跪求<木乃伊归来2 >的英文影评

作者&投稿:戈国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

忽然之间,有了善与恶......好人、坏人 一眼可以分出-----
我以为应该是成年人的样子,没有绝对的错和对 、没有真正的善良和邪恶;


Mummy Returns


The 1999 remake of the horror classic The Mummy surprised Universal Pictures with its box office success. The studio had expected it to be profitable, but not that profitable. However, long before the worldwide gross crept close to $400 million, Universal had already put two additional Mummy films into the hopper, awarding the series the "franchise" label. The Mummy Returns, which re-unites nearly the entire cast from the 1999 movie, is the first of these two productions. The other, a prequel called The Scorpion King, will be released either later this year or next year, depending on how Universal arranges its release schedule.

Stephen Sommers' 1999 feature was an enjoyable, if overlong, romp recounting the struggles of an adventurer and his companions to stop the apocalyptic agenda of an ancient Egyptian priest. While not entirely successful, The Mummy nevertheless boasted an infectious blend of high adventure, low-scare horror, and special effects that transformed it into a crowd-pleaser capable of sating the early summer audience until The Phantom Menace came along a few weeks later. Now, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), Evie O'Connell (Rachel Weisz), Jonathan Carnahan (John Hannah), Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), and (of course) Im-Ho-Tep (Arnold Vosloo) are all back. Joining them are a couple of notable newcomers: Rick and Evie's son, Alex (Freddie Boath), and the dreaded Scorpion King (WWF mainstay, The Rock).

The story for The Mummy Returns is a meager and muddled affair peppered with deus ex machina contrivances. A cult of power-mad Egyptologists (is there another kind?) have concocted a plan by which they can obtain world domination. First, they must resurrect Im-Ho-Tep, the mummy from the first film. Since they are being led by the ancient priest's re-incarnated girlfriend, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velazquez), this proves to be surprisingly easy. Then, with his powers restored, Im-Ho-Tep heads off to do battle with the mythical Scorpion King, whose tomb lies in a pyramid at the center of a hidden oasis. In order to find that oasis, Im-Ho-Tep needs an artifact which happens to be in the possession of Alex O'Connell. And, when the boy is kidnapped, that brings his parents, his uncle Jonathan, and their old friend, Ardeth Bay, into the conflict. This results in a lot of chasing around the globe and a climax that features a special effects-laden battle between a large force of humans and an army of decaying, dog-faced creatures.

The fundamental problem underlying The Mummy Returns is the reason that the movie exists in the first place. This is not the byproduct of the creative process; it's an off-shoot of Universal Pictures' greed. The sequel was made not because the filmmakers had a compelling story to tell, but because The Mummy made so much money that a second installment became mandatory. This thought process results in countless pointless and derivative sequels - a class in which The Mummy Returns unquestionably belongs. The plot is just a flimsy excuse to bring back old friends and stick them in a series of cliffhangers. It's low-rent Raiders of the Lost Ark, with high-quality special effects filling in for character development and intelligible storytelling.

Some of the action sequences in The Mummy Returns are fun and the visual effects are more polished and less noticably "fake" than in the previous film. Unfortunately, all of this can't obscure the fact that there is basically no plot. The clash of armies at the end has no purpose beyond showing off the effects mavens' skills at the computer. (In terms of style, it's reminiscent of the war in The Phantom Menace, albeit without the same strong story motivation.) The Mummy Returns has opportunities to do interesting things (at one point, there's a chance to force Im-Ho-Tep and Rick into an uneasy alliance, but that is neatly bypassed). Like the Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy Returns tries to blend low-key humor with a non-stop series of cliffhangers. However, while some of the jokes are funny, the action sequences are only sporadically satisfying, owing primarily to their often preposterous resolutions. And, while Rick possesses a certain charm, he's no Indiana Jones.

Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz rekindle the cute chemistry that existed between their characters in The Mummy. Freddie Boath makes an effective addition to the cast, primarily because he's not as annoying as most movie kids. John Hannah is back as the fatuous Jonathan. Arnold Vosloo's Im-Ho-Tep is subtly diminished, perhaps because he now has to share the spotlight with two other villains. Patricia Velazquez has an expanded role here from the one she essayed in the first film. And the part of The Scorpion King doesn't challenge The Rock's thespian abilities - all he has to do is snarl and look tough - things he is familiar with from his day job.

