帮我翻译一下这些词组 牛津9a的!

作者&投稿:原邵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Would rather ... rather than
2. Blue wear on you look good. / You look good wearing blue.
3. A world full of color
4. Rainbow of colors
5. To look out the window
6. Affect our mood
7. To make us feel energetic
8. This report explains the use of color and the characteristics they represent.
9. Cool
10. Feeling relaxed
11. To paint something ... color
12. Good for a person physically and mentally
13. To create a feeling of harmony
14. Feel the pressure
15. Purity of color
16. Wearing white
17. Wedding day
18. Warm
19. To give you a happy, satisfied feeling
20. To live in a cold climate, people prefer to use warm colors in their home to create a warm, comfortable atmosphere.
21. Orange on behalf of happiness.
22. To bring about a successful person
23. To inspire a person
24. Sun color
25. To make one think of
26. Wisdom color
27. Yellow stationery
28. Vibrant colors
29. Natural color
30. Jealous of color
31. Some people get mad jealous
32. Any person who requires physical strength and energy need to wear red clothes.
33. Some Like It Hot colors
34. Representative of the power and passion
35. ... Have difficulty in doing
36. To make decisions
37. Asleep
38. ... A symbol of
39. I would like on behalf of Lisa's best color is yellow.
40. In the test and achieve good results
41. Calm down
42. A strong personality
43. Like a leader
44. Anywhere else
45. Where do you want for lunch?
46. Eat pizza
47. Means ...
48. In the fitting room
49. I want to know if she go to a birthday party.
50. A bad mood
51. The whole afternoon
52. Continued to call someone
53. Behavior (not) normal
54. Strange behavior
55. Thought
56. None of us likes to go fishing this weekend idea.
57. Have not left a store.
58. An ad ...
59. Color Therapy
60. As much information as
61. To improve the quality of life a person
62. Physiotherapy Centre
63. Promised to do something
64. If the invalid
65. Oil it in people's skin
66. White skin, golden hair who
67. Give us free oil
68. Can you give me some suggestions?
69. ... With the help of the
70. A little anxious
71. She is wearing the right color to change it.
72. Red and white is a good match.
73. A strong balance of cool white red.
74. Colored paper
75. Feel a little strange ...
76. He looks like Miss teacher, is not it?
77. Let us look at it
78. He looks really, as Miss teacher.

1.give me some useful advises
2.at the tight time
3.worth accepting
4.having engouh time
5.you'd better go back home
6.make a list of the homework that are gonging to do
7.choose a faver to do with
8.one or two hours
9.i agree with you parents on that point

Become fat
Eating too much is unhealthy for you.
From time to time, sometimes
How to deal with the pressure
My TV is always on.
Noise almost made me crazy.
I do not have any close friends to talk to.
Feeling lonely
Bother someone
no communication with family
A ninth-grade students
I had no choice but to do it.
Stay up all night
Stay outside until late at night
The next day
Refused to do so much work
hand up something
on Time /in time
I have almost no spare time to enjoy a hobby.
Such as
I wonder whether it is worth studying so hard all the time.
Worth something
give someone some advice
Of great value to someone / some value / no value
In order to
Obsessed ...
Want to hear your opinion
Allow someone to do something
To someone / something demanding
Recommend someone something
make balance between academic and study
Success in something
Willing to accept something
List all the things you have to do is a good choice.
You seem to spend a lot of time playing football.
To do ... is unwise.
Agree with someone
Give up (doing) something
This is a good way to keep balance for learning and hobby.
Participate in some activities
Reviewing for a test
Linda came home and found the house on fire.
I dont have courage to share my sorrow to my friends.
Tell someone the truth, tell the truth
To argue
Leave time for someone / something
Paul knews who to talk to will get help.
Sandy would like to know where to get recommendations.
Youth counselors to get help from the Department
I need some time to play and relax, right?
The best in the ...
On ... (not) pay attention to
Proud to ...
She found it a bit difficult for her to do sports.
Everyone has problems.
Turn to do something
Reply to three of my latest message
I am sure that is not true.
my pleasure.
That is the meaning of friends.
You can check your work to rectify your own mistakes.
pain of pressure
Eating Healthy
In this way
Better arrangment to time
yelled to someone
Blame your parents
People keep their own grief (and not tell others)
One of the main causes of stress
Many students of my age
To permit the birthday wishes
less Worry
A youth television program guests

