
作者&投稿:史衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





1)Li Ping;learn;to;speak;English;

___答案:Li Ping is learning to speak English。


___答案:It is raining now。

3)they;watch;a football match;on TV

___答案:They are watching a football match on TV。

4)he;look;out of the window;

___答案:He is looking out of the window。

5)look;the dog;sleep;

___答案:Look!The dog is sleep。

6)listen;the baby;cry;

___答案:Listen! The baby is crying。

7)they;have a meeting;at seven o'clock

___答案:They are having a meeting at seven o’clock。

8)the students;prepare for;an English test;now;

____答案:The students are preparing for English test now


1)Mike is climbing the hill。

____答案:Is Mike climbing the hill?

2)We are having an English lesson now。

____答案:Are we having an English lesson now?

3)Li Ping is jumping like a monkey。

____答案:Is Li Ping jumping like a monkey?

4)The students are reading the text now。

____答案:Are the students reading the text now?

5)I am studying English。

____答案:Are you studying English?

6)He is closing the window。

_____答案:Is he closing the window?


1)The baby is listening to the music。

__答案:Who is listening to the music?

2)I am looking for a jacket for my son。

__答案:Whom/Who Are you looking for a jacket for?

3)She is smiling to herself in the mirror。

__答案:Where is she smiling to herself ?

4)The boys are visiting the history museum。

__答案:What are the boys doing?

5)The old man is sleeping right now。

__答案:When is the old man sleeping?

6)The children are listening to the teacher of English。

___答案:What are the children doing?

7)The cats are running up the trees。

__答案:What are the cats running?


1)The woman is making a cake in the kitchen。

_____答案:The woman is not making a cake in the kitchen。

2)We are having lunch now。

____答案:We are not having lunch now。

3)The boy is waiting for his mothe under the big tree。

_____答案:The boy isn’t waiting for his mothe under the big tree。

4)You are playing the violin。

______ 答案:You aren‘t playing the violin。

5)Mary is doing her best to study English well。

_____答案:Mary is not doing her best to study English well。

6)The students are doing their homework now。

_____ 答案:The students are not doing their homework now。

7)Please open the door。

_____ 答案:Please don‘t open the door。


1)I________(talk).You________(listen)tO me now.

2)Look,the boy__________(run)fast.

3)----What are you doing?

----I_________(do) my homework.

4)----_______the students_______(read) English.

----Yes,they are.

5)Tom_______(not study)English.He is studying Chinese.

6)----Who_______(sing)a song?

----Li Ying is.

7)The girl_______(not eat)bananas now.


----They are standing over there.

9)Look! The boy over there_______(ply) a model plane.

10)----What is Meimei doing now?

----She______(watch)TV with her parents

11)He____(study) English very hard.

12)We often____(buy)books and things like that in the shop.

13)Polly____(not eat) a banana now.

答案:1、am;talking;are listening;2、are running;3、am doing;4、Are;reading;5、is not studying;6、is singing;7、isn‘t eating;8、Are standing;9、is plying;10、is watching;11、studies;12、buy;13、is not eating。


1)Jack is_____with Jim.They are good____.

A:running;friend; B:running;friends; C:runing;friends D:run;friend's

2)Look! Mary____doing____homework.

A:is;one's B:is;her C:are;his D:are;her

3)The Greens____supper now.

A:is having B:are;having C:is haveing D:are;having

4)The children are____TV.

A:watch B:seeing C:watching D:reading

5)Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes,they____.

A:aren't B:do C:don't D:are

6)There's____girl,she is very tall.

A:second B:two C:a second D:all second

7)--Do you have a red pen?Which of the following is wrong?


A:Yes; I have one B:Yes,I have it C:Yes,I do D:Sorry,I don't

8)--Excuse me.May I borrow a pen,please?


A:It doesn't matter; B:Thank you; C:Certainly,here you are; D:Not at all.

9)The boy is late for class.So he says tO the teacher,"________".

A:I'm sorry B:Excuse me,May I come in? C:Let me in, D:I don't want to be late.

10)I don't want a red apple.I want____.