The Mummy Returns offers one surprise - an unexpectedly poignant dramatic moment in which we feel a surge of sympathy for one of the characters. Unfortunately, it's for one of the bad guys, which makes the ending a downer. Overall, the film probably offers what fans of The Mummy are expecting. The thinner, unnecessarily long storyline notwithstanding, this is essentially more of the same. It's hollow, lightweight entertaininment - not unpleasant, but far from the summer's definitive action/adventure flick.





Mummy Returns,

The United States, 2001
U.S. Release Date: 5/4/01 (wide)
Running Length: 2:08
MPAA Classification: PG-13 (Violence)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Seen at: UA Riverview, Philadelphia
Cast: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Freddie Boath, Oded Fehr, The Rock, Patricia Velazquez
Director: Stephen Sommers
Producers: Sean Daniel, James Jacks
Screenplay: Stephen Sommers
Cinematography: Adrian Biddle
Music: Alan Silvestri
U.S. Distributor: Universal Pictures

The 1999 remake of the horror classic The Mummy surprised Universal Pictures with its box office success. The studio had expected it to be profitable, but not that profitable. However, long before the worldwide gross crept close to $400 million, Universal had already put two additional Mummy films into the hopper, awarding the series the "franchise" label. The Mummy Returns, which re-unites nearly the entire cast from the 1999 movie, is the first of these two productions. The other, a prequel called The Scorpion King, will be released either later this year or next year, depending on how Universal arranges its release schedule.

Stephen Sommers' 1999 feature was an enjoyable, if overlong, romp recounting the struggles of an adventurer and his companions to stop the apocalyptic agenda of an ancient Egyptian priest. While not entirely successful, The Mummy nevertheless boasted an infectious blend of high adventure, low-scare horror, and special effects that transformed it into a crowd-pleaser capable of sating the early summer audience until The Phantom Menace came along a few weeks later. Now, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), Evie O'Connell (Rachel Weisz), Jonathan Carnahan (John Hannah), Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), and (of course) Im-Ho-Tep (Arnold Vosloo) are all back. Joining them are a couple of notable newcomers: Rick and Evie's son, Alex (Freddie Boath), and the dreaded Scorpion King (WWF mainstay, The Rock).

The story for The Mummy Returns is a meager and muddled affair peppered with deus ex machina contrivances. A cult of power-mad Egyptologists (is there another kind?) have concocted a plan by which they can obtain world domination. First, they must resurrect Im-Ho-Tep, the mummy from the first film. Since they are being led by the ancient priest's re-incarnated girlfriend, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velazquez), this proves to be surprisingly easy. Then, with his powers restored, Im-Ho-Tep heads off to do battle with the mythical Scorpion King, whose tomb lies in a pyramid at the center of a hidden oasis. In order to find that oasis, Im-Ho-Tep needs an artifact which happens to be in the possession of Alex O'Connell. And, when the boy is kidnapped, that brings his parents, his uncle Jonathan, and their old friend, Ardeth Bay, into the conflict. This results in a lot of chasing around the globe and a climax that features a special effects-laden battle between a large force of humans and an army of decaying, dog-faced creatures.

The fundamental problem underlying The Mummy Returns is the reason that the movie exists in the first place. This is not the byproduct of the creative process; it's an off-shoot of Universal Pictures' greed. The sequel was made not because the filmmakers had a compelling story to tell, but because The Mummy made so much money that a second installment became mandatory. This thought process results in countless pointless and derivative sequels - a class in which The Mummy Returns unquestionably belongs. The plot is just a flimsy excuse to bring back old friends and stick them in a series of cliffhangers. It's low-rent Raiders of the Lost Ark, with high-quality special effects filling in for character development and intelligible storytelling.

Some of the action sequences in The Mummy Returns are fun and the visual effects are more polished and less noticably "fake" than in the previous film. Unfortunately, all of this can't obscure the fact that there is basically no plot. The clash of armies at the end has no purpose beyond showing off the effects mavens' skills at the computer. (In terms of style, it's reminiscent of the war in The Phantom Menace, albeit without the same strong story motivation.) The Mummy Returns has opportunities to do interesting things (at one point, there's a chance to force Im-Ho-Tep and Rick into an uneasy alliance, but that is neatly bypassed). Like the Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy Returns tries to blend low-key humor with a non-stop series of cliffhangers. However, while some of the jokes are funny, the action sequences are only sporadically satisfying, owing primarily to their often preposterous resolutions. And, while Rick possesses a certain charm, he's no Indiana Jones.

Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz rekindle the cute chemistry that existed between their characters in The Mummy. Freddie Boath makes an effective addition to the cast, primarily because he's not as annoying as most movie kids. John Hannah is back as the fatuous Jonathan. Arnold Vosloo's Im-Ho-Tep is subtly diminished, perhaps because he now has to share the spotlight with two other villains. Patricia Velazquez has an expanded role here from the one she essayed in the first film. And the part of The Scorpion King doesn't challenge The Rock's thespian abilities - all he has to do is snarl and look tough - things he is familiar with from his day job.

The Mummy Returns offers one surprise - an unexpectedly poignant dramatic moment in which we feel a surge of sympathy for one of the characters. Unfortunately, it's for one of the bad guys, which makes the ending a downer. Overall, the film probably offers what fans of The Mummy are expecting. The thinner, unnecessarily long storyline notwithstanding, this is essentially more of the same. It's hollow, lightweight entertaininment - not unpleasant, but far from the summer's definitive action/adventure flick.


求组词:追求、要求、求助、寻求、探求、求婚、乞求、渴求、恳求、请求、求生、求学、求职、求索、求签、求购、求实、央求、求爱、求知。追求,意指尽力寻找、探索。也特指向异性求爱。出自《楚辞·九章·惜往日》:“ 介子忠而立枯, 文君寤而追求。”要求,是人们日常使用词组。指提出具...



两直线交点的求法:联立方程组假设:A1x+B1y+C1=0和A2x+B2y+C2=0联立,求出x和y的值即可。例如::2x-3y-3=0和x+y+2=0,解之得,(x,y)= (-3\/5,-7\/5) 。

正方形的面积=边长×边长 三角形的面积=底×高÷2 平行四边形的面积=底×高 梯形的面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2 直径=半径×2 半径=直径÷2 圆的周长=圆周率×直径= 圆周率×半径×2 圆的面积=圆周率×半径×半径 长方体的表面积= (长×宽+长×高+宽×高)×2 长方体的体积 =长×宽×...


一般情况下如果只给出面积的话,是圆形可以先除以π得出半径的平方,然后再用平方根求出半径,接着用半径乘2在乘以π就是周长。正方形就直接用面积的平方根再乘4得出周长。别的像三角形,长方形,没有特殊情况没有两个数据是求不出的 。相关内容分析:物体所占的平面图形的大小,叫做它们的面积。

一个正方形长是80cm,对角线长20√2cm。具体回答如下:边长=周长÷4=80÷4=20(cm)根据勾股定理计算对角线:√(20²+20²)=20√2(cm)所以对角线长20√2cm 正方形的性质:正方形的一条对角线把正方形分成两个全等的等腰直角三角形,对角线与边的夹角是45°;正方形的两条对角线...


复根的求法为 (其中 是复数, )。由于共轭复数的定义是形如 的形式,称 与 为共轭复数。另一种表达方法可用向量法表达: , 。其中 ,tanΩ=b\/a。由于一元二次方程的两根满足上述形式,故一元二次方程在 时的两根为共轭复根。根与系数关系: , 。

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仁荆力达: 《Evy Kidnapped》

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孝南区15762116130: 关于电影木乃伊2 -
仁荆力达: 英文名: The Mummy Returns中文名: 盗墓迷城 | 木乃伊归来:盗墓谜城 | 神鬼传奇2导 演: ( 斯蒂芬·索莫e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333236363439斯 Stephen Sommers )主 演: (布兰登·弗雷泽 ...

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仁荆力达: http://www.gougou.com/search?search=%E6%9C%A8%E4%B9%83%E4%BC%8Amp4&restype=-1&id=10000001&ty=0&pattern=&xmp=0

孝南区15762116130: <木乃伊归来2>的女主角伊芙琳叫什么 -
仁荆力达: 蕾切尔*薇姿//^0^// 我很喜欢她,长得很漂亮的,让人看上去很舒服.她演的第一部和第二部都很好看的哦*^-^*

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仁荆力达: 蝎子王?

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仁荆力达: 木乃伊归来/盗墓迷城2/盗墓迷城2[BD无水印] http://www.14ts.com/fx_vod/munaiyiguilai_daomumicheng2_daomumicheng2.html

孝南区15762116130: 木乃伊归来2
仁荆力达: 安苏娜前世和伊莫顿爱来爱去的,被发现后要么自杀要么被别人杀,我觉得还是自杀好一些吧.转世的安苏娜看到伊莫顿身处险境,要去救他的最高代价是可能付出自己的生命,为保全自己安苏娜肯定会逃走.

孝南区15762116130: 《木乃伊归来》一共几部?名字分别是? -
仁荆力达: 3部分别是:《木乃伊归来》 《木乃伊归来前传》 《木乃伊归来之蝎子王》

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