
作者&投稿:凤凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ in conclusion 最后,总;
in connection with/to 关于,和…有联系;
in consequence 因此,结果;
in contrast with/to 与…成对照;与…对比;
in the course of 在…过程中,在…期间;
in danger/trouble 在危险中,垂危;
in debt 欠债


  in details 详细地;

  in demand 有需求;

  in despair 绝望;

  in a dilemma 进退两难,左右为难;

  in the distance 在远处;

  in essence 本质上;

  in any event 无论如何;

  in the event of 万一,如果发生;

  in excuse of 作为…的借口;

  in the eyes of sb. 在某人看来, 在某人眼里;

  in the face of 面对,不顾;

  in fashion时兴, 流行;

  in force有效;实施中

a poem in iambic pentameter.以五音步抑扬格写成的诗 With the characteristic, attribute, or property of:具有某种特征、品质或属性:a tall man in an overcoat.穿着大衣的一个高大男人 By means of:以某种方式:paid in cash.以现金支付 Made with or through the medium of:用或通过某种媒介...

In the morning\\afternoon\\evening in a tin-pot way 蹩脚的,低劣的 in a trance 处于恍惚状态之中的 in a walk 轻而易举的 in a way 有点,几分 in a whirl 混乱的 in a whole skin 安然无恙 in a word 总之

Toby was born in 1985.I will finish my homework in two hours.2、在...之内,位置 Toby lives in Shenzhen.There is a pen in the box.3、穿着 I hate that gril in black.Is the man in blue your boss?The man in white jaket is your teacher.4、用...工具 Please introduce ...

in和on的用法如下:一、in的用法:1.in指“依据”时,仅见于与eye,opinion,view等表示观点的名词或order,sequence等表示顺序的名词连用,还见于in law,in practice,in theory等短语中。2.in则表示从现在时间算起推移到将来的一段时间之后,一般与将来时态连用。3.in往往强调人或事物所处的位置或...

give in 让步 hand in 上交 bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访 result in 导致 succeed in 在……获成功join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访 cut in 插入 persist in 坚持 look in 来访,参观 ...

in class in English-speaking countries have some problems ( in ) doing sth.put sth. in order an e-mail from Lucy to her friend in the USA in the open air in the country in the fields in the city in summer be with sb. in s.p. for the summer the animals in cages in...

at, in, on的用法有哪些?
② 当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in 。例 Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.国庆节一清早,我便起床去赶到动物园的第一班公共汽车。My father begins...

in的短语:in的用法非常多,本文主要介绍含有in的一些词组用法 1.动词+in a)动词+ in believe in信任, break in碎成,bring in引起;产生;带来, call in下令收回, fill in填充,get in收获, hand in上缴, involve in涉及, lie in在于, result in导致, share in共享,succeed in成功, take in...

in与on的用法 in in表示“在其中”。意思是“根据”“按照”,in指“依据”时,仅见于与eye,opinion,view等表示观点的名词或order,sequence等表示顺序的名词连用,还见于in law,in practice,in theory等短语中。The books are printed in Hong Kong.这些书在香港印刷。on on表示“在物体的表面上...

(一)介词in,on和at表示时间 年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行;某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄;圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然;早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间。(1)at主要表示:①在某个具体时间,如:在……时刻,在……点钟,at seven o’clock,at 9:30等...

河南省19681731246: 帮我总结一下带in的短语 -
宠畅那琦:[答案] in 的固定词组:(1)in English (2) in red(3)in turn (4) in ink(5)in return (6) in 1987(7)in spring (8) in March(9)in the morning (10)in line(11)in front of (12)in the front ...

河南省19681731246: 高中阶段常见带介词的in短语归纳不错,不过有没有全一点的? -
宠畅那琦:[答案] (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor. ...

河南省19681731246: 求in的三大用法 -
宠畅那琦: arrive in 到达 join in 参加(比赛、活动等) 2 . in 的用法 ( l )用于某个较长的时间.如:事迹,年,季节,月份等. in the twenty-first century在 21 世纪 at one's thirties 在某人 30 多岁时 in 2005 在 2005 年 in autumn 在秋天 in March 在三月 ...

河南省19681731246: 英语中in 的短语什么时候可以省略 -
宠畅那琦: (1) 在 in this way, in that way, in the same way, in another way 等表达中的介词in 通常可以省略: Do it (in) this way. 这样做. Let me put it (in) another way. 让我用另一种方式解释. (2) 许多动名词前的介词in可以省略: Be careful (in) crossing...

河南省19681731246: 高中阶段常见带介词的in短语归纳 -
宠畅那琦: (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the ...

河南省19681731246: on用于什么?in用于什么?at又用于什么? -
宠畅那琦: 年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行; 某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄; 圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然; 早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间. (1)at主要表示: ①在某个具体时间,如:在……时刻,在……点钟,at seven o'...

河南省19681731246: on,in ,at的用法...谢谢喽 -
宠畅那琦: 认识介词 in,on,at(一)介词in,on和at表示时间年、季、月、周要用in,日期、节气用on行;某时某刻用at,at the age of表年龄;圣诞、夜晚、钟点前,用上at才自然;早、午、晚上常用in,固定短语记心间.(1)at主要表示:①在某个具体...

河南省19681731246: 比较范围常用in或 - -----of短语来表示 -
宠畅那琦: 1) 动词+of常用短语: Accuse of指责 break of戒除 convince of确信 despair of失望 hear of听到 remind of提醒 strip of夺走 Advise of劝告 beware of当心 consist of组成 dream of梦想 infor of通知 rob of抢夺 think of考虑 approve of赞成 Boast of夸大 ...

河南省19681731246: 求 【in+词+of】结构词组,如:in charge of,in need of,in spite of 要常用的,越多越好.谢谢! -
宠畅那琦: in the name of in terms of in the act of in the middle of in consequence of in consideration of in control of in favor of in front of in the interests of in the hope of in the wake of in view of

河南省19681731246: IN 和 ON的用法 -
宠畅那琦: 1.表示在哪一年,用in in the year 20122.表示在上午,下午,晚上用in in the morning/afternoon/evening 但在说明具体星期几的上午下午晚上,用on on the Sunday evening/morning/afternoon3. 在哪一月用in in January 但在表示哪一年的哪一月的哪一天用on on the January 8,2011 所以,需要记住的就是,在具体时间前面用on,不具体的时间就用in 那么就应该是in a clear day/ in a sunny day

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