Become fat
Eating too much is unhealthy for you.
From time to time, sometimes
How to deal with the pressure
My TV is always on.
Noise almost made me crazy.
I do not have any close friends to talk to.
Feeling lonely
Bother someone
no communication with family
A ninth-grade students
I had no choice but to do it.
Stay up all night
Stay outside until late at night
The next day
Refused to do so much work
hand up something
on Time /in time
I have almost no spare time to enjoy a hobby.
Such as
I wonder whether it is worth studying so hard all the time.
Worth something
give someone some advice
Of great value to someone / some value / no value
In order to
Obsessed ...
Want to hear your opinion
Allow someone to do something
To someone / something demanding
Recommend someone something
make balance between academic and study
Success in something
Willing to accept something
List all the things you have to do is a good choice.
You seem to spend a lot of time playing football.
To do ... is unwise.
Agree with someone
Give up (doing) something
This is a good way to keep balance for learning and hobby.
Participate in some activities
Reviewing for a test
Linda came home and found the house on fire.
I dont have courage to share my sorrow to my friends.
Tell someone the truth, tell the truth
To argue
Leave time for someone / something
Paul knews who to talk to will get help.
Sandy would like to know where to get recommendations.
Youth counselors to get help from the Department
I need some time to play and relax, right?
The best in the ...
On ... (not) pay attention to
Proud to ...
She found it a bit difficult for her to do sports.
Everyone has problems.
Turn to do something
Reply to three of my latest message
I am sure that is not true.
my pleasure.
That is the meaning of friends.
You can check your work to rectify your own mistakes.
pain of pressure
Eating Healthy
In this way
Better arrangment to time
yelled to someone
Blame your parents
People keep their own grief (and not tell others)
One of the main causes of stress
Many students of my age
To permit the birthday wishes
less Worry
A youth television program guests


gain weight
every now and then

5分 你就想让我们干这么多活?你认真的?


1.I see. 我明白了.2.I quit!我不干了!3.Let go!放手!4.Me too. 我也是.5.My god!天哪!6.No way!不行!7.Come on. 来吧(赶快)8.Hold on. 等一等.9.I agree.我同意.10.Not bad. 还不错.11.Not yet. 还没.12.See you. 再见.13.Shut up!闭嘴!14.So long. 再见...

帮我翻yi一下 词组,翻译成英文(急)
1.热线 hotline 2.下降 decline\/deduce 3.(美)垃圾 rubbish\/waste\/scrap 4.(美)走廊 lobby 5.(美)课间休息 break 6.对某人大方 be generous to sb.7.赞扬某人 praise sb.\/speak highly of sb.8.投票反对某人 vote against sb.9.帮助人们解决问题 help people solve problem 10.相信某...

1.the important thing of history 2.one of the most important things 3.hear something about it 4.ask sb to do sht 5.take place 6.destoried (destory)7.the first Chinese astronaut 8.one national hero 9.for example 10.in the history of now American 11.daily thing 12.in silen...

1.in groups 成群结队的,一组一组的2.check up 检查,核对3.look for 寻找 4.例如 for example, for instance 5.带领某人参观 show somebody around 6.向某人问好 say hello to, send one's regards to 7.请求 ask, request

3.高兴 be happy with 4.谈论 talk about 5.一部有趣的电影 an interesting 6.许愿 make wishes 7.玩的高兴 have a good time 8.在聚会上 at the party 9.在他的生日那天 on her birthday 10.在四月八日那天 on April 8th 11.我的双胞胎兄弟一起庆祝生日 My twin brothers ...

1.Excuse me.2.make the bed.3.half pound of coffee 4.office clerk 5.air the room 6.How about...?7.What's up?8.climb the tree 9.at this moment 10.in the middle of 11.chase after 12.catch a bad cold 13.have a fever\/temperature 14.another two days 15.Have fun!\/...

帮我翻yi一下 词组,翻译成英文(急)
1.热线 hotline 2.下降 decline\/fall\/decrease 3.(美)垃圾 garbage 4.(美)走廊 lobby 5.(美)课间休息 break 6.对某人大方 be generous to sb.7.赞扬某人 praise sb.\/speak highly of sb.\/commend sb.8.投票反对某人 vote against sb.9.帮助人们解决问题 help people solve their ...

like doing sth. \/ be fond of doing sth.26、大部分 mostly \/a majority of \/ the great mass of 27、在…小心照看下 under the carefulness of sb 28、打开 open 29、减少 reduce \/ to lower \/ to decrease 30、十分妒忌 envy \/be green with envy 这些是比较常用的,希望能帮到你 ...

21.用数字写下 write down by figure 22.用文字写下 write down by inscription 23.帮助某人做某事 help ...do...24.很久以前 long time ago 25.一个特别重要的数字 a specil important figure 26.某人的母语 mother tongue of one's 27.古代的数字 the figure of ancient times 28.……...

呵呵)、宝贝肌肤Babies’ Skins、浓妆艳抹Beautifully Make Up、美发宝典Treasury for Hairdressing、我的身体My Body、美容情报Hairdressing Information、男人健康Men’s Health、女人健康Women’s Health、运动健身Exercise and Fitness、身体处方Recipe for Body、心理调频Channel for Mentality、母婴育儿Mothers ...

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