
作者&投稿:恭蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

NOW people get a lot of informatinos from TV
informatinos 写错了,应该是informations
German is a European country
German 表示形容词德国的,或者名词德国人,这里应该表示名词德国,用Germany
Yesterday i met an old friend of my father
应该用My father's,父亲的朋友
It is so beautifual place that you must visit it
beautifual 应该改为beautiful
what a terrible weather we have been having
a terrible weather 应该改为 terrible weather, 因为后边的 we have been having 现在完成进行时,表示从过去的某个时间到现在一直持续这个状态,所以应该是经理了不同的天气。
It took place in France ,an European country
an 改为a , European 第一个发音不是元音,所以不能加an
Suddenly i caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd
caught a sight of 改为 caught sight of

1)Everyone of us is workinghard in the factory.
Everyone->Every one
2)I have caught a bad cold for a week and Ican't get rid of it.
caught->been in,(catch 是短暂性动词)
3)This is the steel plant where we visited last week.
4)Following the road and you will find the store.
5)this is all what Dr.Smith said at the meeting.
6)he promised to come and see us after the supper.
7)My mother is busy preparing for supper.
for去掉,prepare sth就是“为...做准备”的意思
8)I've heard him but I never konw him.
heard about,'听说过'
9)We got on the school bus and which took us straight to the
People's Park.
and 去掉
10)Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we sgould hold a meeting to talk about the problem.
agreed to->agreed with"同意某事"
11)Oliver twist,the hero of the story,he was an orphan.
12)the two languages are not atall the same in neither spelling or grammar.
13)The pen is lost,for we cannot find it everywhere.
14)He told me that how important it is to learn English.
15)Can't you remember tell me that the other day?
16)She asked me if I had found out my new pen.
17)He had changed so much that I could hardly know him.
18)I knew from Joan that Mary had fallen ill.
knew from->heard from
19)I think that she must be unhappy,is she?
20)Would you please speak something about your family.
21)We must study hard in order to serve for the people better in the future.
serve for->serve(serve 是及物动词)
22)Thewriting of the report spent me two evenings.
spent ->cost(spent只用于人)
23)If I had time,Ishall see the new film.
see->have seen
24)Don't let the children who are so young to go swimming.
to 去掉(let sb. do sth)
25)It took place in france,an European country.
an->a(European 音标是复音开头)
26)Would you bought the dictionary if you had more money yesterday.
had->had had
27)I shall lend the money to who comes first.
28)That is known to all,taiwan belongs to China.
29)What was it that woke up the baby?
30)"Do you mind getting me some water?""Certainly don't".
31)He enjoyed nothing but listen to music.
listen->listening(enjoy doing sth)
32)Cotton feels softly.
33)He is by far the clever student in our class.
clever->most clever(或cleverest)
34)I came here especially to ask you for advice.
35)I don't doubt whether I'm able to finish the work on time.
36)Would you be kind as to turn off the TV set?
37)Do you know what do these words mean?
38)Do you know anything about the accident happened in the village yesterday?
39)The little girl hurried home with the remained money.
hurried->hurried to
40)Speak slowly and try to make yourself understang.
41)The population of Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing.
42)My father has three brothers and two of them are all Party members.
43)He'll leave Beijing to paris tomorrow.
44)He devoted his life for his country.
for->to(devote ..to)
45)There having no buses,we had to walk home.
having->being(there be结构)
46)Beijing Sunday today,we don't have to work.
being->It being(独立主格)
47)Not had studied his lessons well,he failed in the exam.
had studied->studying
48)My brother has turned an engineer for two years.
49)I have three letters to be answer this afternoon.
50)The recorder needs be repaired before it can be used.
be reparired->reparing

We are all very active and the activities are enjoyable(去掉much)

If you don’t want to take a taxi ,you can go by bus(条件状语从句中用一般现在时代一般将来时)

Bed habits do not come suddebly(原句没有助动词)

I have had a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it(表示持续的状态要用have ,caught表动作,不能和一段时间连用)

I rushed over without delay ,jumped into the water and swam towards him(三个并列谓语要时态一致,后两个都用过去时,第一个也要用)

2. go后面加to(固定搭配)
4.I catch a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it [ have caught a bad cold是现在完成时,其后不可以跟(for a week) 以for


1.We are all very active and the activities are enjoyable
2.If you don't want to take a taxi ,you can go by bus
3.Bed habits do not come suddebly
4.I have been caught a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it
5.I rushed over without delay ,jumped into the water and swam towards him

it改为which 2. lift it 3. Which改为As its改为whose 5.in which改为on which which改为that that改为which where改为which 9. whom改为who what改为which


第一题错误:应该为:we can't see the new film until at the end of the month it will be shown 完全多余。翻译:我们必须等到这个月的月底才能看到这部新电影 第二题错误:taken改为taken away 意思:拿走,取走。My suitcase has been taken away by mistake,ahd i hope it will return s...

