
作者&投稿:荡蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is Tuesday.We have four classes in the morning.The first one is Chinese.The second one is maths.The third one is English,and the forth one is fine arts.We have lunch at 12:15.After lunch we have about one hour for rest.Then the afternoon classes will begin.We still have four classes this afternoon.They are history,phycal education,biology and maths.The school will be over at about 5:30.After school,we go home happily.
Math is my favourite (class/subject). Ever since I was (little/young), I liked numbers and am very good in (solving/doing) math problems. There are some easy questions that do not take much time, there are also some difficult problems that I have to think about and spend some time on. However, when I finish a difficult question, (it gives me a sense of satisfaction and pride / I am very proud of myself).

Today is Tuesday.We have four classes in the morning.The first one is Chinese.The second one is maths.The third one is English,and the forth one is fine arts.We have lunch at 12:15.After lunch we have about one hour for rest.Then the afternoon classes will begin.We still have four classes this afternoon.They are history,phycal education,biology and maths.The school will be over at about 5:30.After school,we go home happily.
Math is my favourite (class/subject). Ever since I was (little/young), I liked numbers and am very good in (solving/doing) math problems. There are some easy questions that do not take much time, there are also some difficult problems that I have to think about and spend some time on. However, when I finish a difficult question, (it gives me a sense of satisfaction and pride / I am very proud of myself).

Math is my favourite (class/subject). Ever since I was (little/young), I liked numbers and am very good in (solving/doing) math problems. There are some easy questions that do not take much time, there are also some difficult problems that I have to think about and spend some time on. However, when I finish a difficult question, (it gives me a sense of satisfaction and pride / I am very proud of myself).

登录作文网,你也可投稿。我不知怎么高烧不退,喝了药汗流浃背,妈妈忙着换毛巾给我擦背,一直忙了个中午,连饭顾不及吃,我又睡了……我感觉到妈妈背着我上医院。没想到我就在医院住了一星期零四天。 登录作文网,你也可投稿。每天我挣开眼睛都看见妈妈守在我的身旁。我的病好了,我又发现妈...

2.运用从本文中学到的方法来修改你曾经写过的作文,并于下次作文课谈谈你的体会。 七、阅读推荐。 朱光潜是美学界名副其实的老前辈和权威。他著作等身,译文浩繁,他的作品如朱自清先生所称誉的:“行云流水,自在极了。他论文学、美学像谈话似的一层层领着你走进高深和复杂里去。”课后请大家查找并阅读作者的美学普...

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...or a Curse”写150词左右的英语作文,谈谈你的看法。
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我闭着眼睛,舒服的躺在床上,伸展我的四肢,回忆这一天,享受匆忙带给我的乐趣。 早晨,当第一束阳光从窗外射进我的屋子时,新的一天便开始了,这是一个匆忙而愉快的一天,就这样开始了。 在晨光中,我开始进行晨练,虽然天气寒冷的,但空气却已清新的,让我们自由呼吸,这清新的空气将一夜的昏沉一扫而空,以新面貌迎接...



3. 八年级 语文作文 600字 依稀记得一年的冬天,父亲带我去跑步。当时我还小,只能跑一两圈,但父亲必须让我跑完全程。“快跑不行可以慢跑,慢跑不行可以走,但是不可以停。就这样,我在每天的奔跑中度过冬天。” 每一个人都会度过许多冬天。“你是惧怕冬天的寒冷不敢出来,还是还是勇敢的克服彻骨的寒冷呢?”父亲岑...

2.运用从本文中学到的方法来修改你曾经写过的作文,并于下次作文课谈谈你的体会。 七、阅读推荐。 朱光潜是美学界名副其实的老前辈和权威。他著作等身,译文浩繁,他的作品如朱自清先生所称誉的:“行云流水,自在极了。他论文学、美学像谈话似的一层层领着你走进高深和复杂里去。”课后请大家查找并阅读作者的美学普...

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终索谓宜: Math is my favourite (class/subject). Ever since I was (little/young), I liked numbers and am very good in (solving/doing) math problems. There are some easy questions that do not take much time, there are also some difficult problems that I...

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终索谓宜: "Every man has his hobbyhorse."So,my classmates all have their own favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Now,let me tell you my reason. I like my English teacher.Even though she is very strict,she is also very kind.I like listening to her....

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终索谓宜:[答案] I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you go .you can make yourself understood as long as you speak English.It is also the formal language of the gov...

大庆市15396395217: 你最喜爱的一天的课程安排和活动的英语作文 -
终索谓宜: I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you go .you can make yourself understood as long as you speak English. It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as .the U.S ,...

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终索谓宜:[答案] Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四······(日期自己写,我也不知道这是你哪天的课程),I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is m...

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终索谓宜:[答案] oh!It's very boring.It isn't very inteeresting.lt's Monday"s lesson.The subjects is Chinese, Maths,English,Physicai Education.

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终索谓宜: Today is 周一/周二/周三/周四······(日期自己写,我也不知道这是你哪天的课程),I have two classes in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is maths.Then We take a rest at midday. In ...

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终索谓宜:[答案] 您好:My ideal school day starts at 8:30 a.m. It finishes at 3 p.m. so we would have a lot of time for after-school activities.We have half an hour for lunch. We can eat anything and chat with eac...

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终索谓宜: 您好:我最喜欢的科目是英语.我认为英语是非常重要的.世界上大多数人都会说英语.如果你去法国,你不会说法语,你就能说英语.大多数人在法国是讲法语的.所以它是非常重要的,学好英语是最重要的.每个人都应该学好英语.My ...

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终索谓宜: 四年级,语文,英语,数学 英语 my english tiacher is mr sun,he's tall and strong

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