
作者&投稿:中叔阀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Michael Jordan, born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, is a former American professional basketball player. Known by his nickname "Air Jordan," he played as a shooting guard and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players in NBA history.(迈克尔·乔丹,1963年2月17日出生于美国纽约州布鲁克林,是一位前美国职业篮球运动员。他以“飞人”的昵称著称,担任得分后卫,被广泛认为是NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一。)
Selected by the Chicago Bulls with the third overall pick in the 1984 NBA Draft, Jordan quickly established himself as a superstar. He was named the NBA Rookie of the Year in his first season, showcasing his exceptional talent from the outset.(1984年NBA选秀中,乔丹以第三顺位被芝加哥公牛队选中,他很快确立了自己超级巨星的地位。在新秀赛季,他就被评为NBA年度最佳新秀,展现了自己非凡的天赋。)
During his career, Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards, scoring an average of 37.1 points per game in the 1986-1987 season, which earned him his first NBA scoring title.(在职业生涯中,乔丹为芝加哥公牛队和华盛顿奇才队效力。在1986-1987赛季,他场均得分达到37.1分,首次获得NBA得分王称号。)
Jordan's career is filled with memorable moments, including game-winning shots and clutch performances. One notable instance was in May 7, 1989, when he made a miraculous last-second shot to sink the Cleveland Cavaliers, sealing a 3-2 series lead for the Bulls. His performance not only stands out as a highlight of his career but also as one of the most iconic moments in NBA history.(乔丹的职业生涯充满了令人难忘的时刻,包括绝杀球和关键时刻的表现。一个著名的例子是1989年5月7日,他投出了一记不可思议的绝杀球,帮助公牛队在系列赛中以3-2领先克利夫兰骑士队。他的表现不仅是他职业生涯的一个亮点,也是NBA历史上最 iconic 的时刻之一。)
Another legendary moment occurred in the 1997 NBA Finals, where Jordan played through illness, scoring 38 points, including 15 in the fourth quarter, to secure a victory. His resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to his mental and physical toughness.(另一个传奇时刻发生在1997年NBA总决赛中,乔丹在生病的情况下坚持出场,得到38分,其中包括第四节的15分,确保了胜利。他在逆境中展现出的坚韧不拔,证明了他的心理和身体素质。)
In the 1998 NBA Finals, Jordan once again displayed his clutch gene, scoring 16 points in the final quarter, including the last eight points for the Bulls, to lead them from a 13-point deficit to a victory. His last-second shot to beat the Utah Jazz and secure back-to-back titles is etched in basketball history.(在1998年NBA总决赛中,乔丹再次展现了他的大心脏,在第四节得到16分,其中包括公牛队最后得到的全部八分,带领球队从13分的劣势中逆转获胜。他在比赛结束前几秒击败犹他爵士队并锁定背靠背冠军的场景,已经深深地刻在了篮球史上。)
Jordan's impact on the game of basketball extends beyond his playing career. His competitive spirit, work ethic, andair-ness have inspired countless players and fans around the world.(乔丹对篮球运动的影响远远超出了他的职业生涯。他的竞争精神、工作态度和“飞人”形象激励了全世界的无数球员和球迷。)

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熊映卡洛:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, having two older brothers and an older and ...

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熊映卡洛:[答案] Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17,1963) is a retired American professional basketball player and active businessman.His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states,"By acclamation,Michael Jordan is the greatest ...

通州区15918267020: 介绍乔丹的英语短文要包括以下内容,1963:出生于纽约.982:成为一名大学生.985:成为NBA球员.:成为"became a member of "NBA's greatest ... -
熊映卡洛:[答案] "Michael Jordan Above and Beyond" provides a much-needed look at Michael Jordan's fantastic return from retirement in 1995. The first 20 minutes or so recap his retirement, attempt at minor league baseball, and his dealing with his father's murder. ...

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熊映卡洛:[答案] In June, 1984 continuously gained university player of the year's Jordan to choose at the Xiu meeting in NBA to select by the first run third cis-position by the Chicago bull team. In May, 1985 28.2 received respectively by average each takes the year new ...

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熊映卡洛:[答案] 乔丹 Full name: Michael Jeffrey Jordan Previous Occupation: Professional Basketball Player Position: Shooting Guard Former Teams: Chicago Bulls 1984-98 & Washington Wizards 2001-03 Date of Birth: February 17, 1963 Place of Birth: Brooklyn, ...

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熊映卡洛: 1.Chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,Al“Scarface”Capone.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jord...

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熊映卡洛:[答案] Michael Jordan, the best known athlete in the world, is a leading scorer in the National Basketball Association (NBA), who led the Chicago Bulls to many recent NBA championships. He is, by far, and wi...

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熊映卡洛: The God in Youth: Michael JordanThere were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ...

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熊映卡洛:[答案] 是Michael jordan吧Michael Jordan was the dominant basketball player in the world during the 1990s. He won the NBA's Most Valuable Player award five times, and six times led the Chicago Bulls to the le...

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