
作者&投稿:涂饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用一般现在时是make salad 用现在进行时是making salad 用过去时是maked salad

make salad ,
salad method ;
doing salad ,
diy salad ,


Hello ,everyone! I'm going to make a salad today.

Hello ,everyone! I want to make a salad today.

Hello, everyone, I'm making a salad today


Hello ,everyone! I'm going to make a salad today.或 Hello ,everyone! I want to make a salad today.

hello. everyone. today I will make a Sala for us.

一份沙拉用英语翻译是:A salad,见下图百度翻译

2、制作:炒锅将色拉油烧至高热后再凉到四成热,将所有配料(大蒜末、食盐、味精、鸡精除外)都一起放到锅里,然后加两小勺水,小火慢熬,并用锅铲不断搅动,大约10分钟水蒸气变小了,将剩余调料倒入便可出锅了。备注:熬煮的时候要不断搅动主意不要糊锅。二、辣味酱料配方 1、原料:辣椒面:100...

设备投资成本在80万左右,再加上前期养活工人、磨练技术、开拓市场等方面的费用吧,没个100多万应该搞不定。机械包括:木工方面的、雕刻、成型、打磨、油漆方面的。涂漆设备:1、涂漆的方法 ,涂漆的方法很多,有刷漆,浸漆、空气喷涂、高压无空气喷涂、静电喷涂、电泳涂漆、淋漆、 滚涂法等。2、涂漆...

把需要冷冻的食物(袋装)放入冷冻室的第一层,冰棍放入第二层,或第三层,一切就OK了。4.介绍电器的作文冰箱,健康生活的必须品。 的家里的厨房里面有一个薄饼机,它非常好用,我每次做面饼的时候都会用到它。它的品牌叫做星魂。 产品尺寸48cm,额定功率600w,型号8018,额定电压220v~,毛重约800g,颜色是黑色的,面盆...




别人家里的一天都在玩,而我这么自觉的帮您做事,不就是没有做好嘛,就对我吹鼻子瞪眼的,我容易吗我。当然我的这些心里活动早被我老妈洞穿,她总是狠狠的说,我知道你心里不舒服,总有一天你会觉得我是对的。然后又让我不之前没有做好的从头来过。慢慢的事情也做得得心应手 了,当然这些都是以前的事情的了。


...大家好,今天我给大家介绍一个岛屿, 你们猜一下这里是哪里_百度知 ...
Hello everyone, today I will introduce(介绍) an island to you.Can you guys guess where is here?Here is the Gulangyu in Xiamen.If you want to get to this island, you have to go through this pier(码头).Here is the South Putuo, next to the Xiamen University, these two ...

我的新家_作文1 我的老家在柯桥的柯福居委会,因那里房屋年数已大,楼房较陈旧,新城市的建设要求重建,我家就提前搬迁了。 我的新家在新世纪花园,那里的地方可大了,崭新的楼房鳞次栉比,宽阔的道路纵横交错,一块块绿地青草茵茵,各式各样的健身器给人们提供了健身娱乐的好去处,也有小朋友们的游乐场所。 我家就在这...

丰满区18969954811: 八上英语制作水果沙拉的对话练习,急! -
卢华艾普: How to make a Greek salad A: This evening I will make you a Greek salad for dinner. B: Greek salad? I've never heard of that. A: I learned this dish while I was in Greek. I love it and it tastes fresh and delicious. B: Wow, I am so eager to know how to ...

丰满区18969954811: 做一份沙拉怎么样.翻译为英语2种方式 -
卢华艾普: 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:1 How about making a salad? 2 Shall we make a salad?不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

丰满区18969954811: 用英语写一篇做水果沙拉的作文 -
卢华艾普: Making salads are actually very easy. Now, please follow me and we will make a wonderful fruit salad. First, prepare fruit: apples, pears, bananas and a watermelon. Also, we need to get ready a bowl, a teaspoon and a cup. Last, we should have ...

丰满区18969954811: 让我们制作一份水果色拉的美语怎么读 -
卢华艾普: Let's make a piece of fruit salad

丰满区18969954811: 求制作水果沙拉的步骤 越简单越好 要英文的 -
卢华艾普: Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it ? It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken, clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat. For example ,kiwi ...

丰满区18969954811: 水果沙拉怎么做的英文版
卢华艾普: 英文Fruit salad (F) material apple Ding 20 gram, strawberry 10 gram,pineapple Ding 40 gram, pear Ding 25 gram, watermelon 50 gram, loose seeds and nuts 10 grams; Ingredient 沙拉酱 2 spoons, fruit taste liquors little. After manufactures 1, cuts ...

丰满区18969954811: 英语作文:制作蔬菜沙拉 -
卢华艾普: How to Make Summer Vegetable Salad Summer salads are usually a tossed salad with greens or fruit salads, but don't forget your vegetables. With the large selection of vegetables available, a vegetable salad is a great alternative. Vegetables can ...

丰满区18969954811: 用英语描述做沙拉的过程!要含first,then,next,finally -
卢华艾普: 首先,其次,然后,最后

丰满区18969954811: 用英文说一道沙拉的做法 -
卢华艾普: Making green salad 1 Get a bowl, and a head of lettuce. Then dry. To save time, simply buy a bag of already washed and shredded lettuce. 2 Wash and chop up a few to throw in with the salad. Try to mix interesting flavors, such as tomatoes, celery, ...

丰满区18969954811: 做沙拉英文怎么说?
卢华艾普: First, wash all the fruits (except banana) Second, peel the fruits (pear, peach, banana, each one is enough) Third, cut them into small pieces Four, cut every grape into two half Five, put all in a bowl Six, put two scoop of salad dressing in the bowl, ...

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