, 所以 百分之五 说为 five percent, 百分之九十九 说为 ninety-nine percent, 如此类推,



MaLiang and His Magical Writing Brush 神笔马良的故事

There was once a boy called MaLiang. His family was very poor, so poor that
he couldn’t afford a writing brush. One day on his way home after herding the
cattle, he passed by a private school. He saw a painter was painting for an
officer. MaLiang lost himself and he walked quickly . He said to the officer,
“Could you give me one writing brush to draw pictures?” The officer and the
painter laughed at him and drove him out.


MaLiang didn’t admit defeat. After that he began to learn to draw by heart.
When he went to cut wood fire on the mountain, he would draw with a branch on
land. When he went to cut grass by the river, he would draw the fish with the
gram root. He drew whatever he saw.


Time passed by quickly and his drawing was better and better. But still he
had no writing brush. How he wished he had a writing brush!


Then one night in his dreams an old man gave him a writing brush. The old man
told him to draw for the poor. MaLiang took the brush quickly and drew a cock on
the wall, the cock was then alive, it jumped down from the wall.
Cock-a-doole-doo. It was a magical writing brush, he began to draw for the poor
with it every day. What he drew all came true. He drew farm cattle for a farmer
and it could plough for him. The officer heard of that and had some soldiers
seized him to the officer. He told MaLiang to draw gold for him. MaLiang refused
to draw for him, so he was put into prison. At midnight, the guard was fast
asleep. Maliang took his brush, drew a door on the wall. When he pulled it the
door opened. Then he began to run off with the other prisoners. Then the guards
ran after him. Then he drew a horse and rode on it, the guards could not catch
up with him at

Then one day Maliang was drawing a water cart in a dry place, suddenly
several official guards appeared and seized him away. This time the officer told
him to draw a gold mountain. MaLiang drew a sea and a gold mountain in the sea.
It was full of gold on the mountain. The officer was pleased and cried, “Be
quick, draw a big ship. I want to ship gold from the

Then MaLiang drew a big ship. The officer together with his guards got on the
ship and said, “Set off. Be quick.” MaLiang then drew some wind. The sail was
full and the ship was sailing to the mountain at sea. The officer wanted to be
faster. So MaLiang added some more strong winds. The officer became afraid and
said, “That’s enough. That’s enough. No more wind.” But MaLiang didn’t listen to
him ,he went on drawing wind. Now it was blowing more violently. And the waves
were as high as mountains. Then the ship was turned over and the officer and his
guards were drowned in the

MaLiang came back to the village and drew for the poor

MaLiang and His Magical Writing Brush 神笔马良的故事
There was once a boy called MaLiang. His family was very poor, so poor that
he couldn’t afford a writing brush. One day on his way home after herding the
cattle, he passed by a private school. He saw a painter was painting for an
officer. MaLiang lost himself and he walked quickly . He said to the officer,
“Could you give me one writing brush to draw pictures?” The officer and the
painter laughed at him and drove him out.
MaLiang didn’t admit defeat. After that he began to learn to draw by heart.
When he went to cut wood fire on the mountain, he would draw with a branch on
land. When he went to cut grass by the river, he would draw the fish with the
gram root. He drew whatever he saw.
Time passed by quickly and his drawing was better and better. But still he
had no writing brush. How he wished he had a writing brush!
Then one night in his dreams an old man gave him a writing brush. The old man
told him to draw for the poor. MaLiang took the brush quickly and drew a cock on
the wall, the cock was then alive, it jumped down from the wall.
Cock-a-doole-doo. It was a magical writing brush, he began to draw for the poor
with it every day. What he drew all came true. He drew farm cattle for a farmer
and it could plough for him. The officer heard of that and had some soldiers
seized him to the officer. He told MaLiang to draw gold for him. MaLiang refused
to draw for him, so he was put into prison. At midnight, the guard was fast
asleep. Maliang took his brush, drew a door on the wall. When he pulled it the
door opened. Then he began to run off with the other prisoners. Then the guards
ran after him. Then he drew a horse and rode on it, the guards could not catch
up with him at
Then one day Maliang was drawing a water cart in a dry place, suddenly
several official guards appeared and seized him away. This time the officer told
him to draw a gold mountain. MaLiang drew a sea and a gold mountain in the sea.
It was full of gold on the mountain. The officer was pleased and cried, “Be
quick, draw a big ship. I want to ship gold from the
Then MaLiang drew a big ship. The officer together with his guards got on the
ship and said, “Set off. Be quick.” MaLiang then drew some wind. The sail was
full and the ship was sailing to the mountain at sea. The officer wanted to be
faster. So MaLiang added some more strong winds. The officer became afraid and
said, “That’s enough. That’s enough. No more wind.” But MaLiang didn’t listen to
him ,he went on drawing wind. Now it was blowing more violently. And the waves
were as high as mountains. Then the ship was turned over and the officer and his
guards were drowned in the
MaLiang came back to the village and drew for the poor


到山上打柴时,就折一根树枝,在沙地上学着画飞鸟。到河边割草时,就用草根蘸着河水,在石头上学着描游鱼。 Afterwards he had a paintbrush, it was magic.He painted a bird on the wall, then the bird flew away.Maliang was a good boy, he helped people with his magic paintbru...

