
作者&投稿:浦缪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nowadays, it is quite common that college students take up a part time job as tutor . It brings about something good as well as not very good at the same time.
In many families, supporting a child to study at a college is not very easy, most of their family income has to be spent on their children. If a college student could take up a part time job ,it would reduce the economic pressure for his family.

This is the good effect of the college student to take up a part time job as tutor.
And what is the disadvantage to the college student whose main task is study ? it will affect his study to some extent, when he takes up a part time job.
This is the graet disadvantage of taking up a tutor's job.

As far as I am concerned, I think it is good to have a part time job, but I think one should strike a balance between job and study.

表达得不错。不过避免再用很多的同样重复句子,使文章冗长。 前面讲过的不必重复,阅读者自然明白

we should be patient and politely 。politely错误,为副词
don't be so tence when you are in a job interview. tence 错误

<As we all konw, the colleges have open theirs doors wider,this is a good thing,it makes more chances for people to study in college and recieve better education.>(原文)
(改后)As we all know, the colleges have widely opened their doors. It is a good thing, because there is more chances for young people to get in college, receiving better education.

<But at the same time,the colleges' opening their doors wider bring something bad also.Nowadays,enter a college is more and more easily than before,it means there is more and more college student in the society,being a college student is not means deriving a job.>

But at the same time, it also brings something bad. Nowadays, entering a college is easier than before, and it means that there is more and more college students in the society; therefore, being a college graduates do not guarantee good jobs.

<As the quality of college student rising so fastly,more and more college student can not get a job.
In my opinion, it's no doubt that colleges' opening their doors wider is good for development of society,but people who get a chance of studing in college should work hard to improve his ablity so that he can get a job.>

As the quality of college students get higher and higher, more and more graduates could no longer get jobs.
Im my opinion, there is no doubt that colleges' desicion is good for development of the society, but people who get a chance studying in colleges need to work harder in order to get good jobs.


As we all konw, the colleges have open their doors wider.This is a good thing.It creates more opportunities for people to study in a college and recieve better education.
However, at the same time,opening their doors wider would bring something bad as well. Nowadays,entering a college is more and more easy than before.It means there is more and more college student in the society,being a college student does not equals to securing a job. As the quality of college student decreases so quickly, more and more college student cannot get a job.
In my opinion, it's no doubt that colleges accepting more students can be good for the development of society, but people who get a chance to study in college should work hard to improve his ability so that he can get a job.

Comment: quite a well written piece for a Chinese citizen, continue to work hard! I have corrected most of your errors. Your main error is that you don't end your sentence correctly. you often puts a coma althought the sentence is already complete. Hope this will enlighten you. Good luck!

bring --brings
there is --there are
college stu--college students
is not means --does not mean
college student --college students
so fastly--so 删掉 fast

路过, LZ要加油啊! 我改天有时间了帮你全部改过来, 现在认真上班ING!

Nowadays, it is quite common that college students take up a part time job as tutor . It brings about something good as well as not very good at the same time.In many families, supporting a child to study at a college is not very easy, most of their family income has to...

大唐飞歌且暂休,坤维繁华不回头,独爱伊人心满忧,沙黄草绿圆月秀,翠莺轻啼化思愁。不知道您满意否,其实外在形式不重要,只要你的心满是你女友,我相信这才是她最想要的礼物~ 祝福你俩哦~ O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


麻烦 情场高手\/天仙姐姐 帮下小弟 寻找藉口(s)

(改后)As we all know, the colleges have widely opened their doors. It is a good thing, because there is more chances for young people to get in college, receiving better education.<But at the same time,the colleges' opening their doors wider bring something bad also.Nowadays,...


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牛青活宁: 以后请不要匿名提问哦.紫微斗数预测:您是个善...

周宁县19764083198: 紧急!麻烦高手告诉我在word中怎么查看写了多少字?
牛青活宁: 工具菜单底下有个字数统计 一个汉字为两个字符,每个阿拉伯数字和英文都算一个字符

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牛青活宁: 你这配置绝对没问题,显卡也可以,我很负责的说,我笔记本都能玩的很流畅,网游更没问题! 另:希望你不要玩永恒之塔 我TM玩了两年让盛大坑毁了,最近才戒了

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牛青活宁: 39画

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