英语语法问题。the most remote of places. 这个of有问题吗?

作者&投稿:禹咏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(the remains of ill-advised human exploration and activity主语) (can be found谓语) (in the form of rusting equipment, buildings almost entirely buried in snow, and abandoned.地点状语)
equipment, buildings都是并列的关系,almost entirely buried in snow, and abandoned.这半句话修饰building几乎被埋在雪中并且废弃了的建筑

hope sb do sth 正确
hope sb do sth 希望某人做某事
hope不能加宾语,只能加to do不定式或that从句
误:Mr Smith hopes all of his students to pass the college entrance examinations.
正:Mr Smith hopes that all of his students can pass thecollege entrance examinations.
注意:英语虽然不能说hope sb to do sth,但是可说wish sb to do sth。
I wish him to remain. 我希望他留下。
I wish you to be happy. 我祝你幸福。
We hope to see you again.(= We hope we can see you again.) 我希望能再次见到你。
I hope you can help me with my maths. 希望你能帮助我学数学。

没毛病,对的。the most remote=the most remote one

the most remote place
one of the most remote places

第二句是worth的用法 后面的名词价值多少


所以:1)for solitude 为(介词短语)修饰 the desire,做 desire 的后置定语;2)of making an unexpected discovery 为(介词短语)修饰 the chance,做 chance 的后置定语;这个是您提到的第一个问题的解答,是两个后置定语分别作各自表语的后置定语。第二个问题的答案是,it is the desire ... ...

解析:这个句子的完整句式是 The only thing (that) you can't do is (to) ignore them thing先行词 you can't do 定语,修饰前面的thing ,因为定语从句中缺少的是宾语,所以用that, 虽thing 是物,可以用which,但是thing前面有the only 修饰,所以不用which.另外,that 在宾语从句中...

英语口语语法要点 英语口语语法和书面语法不大一样,是学习者容易忽视和感到困惑的地方。一起来看看下面五个语法要点吧。1口语中的句子结构 It’s difficult, the exam.非正式口语中的语法在某些方面与书面语法不同。句子通常不那么复杂,使用的连词种类更少,也更简单。【正式的书面语】While the hotel...

你好。1 是主语从句。it (形式主语)is (系动词)sheer luck(表语) that(主语从句连接词) the miners are still alive after 10 days(真正主语)这个句子是同位语从句:We are glad to hear the news that the miners are still alive after 10 days.---news的具体内容是the miners are ...

新概念第二册语法问题 the food that had been laid out for the dead...
这个问题问得很好,事实上我也有这个疑问!因为全文用的是现在时态,表示的是习惯:新概念英语文本第二册Lesson 96 Lesson 96The dead return亡灵返乡 A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to ...

the Klingon pointing guns at them,意思是“这个可灵根人向他们瞄准枪”。(也可以以理解为 guns 是介词 with 的宾语,过去分词短语 pointed at them 是宾语补足语)。如上分析,这个句子应该翻译为:他们打开视频电话唯一的那一次是当一个克灵根人正坐在20米开处的飞船中用枪瞄准他们的时候。

但是考试,你还得填formal的用法,所以没有关系,语法神马的不要去钻牛角尖,句子正规通顺就好:)I have never been to Beijing ,but it is the place where I would like to visit. 不可以,因为visit是及物动词,但是but it is the place where I would like to pay a visit就可以,算作由...

在没有上下文孤立考虑这句话的情况下,By the time the sun sets, they will have worked on the farm for six hours. 这样表达是完全没有问题的。这是一个由 by the time 引导的时间状语从句, by the time 作为连词时,要求主句使用完成时态。如果 by the time 句是一般过去时,则主句使用...

that(those)指代具体的名词,他们指代的名词要有the限定 that指代单数名词(包括可数不可数名词的单数)如 In winter,the weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Guangzhou .The boy in the red is talled than that in the blue.those指代复数可数名词.如 The students in Class 4 are ...

英语中的系动词几乎都可以当实义动词用 可以单独作谓语 系动词必须加表语 才能构成谓语 也就是说 系动词和表语是不能分割的一个整体 有系动词就有表语 有表语 动词就一定是系动词 这是我们判断是否是系表结构的一个准则 表语是系动词后说明主语的句子成分。如 the milk went bad , 牛奶变质了。

平阴县15165463239: 英语语法:most/the most -
沙冯奥美: We were most surprised.在这里,most是一个副词,相当于“很,非常”的意思.比如:The girl is most beautiful. the most一般用来帮助多音节的形容词或者副词构成最高级.比如:Mary is the most beautiful girl in the class. beautiful这个多音节形容词变为最高级,前加the most.希望对你有帮助!

平阴县15165463239: 英语语法问题.the most remote of places. 这个of有问题吗? -
沙冯奥美: 没毛病,对的.the most remote=the most remote one

平阴县15165463239: most与best语法 -
沙冯奥美: 两个都是最高级,most修饰多音节词,也就是发音三个以上,也可以组成词组the most of大多数,best是good的最高级,最好,my best friend我最好的朋友.采纳噢

平阴县15165463239: 英语题,比较级和最高级的用法 -
沙冯奥美: 第一个问题:两个句子的语法都有错误,都缺少了BE动词.所以应该改成 1.the big pear is as sweet as the small one. 2.the monkey is as smart as that one. 第二个问题:用比较级结构的时候即“as...as”结构的时候前面一般都要有BE动词,动词...

平阴县15165463239: 英语语法 the most difficult In the world1.All the students think highly of his teaching (highly在这里作什么成分)2.We need a place twice larger than this one (... -
沙冯奥美:[答案] 1、副词修饰动词think ,thing highly of 指高度赞扬 2、补充说明,修饰宾语place 3、老人一生孤独的活着,a lonely life明显是修饰live的 4、后置定语,修饰those,和前面的The cars made in Japan相对应比较

平阴县15165463239: 英语语法问题The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels.Built in 1885,it was the oldest car taking part.为什么take要加ing? -
沙冯奥美:[答案] 最非同寻常的车当属只有三个轮子的奔驰了.这辆车造于1885年,是最老的一辆参展车辆.it(主语) was(系动词) the oldest car(表语) taking part(后置定语,修饰car).这个句子主系表结构,前面有谓语了,所以后面的动...

平阴县15165463239: 新概念三语法问题The most valuable find of all was the ship's log book, parts of whitch it was still possible to read. 中为什么不能去掉it ,写成parts of which was ... -
沙冯奥美:[答案] 不能去掉,因为it是从句的形式主语,即 it was still possible to read parts of which (the log book) 没有重复的内容. 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

平阴县15165463239: 这句话语法有错误吗The most important is having a good life - style and getting rid of our bad habit. -
沙冯奥美:[答案] 把 the most important 改为 what is the most important 或者在 the most important后面加 thing

平阴县15165463239: 英语语法问题如下:What impress the tourist most或者What impress the tourist the most哪一个是对的?我认为第二个是对的但答案说不是,有没有高手知道为... -
沙冯奥美:[答案] 第一个是对的啊~在电影或者文章中都只出现过what impress the tourist most~因为这里的most是做副词~而不做形容词~副词的最高级在动词后或形容词后是不加the的~例如i like her most,从来不会说i like her the most,而可以说the most important thing

平阴县15165463239: 解析语法The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: -
沙冯奥美: however可以放句首,也可以放句中,用逗号前后隔开 句首的用法谁都会,句中就可以算是高级句式了 千万别省了,因为有转折的语气在当中

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