A:green apple B:a green C:a green one D:one green

答案:1、B;2、B;3、D;4、C;5、D;6、C;a second 不定冠词+序数词表示“又一”;7、B;因为a red pen是指,而it是特指。8、C;9、B;打搅对方的道歉语;10、C。



May I____your bike,____?


We____ ____the exercises oF the____lesson.


Mr Li is my_____ _____teacher.


Do you have a _____ _____?


I'm____that I came____here?

答案:1、borrow;please;2、are ;doing;first;3、first;English;4、black;one; 5、sorry/afraid;late

时间状语:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck,

1. What are you _________(do) now? I ___________(eat) bread.
2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_______________(work) in the office.
3. Look, the boy____________(put) the rubbish into the bin.
4. __________he__________(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____________(play).
5. Where is Mak? He___________(run) on the grass.
6. Listen, who____________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_____________(sing) there.
1. Tom can speak Chinese.

2. We have four lessons.

3. I watch TV every day.

4. She works in a hospital.

5. Do you like this book?

6. Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve.

7. His father can help them.

8. Danny, open the door.

9. They watch TV in the evening.


1. She is _____ (walk, walking) now.

2. Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds.

3. They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair.

4. Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV.

5. Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden.

6. Look, Nick is _____ (coming, come).

7. The cat is _____ (lieing, lying) on the rug.

8. Listen, she is _____ (singing, sing).

9. Look, the girl is _____ (run).

10. The cat is _____ (eat) now.

11. Look, the baby is _____ (smile).

12. My mother and my father are _____ (dance).

13. Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive).

14. The fish is _____ (swim) in the river.

15. She is _____ (shop).


1. 你要去哪儿啊? Where are you _____?

2. Nick 正在爬攀登架. Nick is _____ (climb) the jungle gym.

3. 他们正在读书. They are _____ books.

4. 爷爷正在吸烟. Grandpa is _____.

5. 我在做作业. I am _____ (do) my homework.

6. 我妈妈正在做饭. My mother is _____.

7. Jerry在喝柠檬果汁. Jerry is _____ lemon juice.

8. 他正在写信. He is _____ a letter.

9. 看! Cindy来了. Look, Cindy is ______.

10. 我们在唱歌. We are _____ now.


1. He _____ drinking water.

2. The eagle _____ flying in the sky.

3. Children _____ playing in the playground.

4. They are _____ working now.

5. I _____ going to the supermarket.

6. I _____ coming.

7. He _____ walking in the woods now.

现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing 时间状语:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck, 1. What are you ___doing___(do) now? I _am eating___(eat) bread. 2. It’s nine o’clock. My father___is working___(work) in the office. 3. Look, the boy__...

5. 我在做作业. I am ___ (do) my homework.6. 我妈妈正在做饭. My mother is ___.7. Jerry在喝柠檬果汁. Jerry is ___ lemon juice.8. 他正在写信. He is ___ a letter.9. 看! Cindy来了. Look, Cindy is ___.10. 我们在唱歌. We are ___ now.填入be动词的适当形式 ...

5. 以 -ic 结尾的动词,应先把 -ic 变为 -ick,再加 -ing,eg: panic\/panicking,picnic\/picnicking,但 lie\/lying ,die\/dying,tie\/tying是特殊变化要记住.三、句型结构:1.现在进行时的肯定形式、否定形式、疑问形式及其回答,所有变化都体现在助动词 be ( is \/ am \/ are ) 上.1)现在进行时...

你好,高兴帮助你。五个过去进行时的句子,以及它们的一般疑问句和肯定回答。请采纳,谢谢!! !1 He was shopping yesterday afternoon.一般疑问句:Was he shopping yesterday afternoon?肯定回答:Yes, he was.2 Lily was doing her homework last night.Was Lily doing her homework last night?

对一般疑问句作答,肯定回答:yes,主语+be,否定回答:no,主语+be not 对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答。现在分词的变法有什么 1、一般在动词词尾加上-ing Jump——jumping,go——going,pushing——pushing,play——playing 2、以不发音字母e...

解析:以 listen开头,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。所以应用is singing 典型例题2:The boys are visiting the history museum。(对划线部分提问)解析:对动作提问用What,现在进行时,把are 提到主语前,加doing。答案:What are the boys doing?误区提醒 :在口语中表示主语计划将要作的...