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Maliang in a small village. He was a very good boy, but he lost his parents when he was eight. He was poor and his life was hard. But he wanted to learn painting and he never lost his heart.He didn’t have a paintbrush, so ...

以下是《神笔马良》的英文版: A Magic Paint Brush Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor and kind and helped a rich man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and...

《神笔马良》是我国著名儿童文学作家洪汛涛先生的代表作,是家喻户晓的经典童话名篇。以下是《神笔马良》的英文版:A Magic Paint Brush Once upon a time, there was a young man called Ma Liang. He was poor and kind and helped a rich man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew ...

for him. As a result, Ma Liang killed the bad man with this magic pen.很久以前,男孩马良得到一支神笔,他用这支神笔画的像都会变成真的。他经常用这支神笔帮助穷人。一天,一个坏人拿走了神笔,但这支神笔在他的手下并无神奇。于是他叫马良为他画。结果,马良用这支神笔将这个坏人杀死。


这是比较简单的中文缩写,你可以自己试着把它翻译成英文哦 主人公马良是个勤劳、刻苦、有志气的孩子。他从小失去父母,家境贫寒,靠自己打柴、割草为生。但是,他并有因生活贫苦而气馁,一心想学画画的本领。他每天用心苦练,在沙地上学着描飞鸟,在岩石上学着描游鱼。晚上,拿了一块木炭,在窑洞的...

In 1980, he won the first prize of the second National Children's Literary and Artistic Creation Award, and was translated into the languages of various countries.《神笔马良》是享誉世界的经典文学名著,是中国儿童文学的瑰宝。《神笔马良》由我国著名儿童文学作家、理论家洪汛涛于20世纪50年代...

Buzhou mountain 共工怒触不周山 white wave 田螺姑娘 Ma Liang pen 神笔马良【摘要】中国故事英文版名称给我找几个【提问】Demon of Heavenly Fires 火神祝融 Shennong and Hou 神农和后稷 in pursuit of the sun 夸父追日 The Goddess Chang's fly to the moon 嫦娥奔月 a symbol of dogged ...

从化市17627381578: 英语作文请根据下面的提示,写一篇70次左右的英语短文向大家介绍一下神笔马良的故事.很久以前,男孩马良得到一支神笔(magic paintbrush),他用这支... -
英旭佩乐:[答案] Long ago,the boy received a Magic Pen Ma Liang (magic paintbrush),he used the stroke of God like this will become true.He often used the pen to help the poor.One day,God took a bad pen,but Magic Pen i...

从化市17627381578: 神笔马良英文版的故事 -
英旭佩乐: Ma Liang and the Magic Paint BrushThis is a story from China about a boy and a magic paint brush that makes everything he draws come to life!Once upon a time in China, there was a boy named Ma Liang.Ma Liang's parents had died early so the...

从化市17627381578: 英语翻译The bad man was angry.The magic paintbrush didn't help him.It only helped Ma Liang.he took Ma Liang away.“I want a big ship,”said the bad man... -
英旭佩乐:[答案] 那坏人很生气,那神笔不能帮助他只帮助马良,他将马良带走了 '我要只大船'坏人说,'你画出来' 于是马良画了只船,船变成真了.那坏人把船开进了大海,但他没有再回来 神笔马良的童话故事啊.

从化市17627381578: 神笔马良的故事 -
英旭佩乐: 用神笔画了一张弓,冲进了马厩.他喜得蹦起来,借给我一支笔可以吗!”一口唾沫啐在他脸上!马良不但没有死.不知道什么时候.他的窑洞四壁.他走过马厩门口:“穷娃子想拿笔,凑近眼去,马良不慌不忙,就将他撵出大门来,天天替村...

从化市17627381578: 请翻译以下文字,快快快! -
英旭佩乐: 那坏人很生气,那神笔不能帮助他只帮助马良,他将马良带走了'我要只大船'坏人说,'你画出来'于是马良画了只船,船变成真了.那坏人把船开进了大海,但他没有再回来神笔马良的童话故事啊...

从化市17627381578: 匹诺曹的英文故事 -
英旭佩乐: Once upon a time an old woodcarver named Gepetto carved a puppet which he called "Pinocchio". When Gepetto finished , he was amazed that Pinocchio came to life—but Pinocchio did some very naugty things.He stuck out his tongue at ...

从化市17627381578: 英语小故事带翻译 读音 -
英旭佩乐: one day, a crow was very thirsty after flying in the desert. he was looking for water and he finally found it. but there is a problem, the waters are in a bottle and the crows beak cannot reach the base of the bottle. after some thinking, he saw some ...

从化市17627381578: 西游记英语的小故事 -
英旭佩乐: 四个主人公有很多称法,用得最多的是,Tang Monk,Pilgrim, Pa-chieh, Sha Monk.八戒有时候自称Old Hog.Sun Wukong使用的兵器是golden hooped rod, 八戒使的是muckrake.Sun Wukong头上戴的是Tight Fillet Cap, 唐 僧念的是Tight Fillet Spell. 妖精是monster-spirit, fiend,demon. 拿这个自己编编就行了,不知道你是要西游记里文章的英文版,还是要人给你写一个和西游记里人物有关的小故事……字数是?

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