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In recent years, the rural teachers team is growing rapidly, however, rural teachers, especially the loss phenomenon of good young teachers is still serious. First, the loss of rural teachers is generally divided into the dominant state (in the direct outflow of qualified teachers teaching in the education sector), the intermediate state (rather than salaried staff to work) and the invisible status ("In its place, did not do their political" part of the teacher). Second, benefits of teachers from rural poor living conditions of the suffering, poor working conditions, social status of teachers and teachers in rural areas the decline in prestige and other causes the loss of rural teachers, rural teachers, the loss of serious constraints on the current development of rural education. Finally, the loss of the phenomenon of rural teachers pay and conditions put forward, cause to people and feelings to people such as countermeasures.

农村教师 Rural Teachers
流失 Loss
城乡教育差距 Educational gap between urban and rural areas

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This summer's NBA free agent transfer market is very lively, "little emperor" LeBron James officially announced that he would give up Cleveland Cavaliers and go abroad to join Miami Heat. Together with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, who entered the league in 2003, they formed the strongest super "big three" in the league today. It's amazing: a new dynasty has been laid!

"I want to win, and I want to win for many years. I think on the beach in South Florida, I can win the championship with my new teammates James spoke directly about his ambition.

Why is the little emperor willing to bow to the throne and go to Miami to assist heat boss Wade? A lot of people don't understand. If he doesn't want to stay in Cleveland, he can go to the New York Knicks, the Chicago Bulls, or even 28 of the league's 30 teams (except for Kobe's Lakers and Wade's heat), which are already waiting for him to take the throne. NBA star "big mouth" Buckley once complained: "if I am 25 years old, I will rely on my own efforts to win the championship. Maybe we can't win the championship, but I can make sure that I am the core of the team

However, James's desire for a championship can't wait. The steel superstar, who is thought to have no blood but screws in his body, has played for the Cavaliers for seven years and almost always missed the championship. James's idea is simple. He wants a championship. But in today's NBA, where physical contact is frequent and team play is popular, one person alone can't win the championship, so the little emperor made up his mind to take off his crown and give it to his good brother Wade, and then take Bosh's hand and work together.

James is the boss of the Cavaliers, Wade is the boss of the heat, and Bosh is the "leader" of the Toronto Raptors. Can these three players play well together?

From the technical and tactical needs of the team, the three giants have agreed to make corresponding changes. For example, Wade may control the ball more in the future and give James the responsibility of holding the ball and attacking. Bosh height and speed are OK, but the weight is not enough, so the heat is bound to trade a big, heavy defensive center.

Second, the big three are willing to take less money. "All three of us will take less money, especially for me, winning is the big deal," James said. And he "hopes the team owner can get us some help.". If he stays with the Cavaliers, James can get a big six-year contract worth 127 million dollars. Now, when it comes to the heat, it is estimated that he can only get a contract of $99 million for five years at most. But for James, money is no longer as important as a champion.

The NBA players this summer transfer market boisterous freedom, "little emperors" lebron James officially abandoned the Cleveland cavaliers, migrate to the Miami heat in 2003, with the ball into the alliance "flash" DeHuaiEn · WeiDeHe "longwang" Chris bosh, an alliance of today's big three "super strongest. This can make an amazing: a new dynasty has foundation!

"I want to win, and want to win for years. I think in south Florida beach, I can and new team-mates win the championship." James ZhiXu mind, not conceal his ambition.

Why to kneel dances, ran to the Miami heat boss wade affairs.this? Many people think impassability. If he doesn't want to stay in Cleveland, can go to the New York knicks, the Chicago bulls, even all 30 teams in the league, 28 teams (except the lakers and Bryant dwyane wade), the team had waiting, waiting for him to go to reign. The NBA legend "mouth" Charles barkley complained to say: "if I am 25 years old, I'll rely on our own efforts to win the championship. Maybe we won't take, but I can ensure oneself is the constant core team."

However, James for the championship already cannot wait for. This is considered in the body not only screw steel superstar blood, the cavaliers 7 years, almost always with the championship. James is a simple idea, he must championship. But in today's physical contact is frequent, team play in the NBA, on a single man's strength is not always championship, so little emperors to determination, took off his crown to good brother, pull up bosh dwyane wade, hand.

James is the cavaliers, wade was Miami's eldest brother, bosh is the Toronto raptors "tap", the three men together can play ball?

From a tactical needs, three giant has agreed to make corresponding change. Such as possible more to wade, and will hold the ball over the responsibility, James van. Bosh height and weight is ok, but the speed, so the Miami heat will also have to have a bigger deal, weight defensive center.

Second, three giants are willing to take less money. "We three people will take less money, especially for me, it was great," James said. And his team boss can give hope to find some help us." If you stay knight, James can get a six-year 1.27 billion dollars worth of contract. Now to Miami, estimates that he can take 5 years 9900 million contract. But for James, it has no title.

This summer's NBA free agent market jollification, "little emperors" lebron James formally renounced the Cleveland cavaliers, migrate to join the Miami heat, teamed up with playing for 2003 years into the alliance of "flash" dwyane wade and Chris bosh "dragon king", the coalition's "big three" in today's strongest. It's amazing: a new dynasty has been founded!

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