英语 单句改错 200分

作者&投稿:苍庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2.把it去掉,因为that 引导的定语从句,在从句中作visit 的宾语,it 在这里多余。
3.把a 去掉,因为天气为不可数名词。
4.把冠词an 变成冠词a ,只要首字母发的不是元音,此处为ju:,所以加a 
5.把it 去掉,one 后边省略了that ,that在从句中作宾语,因此it多余。
6.把where 改成为which, 因为where 只能在定语从句中作状语,不可以做主语。
8.把prepare改成preparing,be busy doing sth是常用词组。

He insisted on my checking it
insist on 是固定表达

1.The soup smells well.
正确句子:The soup smells good.
(2)这里考的是系动词+形容词的考点。像smell, look, taste, sound, feel等表感官的系动词,后面要加形容词,即:smell/look/taste/sound/feel+adjective
例如:This dish tastes delicious.
例如:This dish tastes like fish.
例如:The silk is felt nice. (Χ)==>正确的应为:The silk feels nice.
The silk is felt like cotton. (Χ)==>正确的应为:The silk feels like cotton.

2.The stream flew right under their tent.
正确句子:The stream flowed right under their tent.
语法归纳:(1)上面有朋友指出将tent改为tents是错误的,their tent指的是多人共住的那顶帐篷,无语法错误。

3.Both Tom and Jerry is going to help you.
正确句子:Both Tom and Jerry are going to help you.
语法归纳:(1)这里考的是both A and B的句型。此句型后面的动词必须用复数,因为指的是A和B两者都...。
Both of us/them ... ==>are
All of us/them ... ==>are
Either of us/them ...==>is
Neither of us/them ...==>is
None of us/them ...==>are/is
Not only A but also B ==>动词形式与B保持一致
例如:Not only Tom but also his cousins are going to help you. (√)
Neither A nor B ==>动词形式与B保持一致
例如:Neither Tom nor I am going to help you. (√)
Either A or B ==>动词形式与B保持一致
例如:Either Lucy or Mary is going to help you. (√)
A as well as B ==>动词形式与A保持一致
例如:Our monitors as well as Mary are going to help you. (√)

4.Those windows are dirty,they need washed.
错误订正:washed改为washing或to be washed
正确句子:Those windows are dirty, they need washing.或:Those windows are dirty, they need to be washed.
(2)这里的考点是:sth.need(needs/needed)+doing=sth.need(needs/needed)+to be done,这两个句型均表示被动。

5.I am looking forward to see him tomorrow.
正确句子:I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.
语法归纳:(1)这里考的是look forward to的用法,分别是:look forward to doing sth.或look forward to sth.
例如:I am looking forward to receiving your letter.
I am looking forward to your letter.
单词:enjoy, practise, finish, miss, mind等
短语:be interested in, be good/bad at, be fond of, be worried about, be excited about, feel like, be busy, what about, how about, find an excuse for (not), stop sb. from等


1.The soup smells nice/good
2.The stream flowed right under their tent 。
因为是their,所以应该是tents 用复数
3.Both Tom and Jerry are going to help you
Both....and....用are ,而不是is
4.Those windows are dirty,they need washing(to be washed).
因为those 所以window用复数形式,而need可以和不定式的被动式或动名词连用,所以应该是to be washed 或者 need washing。
5.I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow
这个简单,looking forward to 后应该加动名词形式,所以是 seeing 。

1.把well 改为good.在这个句子中,well代表身体健康的意思
3.把is改成are:因为tom和jerry是两个人 ,复数

1.The soup smells well. well-good

2.The stream flew right under their tent ?

3.Both Tom and Jerry is going to help you is-are

4.Those window are dirty,they need washed need+to be

5.I am looking forward to see him tomorrow see-seeing

1.把well 改为good.在这个句子中,well代表身体健康的意思
3.把is改成are:因为tom和jerry是两个人 ,复数
4.window改为windows.因为是复数,washed改washing,need doing表示被动

1. smells"s"去掉。smell没有第三人称形式
4.need后加to be 应该被洗

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壤眉君凯:[答案] 1 are --->is 2.which--->whose 3.第二个who are去掉 4.her去掉 5.that--->who

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