哎锐利瑞丽咚咚咚开头是这样唱的 中间还有恩~~~ 的一首女生英文歌

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I really like you.

你说的应该是这首歌 Cathy Davey - Mr.kill
第一句歌词是I really really don't ......
试听链接: http://songtaste.com/song/217798/

Chocolate - The 1975
Hey now call it a split cause I know that you will
Oh oh, you bite your friend like chocolate
You said, we'd go where nobody knows,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
No we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Now we run run away from the boys in the blue
Oh my car smells like chocolate
Hey now I think about what to do,
I think about what to say, I think about how to think,
Pause it play it, pause it play it, pause it
Oh we go where nobody knows,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
No we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe,
we've got guns hidden under our petticoats
No we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Now you're never gonna quit it,
now you're never gonna quit it,
now you're never gonna quit it
If you don't start smoking it,
that's what she said
She said we're dressed in black, head to toe,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
And we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Hey now we're building up speed
as we're approaching the hill

Oh my hair smells like chocolate
Hey now you say you're gonna quit it
but you're never gonna quit it
Go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it, go!
And play it cool
Oh you said we'd go where nobody knows,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
No we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe,
we've got guns hidden under our petticoats
We're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Well I think we better go, seriously better go
I said the feds are here you know
Seriously better go, oh, well I think we better go
I said the feds are here you know
I said Rebecca better know
Seriously better go
We go where nobody knows,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
No we're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe,
with guns hidden under our petticoats
We're never gonna quit it,
no we're never gonna quit it no
No no no
Well I think we better go, seriously better go
I said the feds are here you know
Seriously better go, oh, well I think we better go
I said the feds are here you know
I said Rebecca better know
Seriously better go

哎锐利瑞丽咚咚咚开头是这样唱的 中间还有恩~~~ 的一首女生英文歌_百度...
Chocolate - The 1975 .Hey now call it a split cause I know that you will Oh oh, you bite your friend like chocolate You said, we'd go where nobody knows,with guns hidden under our petticoats No we're never gonna quit it,no we're never gonna quit it no .Now we run...

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4、农民们扭起大秧歌,庆贺农业大丰收。 5、远处传来东北秧歌那种有节奏的咚咚咚的锣鼓声! 5、是一部 其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子. 6、正月里,又扭秧歌又唱戏,村子里真热闹。 7、秧歌是老百姓喜闻乐见的一种民间歌舞。 8、元宵节:逛庙会、猜灯谜、观花灯、放鞭炮、扭秧歌、...

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诗阳特尔: 是peerless 吗

杂多县17334693617: 一首英文歌曲男的唱的 - 旋律很劲爆声音很嘶哑 - 开头是一起要马磊 咚咚咚 - 跪求啊 -
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杂多县17334693617: 找首歌,英文歌女的唱的,开头乐是 咚咚咚 咚咚 咚咚咚咚咚 歌中好多NO -
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杂多县17334693617: 求一首轻音乐,没有人唱,开头是:啪、啪……像拍手的声音 -
诗阳特尔: 1.班得瑞的《childhood memory》2.林海的《月光边境》3.《我等候你》 诠释了等的艰辛……4.Valentine's Day(情人节) 5.fairy wings7,久石让的Aways With Me8.班得瑞的《追梦人》9.日本一个有名的DJ力荐: 很好听10《天之痕》11.《快乐还是忧伤》又名12

杂多县17334693617: 有一首英文歌女生唱的开头是咚 咚 咚 咚然后是哒拉哒 达拉 -
诗阳特尔: once upon a time 刚才搜了一下 发现找不到= = 可能是歌名记错了 原来前端里有这 找到了!!!one step at a time---Jrodin Sparks 特别喜欢这首

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