人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 1 Women of Achievement》教案

作者&投稿:叶冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 1 Women of Achievement教案》教案【一】



  Teaching aims:To let the students know much about Lin Qiaozhi and be inspired by her spirits.


  let the students know much about Lin Qiaozhi and be inspired by her spirits.


  Step I: (导入)

  Leading in: look at some pictures about a kind of disease

  Hand-foot-mouth disease

  T: Can you guess the name of the disease?

  S: 手足口病

  T: How to say it in English?

  S: Hand-foot-mouth disease.

  T: Do you think it is important to keep the children clean and healthy?

  S: Yes.

  T: Whose job is it to protect them from getting diseases?

  S: Doctor’s.

  T: Today we’ll learn about a great woman doctor. (show the pictures of her) Who is this woman?

  S: Lin Qiaozhi.

  T: Who would like to say something about her?

  S1: …


  T: Let’s enjoy a video about her introduction.(show the video) What do you think after watching?


  T: Do you want to know more about her?

  S: Yes.

  【课内探究】Step II : Fast reading

  【自主学习】Q 1. What’s the passage mainly about?

  After doing some research on Lin Qiaozhi, the writer was inspired by her and decided to study at medical college and carry on her good work

  Q2. How did the writer know the information about Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases?

  By chance he came across an article about her while surfing the internet.

  Q3. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book?

  A. It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

  B. It gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness.

  C. It was intended for women who lived in the countryside in an emergency they could not reach a doctor.

  D. All the above.

  【有效训练】Step III: Careful reading

  What are the three achievements about Lin Qiaozhi mentioned in the passage?

  1. She became a specialist in women diseases.

  2. She got a medical training for her career.

  3. She made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.

  【合作探究】Step IV: Group work

  1. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Give a reason.

  2. What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have?

  【精讲点拨】Step V : Retell the story

  Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book that ___ _______ ___ women in the countryside. It was difficult for a woman to ___ ______ ______ at that time, for girls education was always ______ ______ __ boys. _____ made her succeed was the _______ and ___________ she showed to her patients. She often went late at night to ______ __ _____for a poor family who couldn’t ____ her. I was inspired and decided to _____ __ her good work.

  【有效训练】Step VI: Speech time

  Lin Qiaozhi was a successful woman and achieved what she wanted. A Chinese saying: “Women can hold up half of the sky”. But nowadays, can women have the same chances as men in their careers? Are women and men really equal?



  Show your speech !

  What do you think? First discuss in your groups, then give your report to the class.

  【课后延伸】Step VII : Don’t forget your homework:

  1. Add more details to your speech and write it down in your exercise book.

  2. Surf the internet to find more about Lin Qiaozhi.


  I.Fast reading:

  Q 1. What’s the passage mainly about?

  Q2. How did the writer know the information about Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases?

  Q3. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book?

  A. It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.

  B. It gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness.

  C. It was intended for women who lived in the countryside in an emergency they could not reach a doctor.

  D. All the above.

  II.Careful reading

  What are the three achievements about Lin Qiaozhi mentioned in the passage?

  III. Group work

  1. Was it easy for a womam to get medical education at that time ?

  Give a reason.

  2. What do you think are the important qulities a good doctor should have?

  IV. Retell the story

  Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book that ___ _______ ___ women in the countryside. It was difficult for a woman to ___ ______ ______ at that time, for girls education was always ______ ______ __ boys. _____ made her succeed was the _______ and ___________ she showed to her patients. She often went late at night to ______ __ _____for a poor family who couldn’t ____ her. I was inspired and decided to _____ __ her good work.

  V. Homework

  1. Add more details to your speech and write it down in your exercise book.

  2. Surf the internet to find more about Lin Qiaozhi.

  人教版高中英语必修4《Unit 1 Women of Achievement教案》教案【二】



  Te aching aims:

  1.Knowledge aims:

  In this class, most of the students will:

  1. learn the outline of the sample passage about a great woman.

  2. learn some useful expressions and structures of describing a great woman;.

  2.Ability aims:

  the students will read the sample passage and learn how to describe a great woman by imitating the sample passage.

  3.Emotional aims:

  Arouse the students’ interest of great women and learn something from them.


  Teaching important points:

  Students will learn to analyze the outline of a sample passage and learn to write a composition of a great woman.

  Teaching difficult points

  Ss learn some useful expressions: be admitted to, devote oneself to.


  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Warming-up:

  Play a part of Roman Holidays and then talk about the famous actress a nd great woman Audrey Hepburn.


  Step 2 Reading:

  Activity 1. Fast reading

  Ask the students to read the sample passage quickly and answer the following questions.

  1. When and where was Hepburn born?

  2. Which film made her famous?

  Activity 2 Detailed reading.

  ⑴Ask the ss to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.


  A great person

  Para 1 Background (背景)

  Para 2 Achievement (成就)

  Para 3 Assessment (评价)


  Step 3 Talking:

  Ask the ss to work in groups to talk about Madame Curie according to the given information.

  The whole class are divided into to 3 groups. Ss in group 1 ta lk something about her family background and education. Ss in group 2 talk something about her j obs and achievemen t. Ss in group 3 talk something ab out her impressions on others.


  Step 4 Writing:

  1. Ask the st udents to write down what they talked about Madame Curie within 10 mins.

  2. Check in class.

  Show several compositions of them in class.

  设计意图:教师先批阅学生作文,起到示范的作用, 引导学生自己修改。

  3. Peer check in pairs

  Encourage the students to share their compositions with th eir partners and find out some good sentences and correct mistakes if necessary. The possible checklist is as follows:

  1. If all the information has been included?

  ①Her family background and education

  ②Her jobs and achiev ement

  ③Her impressions on others

  2. Right tense?

  3. Right voice?

  4. Are there any advanced words、structures and complex Sentences?


  Step 5 Summary

  T guides Ss to make a summary.

  A famous saying from Madame Curie.



  Improve and polish your writing after class and hand it in to me.

状元笔记教材详解:高中英语必修4(人教版)定价:¥19.80 库存:有货,可送至全国 作者:龙门书局教育研究中心丛书组 编,张成标 学科主编,张成标 本册主编 出版社:龙门书局 出版时间:2010-11-1 开本:大32开 I S B N:9787508821924 内容简介 “考考考,老师的法宝!分分分,学生的命根!”这...

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