
作者&投稿:芝兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hi, everybody. Hi! So I don't have too much time up here, before my green card expires. See I grew up in a poor neighborhood in China. The middle school that I went to one year decided to pave the dirt roads with bricks and cement. And the students were required to bring bricks to school and ...We worked really hard for 3 weeks and finally we built a road. Years later, I heard about the term: child labor. I was like, what?! Those kids got paid?!
I got a D minus. But I read that younger kids nowadays can't even read the analog watches any more. They can only read the digital ones. I was like, how are they gonna report the locations of hot chicks in the future? It's gonna be like, Hot chick, 3 o'clock. I can't stay that long.
So I came to the US for college and I was really into science, which really helped me in the romance department. Like once I asked this girl out and she said, no. I said, are you sure? And she said to me, hey Joe, NO means NO. I said, well... it also means Nitric Oxide.
And one year, I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Here's something you guys should know about me. I don't approve of nudity in public. But when it happens, I want to be there.
有一年,我去新奥尔良参加狂欢节。 对于我,你们要了解一点,我是不赞同公共场合赤身裸体的。不过要是真有人这么干了,那我不能错过啊。
And when I first came to the United States, I took a English as a second language class. And the teacher there was too lazy to remember the students' names. So he just handed out a list of American names for us to choose from. And by the time I got the list, there were only two names left, so I just picked Joe instead of Jake. And the other day, I told that story to my son, Jake.

What a big deal A young businessman had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear busy, the businessman picked up the phone and pretended that he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor. “Can I help you?” The man said, “Sure. I’ve come to install the phone.”不够自己直接查百度那里很多


那些旧时代的大师们受到了新的鉴赏标准的挑战。4、He had never before seen the work of that enigmatic master.以前他从没有看到过这位迷一般大师的作品。5、Out arch-humorist imparts more of his personal quality than in anything else he has done.我们的幽默大师比他在他的任何作品中所灌注...

侦探汤姆.索亚》游记:《国外旅游记》、《赤道游记》剧本:《阿星》回忆录:《格兰特回忆录》自传:当然还有他的自传 以上分类除了我自己的阅读之外,主要依据的是许汝社编译《马克·吐温年表》。马克吐温的创作年表如下:1852.5.1 《拓殖者大吃一惊的花花公子》发表于波士顿的幽默周刊《手提包》上。

马克吐温资料 ~快点 啊 我学习要用的
马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (射手座)是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。他的代表作是《百万英镑》,在小学5年级人教版语文书第二学期时会学到的,是24课名...


马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日),原名塞缪尔·兰贺尔·克莱门斯 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (射手座)是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。虽然他的财富不多,却无损他的高超幽默、机智与名气,堪称美国最知名人士之一。其...

梅兰芳 梅兰芳被认为是京剧史上一位杰出的艺术家。1894年他出生于北京的一个穷苦家庭。4岁时,他的父亲就去世了,是他叔叔抚养了他。从8岁起,他跟吴铃仙学唱京剧。他勤奋苦练,终于取得了巨大成就。梅兰芳访问过美国和其它一些国家,并与幽默大师卓别林结成了朋友。 梅兰芳爱国情浓。在抗日战争...

俚语已成为幽默大师及新闻记者所必需的工具,运用得当,可使语言别开生面,推陈出新。语言学家及其他社会科学家因俚语可以反映文化概况而详加研究。 slang 英文中"俚语"的意思 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。下面是...


幽默大师卓别林 Sir Charles Spencer Charlie Chaplin (April 6, 1889 - December 25, 1977) was an English comedian and anti war activists, later became a very good directors, especially in the early and middle of the Hollywood film he was very successful and active.He laid the ...

美国幽默大师马克土温去拜访法国名人波盖,波盖是一个喜欢挖苦人的文人,他取笑美国历史很短说:美国人在无事闲暇时往往爱想念他们的祖先,可是一想到他们祖父一代就不能不停止。 马克土温立刻以充满诙谐的语句开始反击,说:当法国人无事时,总是尽力想找出他的父亲是谁。 七. 鲁宾斯坦一天,在某地的剧院里举办鲁宾斯坦...

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点莉保英: so I used the fly swatter."he said;Jack',so Jack quickly added;t find it;s mother asked;Did you have any trouble finding the tea strainer,Mum,I used the old one;I couldn'Don'.When his mother returned with a friend.The two women then drank their tea ...

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点莉保英:[答案] 用了中英文的翻译帮助你理解内容,不知道这个脱口秀演讲有什么具体要求,你可以简单加个开头,Hi, everybody, today let's know about a famous lady who is also my favourite celebrity--Whitney Houston.就只能帮你到这了. Ø Whitney Elizabeth ...

江海区17375247779: the daily show 英文介绍要一份the daily show 的英文介绍,就是《乔·斯图尔特的每日脱口秀》的英文介绍,顺便加上中文的翻译,5.18日前等! -
点莉保英:[答案] 已经过了5.18了.首播:周一~周四晚11点.时长:30分钟《每日秀》,又称《乔·斯图尔特的每日脱口秀》(The Daily Show with Jon Stewart),1996年9月1日首播至今已近14年,是美国影响力最大的喜剧脱口秀之一.《每日秀》...

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点莉保英: Hello , everyone, today I want to share with you a funny story , which is rather funny , I promise: Everybody on earth dies and goes to heaven. God comes and says "I want the men to make two lines. One line for the men that dominated their women ...

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点莉保英: 我也赞成 jimmy kimmel 的,因为大部分适合儿童观看,语言也比较简单.其中他最具代表性的一个脱口秀是一个叫做 hey jimmy kimmel,i told me kids i ate their holloween candies.其实还有一个很好懂的,是一个美国的节目叫做 Whose line is it anyway,因为里面带有较多的演技,所以中国人比较能从肢体语言中懂.你可以参考他们在优酷上一个叫做“侧躺秀”的.差不多三分钟长,里面附有中文翻译.

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点莉保英: Change has come to America》《美国的变革时代已经到来》 November 4, 2008 Barack ObamaHello, Chicago.

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