
作者&投稿:厉所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Excuse me?
Is this your handbag?
Is this your handbag?
Yes it's thank you very much

给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports?B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan.A: Which is your favourite sport then?B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, table tennis,etc. How about you?A: I'm too lazy to go ...

ROSE:I love you Jack.“我爱你。杰克。”(露丝当然明白杰克的心意,她用力握着他那双手,两个人的手都已经感觉不出温度了,但是他们知道,手是握在一起的。)JACK:No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it."……别这样……没到告别的时候,……没到...

英语小剧本——《小红帽》Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy,what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some ...

顺便一提 几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅口语的外教说过,就是想征服英语是轻松的~必然有个恰当的研习情境和进修口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 发音纯正才是最好 坚持每日口语交流 一对一家教式教学就有非常.好.的学习成效..课程结束后仍要复习听取课程录音音频,把所学知识融会贯通 实在是真的无口语交谈的人的环境,最...

1A:How do you spell “pig"。你怎么拼写pig B:P-I-G. P-I-G.A:What?P-U-G? 什么?P-U-G?B:No,P-I-G.I. 不是的, P-I-G. 是'I'A:U.? U?B:I. I (字母I,也有“我”的意思)A:Yes,you!pig

A: hello tom, It's a sunny day, right? 汤姆,今天天气真好,是吗 B: yes, lily what are you going to do, you know, such good weather, it's a pity if only stay at home. 是啊,莉莉,你打算去哪里呢,你看天气这么好呆在家里太可惜了 A. i agree with you, i want to ...

A Nice to see you here.B Nice to see you too.A Umm,its the first time we meet.So im wondering how should i call B Just call me Nick is Ok.Then what about you?A My name is Jenny B Thats a good name.It sounds that you are from California,right?A Exactly B Well,...

初中水平的两人英语对话,简短一点,两三分钟就可以了,最好是生活中的情 ...
Jane and Susan are on their way home.Jane和Susan 在回家的路上谈起对季节的感受.Jane: hi, Sue, I feel a kind of chilly today.你好,苏,我感到今天凉飕飕的 Susan: It is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching.是凉飕飕的.秋天到了.Autumn is my favorite season.我最喜欢秋天.Jane: ...

A:Why do you drink wine everyday?B:I like it !A:Is it delicious?B:Of course!Not only so,in wine there is truth.A:really,what is it?B:When you are in low spirits,drinking wine can help you about that .On the other hand,it can help you make more friends.A:Oh,it'...

电话的英语对话范文:L:Hello. Is Becky there, please?——喂,请问贝齐在家吗?M:Just a moment, please. I’ll see if she’s free.——请等一下,我去看她是否有空。L:Thanks.——谢谢。M:Sorry, Becky can’t come to the phone right now.——不好意思,贝齐现在接不了电话。...

平乐县13367794255: 有关校园生活的英语情景对话,2分钟左右,2个人的,每个人10句左右 -
书宝迪洋:[答案] John:So,what do you think you'll do after school?Mary:I'm not really sure.Maybe,I'll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don't be silly.The army isn't just about killing th...

平乐县13367794255: 英语2人对话短文(急用,每人10句)Topic 1:Talking about fruitsWhat fruits do you like to eat?What are the famous fruits in your hometown?What are the ... -
书宝迪洋:[答案] talking about your schoolwhat does your school look like?how many teacher and students in your school?who is you favourite teacher?what's she or he like?who is your best friend in your school?my schoo...

平乐县13367794255: 英语二人情景对话短文带翻译两分钟(两人英语情景对话短文)
书宝迪洋: 1、A:Excuse me!2、B:umm,what can i do for you please?3、A:My friend is on your left side,could i switch the seats with you?4、B:If you let you sit here,and where i will sit .5、A:Okay,i will help you find an another seat .Sorry for the inconvenience.6、B:That is o.k.

平乐县13367794255: 以下面为话题的2人英语小对话,每人大概10句的对话You and your partner are good friends.You have just moved into a new house and want to invite your ... -
书宝迪洋:[答案] A:Hi,B,how are you doing? B:Hi,A,I'm doing fine,and you? A:Not bad.You see,I've just moved into a new house. B:Really?You've moved again,where then? A:Just near the church.The house where I lived was too noisy.I just can't bear. B:Oh,yeah,you ...

平乐县13367794255: 求英语对话,10句左右,两人对话,1.Student A and Student B meet for the first time.They introduce each other and talk about their likes and dislikes about ... -
书宝迪洋:[答案] 6.B:welcome to Bejing!A:It`s a beautiful city!I think i will lose a chance to know China without this business.B:I`m glad to show you around if you need.A:Thanks.It`s nice of you.B:My preasure.A:My fr...

平乐县13367794255: 谁帮我写段英文口语对话2个人的一人十句话这里的,急用!不要太难也别太简单,初中程度这里的. -
书宝迪洋:[答案] Dave:Peter,we have been working very hard the whole school year.Don't you think we need a nice summer vacation? Peter:... Dave:I can't wait for this trip. Peter:me neither.I' ll let you know,Ok? Dave:Ok.Bye.Take care. Peter:You,too. 我复制的,我...

平乐县13367794255: 大学英语口语对话,2人,2分钟,话题1.what is more important ,health or wealth?2.what do you think good heart is?3.what is your opinion about online ... -
书宝迪洋:[答案] A:Good morning B(你同伴的名字).It's a nice day,a ha ?B:yeah.The sunshine is warm.But I've heard a piece of bad mews and now i feel very sad.A:what's wrong? B:It's my uncle.He is so young but.his he...

平乐县13367794255: 英语对话以家乡为话题的一个二人英语小对话,每人十句左右 -
书宝迪洋:[答案] A:hallo,my dear,i am so interested in ur hometown,can u tell something about it?B:yes,my hometown located in ** province.it is a beautiful city or town or countryside.A:Is there any special facility i...

平乐县13367794255: 英语口语两人对话.一共十句.2.针对手机表演对话1)你喜欢讲电话?2)你会花很多时间在电话上吗?3)说一些优势(优点)或不足(缺点)移动电话. -
书宝迪洋:[答案] A:Do you like to make a phone call? B:I like to call my family and friends. A:That you will spend a lot of time on the telephone? B:I don't spend a lot of time on the telephone. A:What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of the phone more? B:I ...

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