
作者&投稿:都艳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

MOst of the things he loves were included (in )the list、_百度知...
翻译:他热爱的大多数事情都被包括在这张清单当中。解析:本题考查的是固定短语in the list的用法,意思“在清单\/单子中”。一、most 1、含义:adj. 最多的;大多数的。adv. 最;最多;极其。pron. 大多数;大部分。n. 最多 2、用法 most用作副词时是many和much的最高级,可与部分两个或两...

most of which的用法?
most of which一般引导非限定性定语从句,前面必须有先行词,且中间用逗号隔开。给你个最直接的例子。He has written a lot of books, most of which are best-sellers.以上构成的是个复合句,英语的句子中,规范的句子有四种类型:简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句。以上句子如果写成"He has ...

he devoted most of his time to his research,believing his hard...
take off 确实有表示“成功”的意思,但是它的成功是指“事业腾飞”,并不是说之前是不成功的~~~pay off 是“取得成功, 有报偿 ”的意思;put off 延迟 ,摆脱的意思 take off 是“(飞机)起飞,(衣服)脱掉,去除,匆匆离开”的意思 get off 是“从···掉下来,起身,动身”...

he spend most of his time playing outside and he
选D failed 表示最后没通过数学考试。

most和mostly都可以做为副词使用,当做副词用时,most是“最,最为,顶多”的意思 而mostly的意思是“大部分,主要”的意思,如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

edison is a t_ boy,he could do better than most
Edison is a talented boy, he could do better than most of his classmates.

It was in his childhood that he read most of the books (write...
written 被写,books作主语,要被动 过去分词是动词的一种用作非谓语的形式,一个句子如果要用2个及以上动词,只能一个是谓语,其他要使用非谓语形式,有过去分词、现在分词、动词不定式等 books written by Mark 马克写的小说,可以这么翻

可以不加the,1.在表示“很,非常”的意思的时候(=very):He is most attractive as to his appearance as well as his quality.就外貌还是人品,他都很有魅力。2.最高级前已有名词所有格或物主代词时,不用the:He is my most interesting friend.他是我最有趣的朋友。(而不能说:He's my...

(英国哲学家 培根. F.) No country , however rich , can afford the waste of its human resources .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president) 任何一个国家,不管它多么富裕,都浪费不起人力资源。(美国总统 罗斯富. F.) Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing .(Albert Einstein ...

most of which与most of them有什么区别?
most of which 是用来引导定语从句的,前面必须有个先行词。most of them 是一个分句。i.e. I have many foreign language books, most of which are world famous works. (我有许多外语书,其中很多是世界名著。)i.e. I have many foreign friends, and most of them are from USA. (...

经文15017239375问: 最高级中,most fun 怎么解释啊 ?fun有最高级的funiest -
浠水县小儿回答: the most fun中,fun是作名词,表示最开心,最有趣的事 e.g.Skiing can be the most family fun. 滑雪可以成为一家人最大的乐趣. 当fun是形容词时,它的最高级是funnist

经文15017239375问: the most fun 为什么不用the funest -
浠水县小儿回答: fun做adj.的时候, 其实 the funnest和the most fun都是对的.您有可能被误导了. 比如: Larry is probably one of the warmest, funnest people I know and it really comes across in his work. It was probably the most fun wedding we've ever been to.还有就是 the+most(adj.greatest)+fun(n.) 比如: Going on stage was the most fun.

经文15017239375问: fun和funny的运用有何不同,从比较级和最高级解释! -
浠水县小儿回答: the funniest fun大多做名词,较少作形容词和动词. 作形容词时,如果需要用到比较级或者最高级意思,可用more fun, the most fun,如This is the most fun part of the town,但是fun本身没有比较级或最高级. funny比较突出“奇怪的,可笑的”的含义,带有一定程度的贬义.比较级funnier,最高级the funniest

经文15017239375问: IbelieveWaterFestivalisthemostfu?
浠水县小儿回答: 我相信泼水节是最风趣的.the most fun是fun的最高级.

经文15017239375问: It is in the most fun part of town'中fun为名词,为什么还能用the most修饰? -
浠水县小儿回答: 答案是:fun 在这里是当作形容词使用的, ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

经文15017239375问: 为什么fun的最高级是在前面加most而不是后面加est? -
浠水县小儿回答: fun这个单词前面加most,fun 是作为名词用,表示“好玩的/有趣的事”,不是表示最高级,而是表示“非常”的意思.例如:It's most fun to see him walk like this!看他这么走路的样子,好玩极了/有趣极了!

经文15017239375问: It is in the most fun part of town'中fun为名词,为什么还能用the most修饰? -
浠水县小儿回答: 名词

经文15017239375问: It has the most fun.和It's the funnest.的区别是什么?the most fun这中说法有误吗?如the most interesting/important等,不是只用在多音节的形容词吗?为何会... -
浠水县小儿回答:[答案] 第一句:它有最大的乐趣.第二句:它最有趣 the most fun不是fun的最高级,fun在此是名词,most 是much的最高级

经文15017239375问: fun和funny的运用有何不同,从比较级和最高级解释!fun的比较级是加more,最高级加most,那么funny呢?比如这道题:That's - -------(最滑稽的)story that ... -
浠水县小儿回答:[答案] the funniest fun大多做名词,较少作形容词和动词. 作形容词时,如果需要用到比较级或者最高级意思,可用more fun,the most fun,如This is the most fun part of the town,但是fun本身没有比较级或最高级. funny比较突出“奇怪的,可笑的”的含义,...

经文15017239375问: fun的最高级 -
浠水县小儿回答: fun本来就是名词,名词无最高级更没有比较级,只有形容词才有比较级与最高级,另外funny是fun演变过来的形容词,它的比较级和最高级分别为:funnier、funniest,回答完毕

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