
作者&投稿:毛君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

women,and society间接宾语
no favors 直接宾语

And I主 saw谓 a baby deer宾 lying on the ground定语, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and heat exhaustion定语, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand宾补.
I saw a baby deer lift its...

【短文原句】He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find.
【语法成分】He 主语,spoke 谓语,tender形容词定语, words 宾语,of sympathy后置定语修饰words; telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find. 现在分词短语做伴随状语。
在telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find中,属于tell sb. sth.的句型。telling非谓语动词, her 间接宾语,that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find是telling的直接宾语,是一个宾语从句。这个宾语从句是用两个that宾语从句由并列连词and组成的并列句。


【短文原句】He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find.【语法成分】He 主语,spoke 谓语,tender形容词定语, words 宾语,of sympathy后置定语修饰words; telling her that he would find her husband an...

1.An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book.They hold the opinion...

come out there and trees also begin to leaf.It's so beautiful after rains.we can fly kites and play games.Lovely birds in trees also begin to sing.So I think it's better to go there in spring.纠正楼上两处错误 in spring 不是 in the spring birds are singing in trees 不...

亲爱的简:今天是11月11号,星期二。我很忙!8点我要上数学课。我不喜欢数学。然后9点我要上科学课。它很难,但很有趣。接下来在10点钟的时候我要上艺术课,这好无聊,但在11点,我们就上体育课了。这是我最喜欢的课程!12点钟的时候我吃午饭。午饭后我听音乐。音乐让我很兴奋。 我喜欢我的...

这是一个很初级的原版,你弄的那个基本上没啥错误,但有一点需要注意,"Oh,but it does."does后面一定要用逗号。还有那位兄台把conductor翻译为列车长很不合适。Mark Twain(马克·吐温)was an American writer(作家).One day he went to a city by train.He wanted to see one of his friends ...

Generally speaking, monkeys are small and covered with hair.一般来说,猴子的身子比较小,身上长满了毛。Some of these species have two big eyes, big ears and a long tail.其中的一些种类有两只大眼睛、大耳朵和一条长尾巴。I can see them on TV or in the zoo.我可以在电视上或动物...

My Favorite Movie My favorite movie is Who is the Real Beautiful Monkey King. When the amusing outline of the Monkey King’s face falls into my head, I always remember my youngest uncle whose face was filled up either beam or depression.Since my father usually ran further to ...

My classmate Li Hua Li Hua is my classmate, he is a sunny boy, his habits of living is very good for heath, so i will introduce his living habits to everybody.every day, he gets up early ,and then he does exercise, so that he can keep fit, besides this ,he has meal...

One day,an old beggar went to the village.He knocked at the door of a rich man to beg for food.This was a big house and at the side was built a granary with a big padlock.The owner of the house was a miser and he was known for never helping anyone.The beggar was ...

Generation-gap between young and older.年轻人和老年人之间的代沟。Why would this happen? I think one of the reason is the world rapidly improvement. Something we think it's good but our parent don't. For example one of my friend she is a very fashionable girl one day she 为...

攸县18964257914: 英语句子成分分析 -
辕临泰诺:[答案] [英语句子成分分析] [思路分析] 把句子的各个成分搞清楚,也就是把句子各部分的关系搞清楚,英语句子成分分析.做到这一点,才可以准确地理解句子的意思或造出结构正确、意思明白的句子.有一点要注意,在分析句子结构时,应该抓住主要成分....

攸县18964257914: 帮忙分析一下英语短文的语法成分 -
辕临泰诺:你好,我来讲讲这个问题. 【短文原句】He spoke tender words of sympathy, telling her that he would find her husband and her parents and that everything would be find. 【语法成分】He 主语,spoke 谓语,tender形容词定语, words ...

攸县18964257914: 英文句子语法成分分析帮忙分析句子语法~像这样:Mr.Obama has championed the House measure,but until this week,his administration had refrained from ... -
辕临泰诺:[答案] 瓦恨乃~!2根Dunhill嘞! 主语【】 谓语动词〖〗 宾语「」 状语〔〕 定语〔〕 补语 表语{} 同位语『』 1.【And the only reliable way to make their case】 〖is〗,surely,{to conduct a proper study},〔with children randomly allocated to teachers 〔who ...

攸县18964257914: 英语的句子成分举几个例子帮忙分析一下 -
辕临泰诺: 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义.一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分.句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等.句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分. ...

攸县18964257914: 分析英语句子成分 -
辕临泰诺: 1、语法结构主语: His father复合谓语动词:happens to be working状语:in your company2、happen to 称作类情态动词. 常见的类情态动词有两种结构,如:be about to即将;be going to 打算;be sureto 定;be certain to 必定;be likelyto ...

攸县18964257914: 英语语法.帮我分析一下句子的成分,Dream what you want to dream.Dream what you want to dream.啥是主语,啥是谓语,啥是宾语,啥是啥,都咋回事.从... -
辕临泰诺:[答案] (You ) (句子主语被省略了)dream what you want to dream.你想想象什么就去想象吧. Dream谓语 what you want to dream 宾语从句作dream 的宾语 这里的两个dream 都是及物动词,想象,梦想的意思 在宾语从句中 what作不定式to dream 的 宾语 ...

攸县18964257914: 英语语法成分分析 - 请帮忙细细分一下这句话里的成分.If all triple patterns contained in FBB are class triple patterns. -
辕临泰诺:[答案] 第一种 分析方法 这是完整的句子 If all triple patterns contained是带连词的过去分词 的独立主格结构作状语 相当于 一个 状语从句 = If all triple patterns are containedin FBB是表语are是系动词 class triple p...

攸县18964257914: 英语句子的句子成分分析. -
辕临泰诺: 1.He made me ashamed of myself 主语:he, 谓语: made, 宾语:me, 宾语补足语:ashamed of myself. 翻译:他让我感到羞愧.2.His face went pale because of the fever 主语:his face; 连系动词:went(连系动词也叫系动词,后面跟名...

攸县18964257914: 英语语法:请帮忙分析语法成份:Where to go is still a problem. -
辕临泰诺:[答案] Where to go 疑问词加不定式短语做主语 is 系动词 still 状语 a problem表语.

攸县18964257914: 我是一名英语初学者,想学习一些基本语法,但是不知道句子中的成分如何分析,请英语高手帮忙,最好举出一 -
辕临泰诺: 这是我们老师给我们的上课笔记,我不知道是否可以帮到你..英语句子根据他们的含义, 作用, 相互关系, 给他们取名为:主语, 谓语, 宾语, 宾补, 表语, 状语, 定语, 也叫做句子的基本成分. 主语-句子说明的主体和对象,通常位于句首. 例如 my father 谓语紧随其后 就是及物动词/不及物动词 宾语在他后面 宾语补足语又在他后面 状语可在最前也可在最后 定语用于修饰..但不能修饰谓语 加油哦!你一定行的~~可是不知道帮到你没)^_^

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