2. 现在进行时(关键词:now \/ look \/ listen) be+动词ing 主语Be动词动词 Iam (动词+ing)He \/ she \/ itis We \/ you \/ theyare 动词加ing的变化规则 (1).一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking (2).以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting (3).如果...

when引导的时间状语从句,当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。答案是was flying When I saw Lucy ,she was flying a kite.

英语现在进行时的用法,请说详细一些,能举一些简单的例子来回答吗?_百 ...
典型例题 My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用...

现在进行时的否定句 句型 主语 + 相应be动词 + not + 现在分词 + …… eg. He isn't watching TV. 他没在看电视。 I am not cooking. 我没有在做饭。 We aren't haveing English calss. 我们没在上英语课。 ◆注意◆ is not和are not可缩写为isn't和aren't。 现在进行时的一般疑问...

且末县18277671210: 关于现在进行时的练习题,十五道,加答案~~急~~
赤宝艾妮: 现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing 时间状语:now, look, listen,It's …o'clck, 1. What are you ___doing___(do) now? I _am eating___(eat) bread. 2. It's nine o'clock. My father___is working____(work) in the office. 3. ...

且末县18277671210: 初一的十道现在进行时的练习题,选择或填空, -
赤宝艾妮:[答案] 1.Where's our teacher?------He ______________(watch) a football match on the playground(操场) now. 2.Don't make any noise.Jim _______________(sleep) 3.How cold it is!It _______________(snow)heavily. 4.Listen!Peter and Becky ______...

且末县18277671210: 初一的十道现在进行时的练习题,要附答案.选择或填空,急需!谢谢 -
赤宝艾妮: 1. Where's our teacher? ------He ______________(watch) a football match on the playground(操场) now.2. Don't make any noise. Jim _______________(sleep)3. How cold it is! It _______________(snow)heavily.4. Listen! Peter and Becky ...

且末县18277671210: 现在进行时和过去进行时练习题及答案 -
赤宝艾妮:[答案] 我只有部分过去进行时态的题,看看吧! 过去进行时态练习连词成句: 1.was,while,walking,I,saw,to,I,a,in,cat,school,a,tree _________________________________________________________. 2.while,walking,was,car,the,exploded,past,I,it___...

且末县18277671210: 现在进行时练习题加答案紧急需要 -
赤宝艾妮: 填空: 1. She is _____ (walk, walking) now. 2. Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds. 3. They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair. 4. Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV. 5. Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden. 6. Look, Nick is _____ (...

且末县18277671210: 请给我20题现在进行时的英语选择题,要有答案,我们老师要,急急急! -
赤宝艾妮: l Please turn down the music. Astudy Bstudying C am studying Dam studyed 选C The boy (play) basketball. 填is playing --What are you doing? --I'm a book. 填reading The phone is ringing. Please answer it. (ring) Look! Your baby is smiling. (smile...

且末县18277671210: 解答现在进行时练习题1.What are you - ________(do) now?I - __________(eat) bread.2.It's nine o'clock.My father_______________(work) in the office.3.... -
赤宝艾妮:[答案] 1.What are you doing (do) now?I am eating (eat) bread.2.It's nine o'clock.My father is working (work) in the office.3.Look,the boy puting (put) the rubbish into the bin.4.Do he cleaning (clean) the ...

且末县18277671210: 现在进行时练习题
赤宝艾妮: 1.Are_you_playing(play)tennis 2.Are_your friends_living(live)near here 3.what is_he doing_(do) 4.Do_they_go(go)to school every day? Yes,they do./No,they_don't.

且末县18277671210: 现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 急~~~~~~ -
赤宝艾妮: 填空: 1. She is _____ (walk, walking) now. 2. Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds. 3. They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair. 4. Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV. 5. Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden. 6. Look, Nick is _____ (...

且末县18277671210: 现在进行时练习题 要填空和句型转换 最好是有答案的 -
赤宝艾妮:[答案] 填空: 1.She is _____ (walk,walking) now. 2.Mother is ______ (feed,feeding) birds. 3.They are _____ (sitting,siting) on the chair. 4.Cindy is _____ (watch,watching) TV. 5.Joe is _____ (jogging,joging) in the garden. 6.Look,Nick is _____ (coming,come...


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