
作者&投稿:漕侮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一点也不像 dosen't look like a little bit
与…相似 sth looks like sth
课外活动 after-school activities

1、a good place to hang out
2、walk past the park
3、a bit small
4、turn left into Oak Tree Street
5、decide to do sth.
6、have advantages and disadvantages

1.the important thing of history
2.one of the most important things
3.hear something about it
4.ask sb to do sht
5.take place
6.destoried (destory)
7.the first Chinese astronaut
8.one national hero
9.for example
10.in the history of now American
11.daily thing
12.in silence
14.the first walk on moon
15.last on about 22 hours
16.all over the world

all world

I am an ordinary student, and I am 17 years old and 1.7 meters tall. I am interested in playing basketball and football, I also watch the TV sometimes, I am open and friendly, and I am willing to make friends with everyone. I study hard, have good score. I like ...

“我帮助我的姐姐整理房间。”翻译成英语是:I helped my sister tidy the room.单词“ tidy”详解 一、音标:英 [ˈtaɪdi] 美 [ˈtaɪdi]二、释义:adj. 整洁的,有条理的;(人)爱整洁的,爱整齐的;<非正式>(款额)巨大的;相当好的,令人满意的 v. 使整洁...

数字一、十、百、千、万、百万、依次推下去的英语翻译如下:一:one 十:ten 百:hundred 千:thousand 万:ten thousand 十万:one hundred thousand 百万:million 千万:ten million 亿:one hundred million 十亿:billion 百亿:ten billion 千亿:one hundred billion 兆:trillion ...

1 出了问题: have some problem 2 染上病毒: get fires 3盼望: wish 4 来回走动:walk back and forth 5把东西弄翻: spilt something 6 散落一地: drop on the floor 7 更换电池: change the battery 8 归还: return 9 收到什么来信: recive someone's letter 10 为了: for 11 大片地方:...

Hello everyone!I am glad to stand here because this is the first time for me to talk with you. Though my English is very poor, I will try my best to speak some English .陈夏琪,Your English is very good!余燕丽,You are a good weiter,郭嘉欣,You are a beautiful and ...

帮我翻译一下这句英语谢谢师兄师姐。 翻译: ①对不起,老师,我回
①对不起,老师,我回答不了你的问题,我英语非常差,我实在想不到单词。1) I'm sorry, teacher, I can't answer your question, my English is very poor, I can't think of the word.②为了跟避免尴尬,我练了好久才说好这句话 (2) in order to avoid embarrassment, I practiced for ...

good morning早上好 英 [ɡud ˈmɔ:niŋ] 美 [ɡʊd ˈmɔrnɪŋ]int.(上午见面时用语)早安,你(们)好;(上午分别时用语)再会 morning 英 [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] 美 [ˈmɔ:rnɪŋ]n.早晨;...

问题补充: 1楼的”ryjily”,自己不会翻译不要去在线翻译,我英语不怎么好,但是也懂. Add: 1st Floor, "ryjily", not to their own will not translate online translation, I am not very good English, but understood. 你认为翻译的语法是对的吗? Do you think that the translation is...

1.Manutacturedby Celxperl Energy CO.LTD 由Celxperl能源公司制造 2.Producl of Taiwan 台湾生产 3.Cell origin from japan\/ Assembled in Taiwan 电池原产地日本\/台湾组装 4.pile provenant du japon\/assemble a Twaiwan 第四句应该是法语,和第三句一样的意思 ...

你好,我尝试着翻译了一下,感觉这句汉语就比较有气势,所以在选词上下了点功夫,并且调换了一下语序,翻译时查阅并参考了有道词典中的相关例句 【译文】Flap your wings and soar in the blue sky,like an unfettered eagle 【参考例句】1.The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.老鹰无需...

南陵县13369269050: 谁能帮我翻译一下英语词组1.产生结果,发展,成功 2.帮助(某人)解决困难 3.用来做- - 4.错误地 5.与--相撞 6.发出响声 7.一片,一块. -
裴鸿莱普:[答案] 1.To produce results, development, and successfully 2.help....out 3.Used to do -- 4.by error 5.collide with 6.let out 7.piece . 【smile(谢谢)采纳哦】

南陵县13369269050: 帮我翻译一下英语词组.
裴鸿莱普: 根据自己的平时积累,get along with sb.是与某人相处的意思,如果你想表达和某人相处得好的话,就可以用get along well with sb.以上仅供参考哦!

南陵县13369269050: 英语翻译麻烦各位帮我翻译一下词组生命之城混浊之城秩序之城毁灭之城主城副城中立联盟还有一个自然之城 -
裴鸿莱普:[答案] City of life City of darkness/disorder City of order City of destruction Main city Secondary city Neutral Alliance City of nature

南陵县13369269050: 帮我翻译一下英语词组!!! -
裴鸿莱普: Self-confidence to try new things Consider something Well suited to do something Carry with something

南陵县13369269050: 麻烦大家帮我翻译点英语词组,谢谢 -
裴鸿莱普: 1、越来越多 more and more / A growing number 2、上上下下 up and down /uphill and downhill 3、征求意见 take advice4、以做…为主 mainly / mostly 5、擅长干… be good at /be expert in / specialize in6、交通灯 traffic light7、发展成 be ...

南陵县13369269050: 帮我翻译几个很简单的英语词组啊!!!!!!!!!!!! -
裴鸿莱普: in front of the gate of our homebetween the American team and the Japanese oneat Room 208

南陵县13369269050: 谁帮帮我翻一下英文词组
裴鸿莱普: 1.around the middle of the month; 2.get ill/be ill/be sick; 3.have lots of fun doing sth..

南陵县13369269050: 英语高手们帮我翻译下词组,谢谢 -
裴鸿莱普: in that case 要是那样的话.get a view of + 地方 观看某地的景色 as far as,直到

南陵县13369269050: 谁能帮帮我翻译个词组成英文
裴鸿莱普: "The product is greatly whole" "Supply information" "Business information" "Member center" "About us"

南陵县13369269050: 谁能帮我翻译几个词组
裴鸿莱普: 权威翻译: Run-flat: 零压续跑 Lateral-arm: 内侧轴 Cross-arm: 横臂

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