
作者&投稿:禄明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics小马宝莉之友谊魔法主题曲歌词】
My Little Pony小马宝莉

Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics
My Little Pony小马宝莉
Ah... 啊...
My Little Pony小马宝莉
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经不知道什么是友谊
My Little Pony小马宝莉
Until you all shared its magic with me是你们与我分享它的魔力
Big adventure爱冒险
Tons of fun乐开怀
A beautiful heart心灵美丽
Faithfull and strong忠实坚强
Sharing kindness 助人为乐
It's an easy feat其实很容易
And magic makes it all complete 有魔法一切都没有问题
You have My Little Pony这就是小马宝莉
Did you know you're all my very best friends你们都是我最好的朋友


My Little Pony, My Little Pony 我的小马驹,我的小马驹
What is friendship all about? 友谊有什么奥秘
My Little Pony, My Little Pony 我的小马驹,我的小马驹
Friendship is magic! 友谊如魔力
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力
When I was young I was too busy to make any friends 小时候我没朋友因为总是太匆忙
Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends 愚蠢的我不明白它的意义在何方
But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes 我的小马驹,你拓宽我眼光
And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies 事实如水晶般明亮,如夏日般晴朗
And it's such a wonderful surprise 刹那间心花怒放
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力
When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side 当危险无情地席来,你如云宝窜到我身边
Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy 从不感到缺少友善,羞涩柔柔赠予我关怀
For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye 诚实守信千金也不换,我眼中你如苹果嘉儿般耀眼
A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by 慷慨之心真绚烂,如珍奇般稀罕
And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie! 你想要笑声愉快,有碧琪就简单
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力
Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time 友谊如魔力,闪耀永不停息
A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine 等待着新的奇遇,每天属于我和你
We'll make it special every time! 我们赋予了它神奇
We'll make it special every time! 我们赋予了它神奇
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
What a wonderful wonder friendship brings 瞧友谊带来了惊喜
(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹
Do you know you're all my very best 与我分享友谊神奇魔力
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力
(Friends!) Friends! 与我分享魔力

动画片《小马宝莉》,故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪 (Twilight Sparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(Princess Celestia)给她的任务,与助手斯派克(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识。
其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞 (Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(Rainbow Dash)与萍琪(Pinkie Pie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(Elements of Harmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。
此后,暮光闪闪(Twilight Sparkle)便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活。

【My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics马宝莉友谊魔主题曲歌词】
My Little Pony马宝莉

Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics
My Little Pony马宝莉
Ah... 啊...
My Little Pony马宝莉
I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经知道友谊
My Little Pony马宝莉
Until you all shared its magic with me与我享魔力
Big adventure冒险
Tons of fun乐怀
A beautiful heart灵美丽
Faithfull and strong忠实坚强
Sharing kindness 助乐
It's an easy feat其实容易
And magic makes it all complete 魔切都没问题
You have My Little Pony马宝莉
Did you know you're all my very best friends都我朋友

To do what's right and be the pony I want to be 与马为善 成为我憧憬中的自己And be the pony I want to be!成为我憧憬中的自己4.可爱标志之光《Light of Your Cutie Mark》歌词词曲:Daniel Ingram中文翻译:潮汐字幕组【珠玉冠冠】Cutie Mark Crusaders, get out of my way 可爱标记童子军,别想...

1S1E01Friendship Is Magic ,Part 1友谊的魔力(上)2S1E02Friendship Is Magic ,Part 2友谊的魔力(下)3S1E03The Ticket Master 我为票狂 4S1E04Applebuck Season 倔强嘉儿 5S1E05Griffon the Brush-Off 狮鹫受冷落 6S1E06Boast Busters 牛皮戳穿 7S1E07Dragonshy 害怕恐龙 8S1E08Look Before ...

NO·11 (第70集)可爱军团:我们的心就像大马一样强大 下载地址:http:\/\/www.4399er.com\/erge\/egmp3\/20140707-99080.html Hearts as Strong as Horses we are the toughest little ponies in the town我们是小马谷最坚强的小马驹 got the moves, got the mojo行动起来 好运常伴 no harder wo...


【My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics马宝莉友谊魔主题曲歌词】My Little Pony马宝莉 Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics My Little Pony马宝莉 Ah... 啊...My Little Pony马宝莉 I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经知道友谊 My Little Pony马宝莉 Until ...

We're not about to let you win, so get out of our way 闪边去吧,别挡我们的路 Think you got us beat, but we're here to stay 别想从我们手中夺走胜利 United strong, yeah, we'll take you down 团结一心,你必定惨败 You're not so tough, now you're in our town 别想在...

怀来县14731689141: win7主题下载地址
蒸芬帮君: 你可以去主题之家下载,挺不错的. http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/windows/downloads/personalize/themes这个是微软官网的主题网址也不错的

怀来县14731689141: win7主题在电脑哪个文件夹 -
蒸芬帮君: 您好,win7主题主要位置为:Aero主题C:\Windows\Resources\Themes安装的主题C:\Windows\Resources\Themes 基本和高对比度主题C:\Windows\Resources\Ease of Access Themes 希望本回答对您有帮助.

怀来县14731689141: win7主题下载
蒸芬帮君: http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-CN/windows/downloads/personalize/themes官方主题地址下载安装就OK了或者在桌面点击鼠标右键选择个性化——再选 联机获取更多主题然后下载你喜欢的再安装就OK了

怀来县14731689141: win7电脑主题包 -
蒸芬帮君: 向你展示几个,看看有没有喜欢的,有的话可以留下个邮箱发给你,呵呵:)

怀来县14731689141: win7主题包怎么安装啊? -
蒸芬帮君: theme里面应该有两个文件吧放到这里C:\Windows\Resources\Themes 然后再人性化里就会出现了..(styles里面是需要替换系统文件的..在下载这个主题是作者有没有说支持64位的?没说

怀来县14731689141: Windows7主题
蒸芬帮君: 没有主题文件那应该是下的不对啊 win7装第三方主题首先要破解,可以网上找下UniversalThemePatcher 也可以问我要.使用方法你把下载的文件放到 (系统盘)C:\Windows\Resources\Themes 在双击主题就可以用了

怀来县14731689141: windows7主题老是变成未保存主题 -
蒸芬帮君: 这个未保存的主题就是这样的啊,很正常,在WIN7里面只要你选择的不是系统自带的主题或者是一整套的主题,它都是显示未保存的主题的,只要你的主题稍微有一点点变更都是这样的,就是类似与自定义主题的意思.

怀来县14731689141: Windows 7主题
蒸芬帮君: 微软官网都有下载,右键桌面“个性化”里,在我的主题的最后面右下角有“联机获取更多主题”,点击就到微软的主题下载网站了,我下载了微软的每一个主题,快有100了. 如果你想下载别人自己制作的修改的主题,我建议你去远景论坛,我从上面看到不少很好的主题和美化帖子,远景有很多强人和电脑爱好者.

怀来县14731689141: 我下载的WIN7主题怎么用 -
蒸芬帮君: 方法如下: 1、双击下载的WIN7主题包就可以安装了. 2、鼠标右键单击桌面空白处,点击“个性化”文字按钮. 3、进入个性化设置界面. 4、点击“安装的主题”栏目下,就可以选择主题.

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