英语单句改错题,要答案!!求解析!! there are none calories in water...
为你解答。There are none(no) calories in water.解释:none不能作为形容词用,改成no.Don't showing(show) the students around our school.解释:助动词don't之后要用动词原形。We are looking forward to see(seeing) you at Chinese new year.解释:这个to是介词,而非不定式to do,动词...


1.The food doesn't taste well.改错: The food doesn't taste good(或nice).解释:taste在表示"有...味","吃\/喝起来..."时是一个联系动词,用法类似于be,后面接形容词,而不是副词;翻译:食物味道不佳。2.He spent half a year on writing a short story.改错:He spent half an year ...

改错题就是改搭配啊!Thomas joined in the army last year.去掉in,join是及物动词,直接跟army\/Party\/League等 Driving is also great importance. also---also of be of 。。。的 3. They were tiring after a long day’s hard work. tiring---tired 疲倦的 4. They returned back ...

英语 单句改错 200分
1.The soup smells well.错误订正:well改为good 正确句子:The soup smells good.语法归纳:(1)上面有朋友指出smell没有第三人称单数是不正确的,smell的后面当然可以根据主语需要加s。(2)这里考的是系动词+形容词的考点。像smell, look, taste, sound, feel等表感官的系动词,后面要加形容词,即...


1.has an interest in sth 对……有兴趣 2.regret doing 指对做过的事感到后悔 而regret to do 指后悔自己将不去作某事 3。A and B看作复数,此题 a certain degree of patience and skill 是复数 4.前面的knew是过去式,这里并列的recognized也过去式 5. 【that (B)】没修饰任何先行词,...

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错.是单句改错.1.Can you tell me the name of the factory where you visited last week?2.I have two sisters,both of them are doctors.3.I will give your ... -
仪矩永适:[答案] 1.Can you tell me the name of the factory where you visited last week? where 改为 which 2.I have two sisters,both of them are doctors. doctors 改为 doctor 3.I will give your sister a model plane which she will like to play. will 改为 would 4.Which we know,...

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错 -
仪矩永适: 1. ... such an interesting novel ...2. The surprised look ....3. Do you find it possible ....4. ... hope we live a happy life

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错十题 -
仪矩永适: 1, doesn't 改为didn't 2, milks 改为 milk 3, taking 改为 take 4, others 改为 else 5, is 改为 are

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错,怎么做 -
仪矩永适: 1.B----kinds of 2.C-----some 3.A----I'd like 4.D----soup 5.B-----beef 我保证答案正确率!求推荐~

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错5句 -
仪矩永适: 1. 去掉that2.shouldn't talk改为shouldn't have talked3.as if i don't 改as though I didn't4.so good a film5.改为It has been ten years since he came home.

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错
仪矩永适: 改为 1.Who else was at the party? 2.She feels unhappy, doesn't she? 3.Has she finished the work yet? 4.We have already won your team. 5.I'm sorry for troubling you so many times. 6.Do you have any smaller ones here? 7.Sorry, I didn't return the ...

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错 -
仪矩永适: 第一句,应该改are 为is,因为people后边不能用are.第二句:改latter为letter 前者是'后来'的意思,后者才是'信'的意思.第三句:个人认为,hi 改成 his第4句:ago 改成 before第5句:写成:he as...

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错
仪矩永适: 1.for应改为to,意思是“对……好(指相处和平)”. 2.repair应改为repaired,car状态是“被修理”. 3.我不知道了,put up的up应改为…… 第三个应该是花掉的意思

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错
仪矩永适: 1. What do you like 2. likes---like 3. for the breakfast----for breakfast 4. meal---meals 5. do---does 6. vegetable----vegetables 7. on---for 8. to---去掉 9. are---is 10. health---healthy

翠峦区13825017242: 英语单句改错急急急 -
仪矩永适: 1. can't【mustn't也可,但不如can't】2. mustn't--needn't3. 对4. 对5. mustn't--can't6. can--must


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